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About Isaaq

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  1. No. It has nothing to do with it being alpha. See, there is nothing stopping the Dev's instantly removing third person. There's no bugs in question. It's not a feature request. Crying 'alpher' every time anyone says anything is only counter productive. He's trying to discuss whether third person should be removed in the future or not overall. That's exactly what alphas are for, actually. Discussing the future for the game. The way people use third person for their advantage couldn't be fixed or 'addressed' in any way. It's just something that is possible with third person. Anyway, as many people have said, use a hardcore server. Issue fixed. Why play on a third person server if you don't want to use third person?
  2. Apologies for the girlish laugh and the inability to form a coherent sentence... It caught me off guard. Apparently, some zombies retain habits from their life - and this gymnast decided to give a front flip a go. http://youtu.be/m5DqSDuQVVk
  3. Isaaq

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Not complaining, simply wondering before I post a bug that might be my connection (though very doubtful.) Is anyone else having problems playing... Like, at all? I've connected to maybe ten different servers now, trying to get one to work. First, it takes an abnormal amount of time to connect... Then, I connect - only to have the yellow chain icon appear in the bottom right for a while. In this time, no loot loads, along with my hotbar. I can walk around, but open no doors - parts of the inventory are not yet loaded either (normally boots and backpack...) Finally, after a few minutes, the hotbar appears, all equipment is loaded and nothing else happens. Can't take anything into hands through hot bar, interact with my inventory - or loot, open doors or do anything. No more connection error icons from here on out. It's odd, as I've just been playing GMod and Counter Strike with no issues whatsoever - and pings of 10 and below... Should point out I've never experienced this before (used to have the occasional minute or so on connection, but rarely.) But I've not played since the day Rev. 0.30.113953 came out.
  4. Isaaq

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    I think the point was that they'd gotten a hell of a lot of money already - and could, in the original person's view, develop faster. I'm a little unsure on my opinion on that, though I would point out that they don't need to train people... They'd contract in or hire people who already knew how to do what they need and maybe just give them a brief introduction to the engine.
  5. Isaaq

    "Friendly Servers"

    The way I see the PvP element of DayZ is like trouble in terrorist town. That gametype is popular as it has the essence of 'I might be killed when anyone sees me.' DayZ just brings it to a whole new level with higher risk/reward - it's probably an 80% chance anyone you meet is unfriendly. But if their not and you get along? The reward can be awesome.
  6. Stuff like draw distance really needs work. Not sure how it all works, but billboarding and such is pretty essential, I think, if they want to get better FPS in general. Also, there seems to be a lot on unnecessary objects - namely grass. If you go into your average plains, I'm sure you can see 1000+ grass objects at any one time. Obviously that's not accurate at all, but it's ridiculous, is my point. The main thing, it seems, is certain settings. For example, clouds can actually have a noticeable hit on your framerate from disabled to very low, even.
  7. Yeah. What's your setup? I generally average around 15 in dense areas (cities and forests) and 40+ in slightly better areas, not listing all out my graphical settings, but their not great. However, I can play games like Far Cry 3 and Crysis 3 on high/ultra with better framerates. The game isn't well optimized yet - and unless you spent £1000+ on your setup, it's unlikely people'll be getting good framerates. (Good really being more like 40+ on a reasonable PC. You shouldn't dip below 30FPS very much with the recommended specs. But it'll be worked on.
  8. Isaaq

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    That's odd. Is it rubber banding as I described it, or is it general jumping around? Like I said, everybody I know who play the game had massive issues with rubber banding before - and have not since the latest patch. That's not to say that I've not experienced jittery character positions since, but that's a completely separate issue. Also, have the servers you've been playing on actually updated yet?
  9. Isaaq

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    I've had no rubber banding whatsoever since the patch... And I was experiencing it to a point where the game was literally unplayable on every single server. Two things to anyone still saying rubber banding is present; First, try another server. Look for ones which have low ping for you. Sorry, if you're on a bad / high ping server, no matter how many friends are on it, it will always be unplayable, even in final. Second, do you know what rubber banding is? I don't mean this in any insulting way whatsoever, but there seems to be a large misunderstanding with it. It's not sliding around or anything like that. Rubber banding is where you run for a while - it can be literally a second or even longer than ten minutes - and then you teleport backwards to where you started. That has not occurred for me since the patch - and I was having entire hours rubber banded before. The final thing to consider with rubber banding is they fixed the rubber banding that was being caused by the game directly. Basically, that's the really, really bad stuff that most people experience. But rubber banding is naturally caused in every game when you have bad internet, a bad connection or the server you are playing on is bad for any reason whatsoever. So, I'm going to go ahead and say they have fixed rubber banding. The issue likely lies with you, as no one I know has experienced it (after having unplayable days) since the patch.
  10. Isaaq

