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Everything posted by UbuntuFoo

  1. UbuntuFoo

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    Baby carriages + shopping carts (great storage, limit movement speed) Poison (apply to weapons,food) Bells (make trip wire sound traps) Zombie guts (loot off zombie with edged melee, apply to self for reduced aggro radius for 1 day cycle or until clothes reach "soaking wet" status) Agitation stick (used for dog training/animal control. Imagine wrangling a zombie and leading them around the map, at other survivors or simply Michon style from The Walking Dead)
  2. I thought he was referring to static containers that would be searchable, like closed cabinets, refrigerators and lockers. No animations but will introduce thousands of new potential loot locations and allow patient looters to score more goods.
  3. UbuntuFoo

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    Technically, you need guns for gun fights, not for action. Melee weapons (improvements coming!) can generate intense action. Ranged weapons allow for lazy diplomacy; I don't have to trade/beg/ally/bribe/trick/interrogate/assist/protect someone if I can end them in 1 button press. Putting players in situations where they have to do ANYTHING other than shoot or run is what could make DayZ special. Narrow sighted if we can't acknowledge that as a community.
  4. UbuntuFoo

    NWAF fire house camper

    Hate seeing a new player get a bad break. But you can't take claims like "no KOS allowed" seriously. You have to know better. Like never getting in a windowless van with a hairy man at the wheel waving a lollipop.
  5. UbuntuFoo

    best strategy for hand vs M4

    Unacceptable. You must be predictable for slow-witted survivors to maintain the upper hand. Bravo for finding ways to have fun other than freshie sniping and force feeding. Shame on anyone who's gonna rip a guy for outsmarting an armed player with his fists! Don't stand so close to a desperate survivor with nothing to lose!
  6. UbuntuFoo

    Lost everything after getting scared off heavy breathing

    MadMedic... Run dude, run. Save yourself. From this thread. *hears a sneeze and alt+F4's browser*
  7. UbuntuFoo

    Gamma exploit

    Lots of anger here. Nobody wants to accept the notion that nighttime play is unpolished currently so players make due with what they have? They gave us gamma and brightness sliders for what exactly? To all the monkeys spouting the same line about exploits: I've changed my key binds from the default to a layout optimized for me. Tell me how this is an exploit next.
  8. UbuntuFoo

    where's the .357 speed loader?

    Fire station is best bet. Found 2 there so far. Anywhere else and the loot table includes so much civilian junk that its super duper rare to spawn.
  9. I've found a LRS everywhere that M4 attachments can be found. I've never seen one in a civilian loc but it sounds like its possible and super rare. 1/2 the players I find are treeline snipers so I'm not worried about reduced spawn rates. But the spawn rates will change ALOT as testing continues and the loot tables are flooded with new items. So if you can't wait for a LRS go hunt some bush wookies north of elektro.
  10. UbuntuFoo

    Server hoppers in high weapon areas.

    If anyone thinks they lowered M4 spawns solely to impede server hoping you're still not errrr getting it. Testing. Alpha. Bug fixes. Just be prepared for EVERYTHING you think you know about this game to change at least once during 2014 and roll with the punches!
  11. UbuntuFoo

    Night Time is Unplayable

    The realism of night is a draw for me. But I can hardly see lootable objects during night play without a flashlight. Players aren't too hard to see, and I can navigate reasonably well but all i can do to loot is walk around a house and spam TAB hoping to see anything in the vicinity window, because tuna fish is completely camouflaged in the solid black shadows. Same with items in tents, hangars. And cars... forget it. Its BSOD inside cars. I can wing it in some buildings where im familiar with some of the loot spawn points but I know im missing most loot in certain buildings. The screenshot posted earlier that's as black as the margins on the sides of this forum page.... that's my DayZ night time experience indoors. I cant find a battery for my head torch, I tried lugging a gas lamp around and dropping it in rooms I want to loot, but the lamp has stopped working entirely. Ive tried gamma and brightness adjustments both in game and via monitor; i have tried clouds off and on; HDR is set to low; Object detail is set to high; shadows set to very low. All of my other settings are low-medium for a palatable frame rate at 1280x720. Dell 21 inch monitor. See the staircase in front of me.... neither do I. Here im looking at a pair of jeans on the floor in the corner of the bar room. So, its an issue for many.
  12. UbuntuFoo

    First impressions about the new update

    Tonight I logged into a DayZ US server and it gave me my character from 4-5 days ago. I was able to switch to several other servers in quick succession without being fresh-spawned. So, server hopping does not promise a fresh respawn.
  13. UbuntuFoo

    Look what I found and can't pickup.

    Fear not, puny man. 3 months of a strict routine including squats and overhead press.... that bookshelf will be your b**ch.
  14. UbuntuFoo

    USE FOR PAPER IN DAYZ! a.k.a. How I play DayZ

    if you have short keys you can partially wedge a penny under keys 2+3 to pin the W
  15. OP got me excited... first reply really took the wind out of my sails. But I appreciate the realism aspect and the solid contribution, Ineedscoffee. Is it far fetched to include fiberglass arrows in the loot tables? Perhaps poisons can be created somehow at some point to be applied to piercing weapons and projectiles.
  16