    Alpha - Bet

    I don't agree. You pay for the finished product, really. You don't pay so you can test the game, you pay so you can play it early. They shouldn't release it as 'pay to alpha test' because it's going to create expectations (as you're paying money for it, you expect it to be usable) of quality. I don't feel they handled it as well as they could have - and all of the crying and bitching could have been avoided entirely if they'd handled it the way people used to. I hate this trend of 'buy it now and hope it works out' - the only game it's ever actually worked out for me on was Minecraft - and that was because that game could afford to be developed completely differently to any other game. DayZ, like so many other games, seems to have just jumped on the bandwagon without considering the fact that their game isn't suited to that style of development.
  11. Isaaq

    Alpha - Bet

    Ehh, to some extent, I agree with you. It's out of proportion at the moment, but complaining is absolutely a necessary part of most games being developed. Personally, however, I have no problems with how it's working out. Server problems over the last few days are a pain in the ass, but I can wait for it to be fixed. But there is one issue I have to point out here. I understand that there are disclaimers and everything - about it being an alpha and buggy - and you should only buy it if you plan on helping find bugs, etc etc. But if that was the reason you get alpha, why do we have to pay? Why not make alpha free - cut down on the bitching and have more people actually testing the game - then charge in beta or even final? That's how it used to be - and that worked just fine. They say they've only released it now to satisfy people - and help with the alpha development. But that's not the case. They released it now because they wanted to make money off of it. I understand that - it obviously is necessary for the game to be developed properly (though most games survive until release...) So, the thing is, even if they warn us about it and all that shit, they have to expect people to be pissed when the game is unplayable - because they paid for it. You don't pay to be part of alpha development. You pay to get the game early - and while, again, I don't really mind that much as I actually enjoy finding the bugs, I absolutely understand why people are pissed off - and I agree with them. Alpha access should be free if you don't want people bitching about the game being unplayable. That's the simple truth - and no amount of disclaimers and warnings are going to negate that - because they know people aren't going to listen to that shit. TLDR; They charged for alpha access. Warnings or not, people have a right to expect it to be playable in the most basic form. If they wanted bug testing - and not to make some money now, they should have released it free. They know/knew the vast majority of people would ignore the warnings, and while I actually enjoy bug testing - and have no personal problems with the current progression, it's completely fair for people to be pissed.
  12. Isaaq

    Alpha - Bet

    Except if you don't have people complaining about stuff and asking for stuff, you end up with a much worse off game in the end. That's why they have open alphas (or at least did, until people started charging to alpha test and essentially selling the game before it's ready, rather than inviting people to help fix the game - and pay a reduced price, or even full price when it's actually ready.)
  13. Isaaq

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Actually, complaining can be what influences action the most. If you have people saying 'eh, it's okay how it is, but this would be nice,' you'll get slow development. If you have people saying 'this game is unplayable. Fix this, seriously. This needs fixing.' Assuming the devs actually give any kind of a fuck about their game, they'll generally respond more actively to that kind of thing. Now, I don't agree with people telling the devs their being lazy and shit like that - but complaining, to some extent, is EXACTLY what Alphas need - as well as the people who gently remind the complainers that it is in fact an alpha - and while people need to bring up stuff to get it fixed, the devs can't do everything at once. However, bugs do have their place - and some people don't seem to know where that is (though bug reporting and discussing a bug are two very different things - and both should be welcome.)
  14. Isaaq

    Connection Issues?

    I've been connecting on every third or so server - it's more the rubber banding and sliding about that is a serious problem... It's odd that this has all come about without any new updates though - everything was absolutely fine for me up until yesterday - and unless they released a hidden one somehow, it's almost like the game's deteriorated by its self. (I played all day when they released 925 and had no issues - the servers were updated too.) Odd, but whatever - I'm going to assume the problems are all server side. Definitely very demoralizing. I've lost four characters in three days due to 'inability to retrieve character.' I mean, I get that it's an alpha, but it's a little weird that this kind of problem is suddenly emerging.
  15. Isaaq

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    It's not fixed yet, this patch has not yet been released to the public. It should be soon - today was also the first time I experienced rubber banding... Which ruined just under an hour of gameplay with no warning signs.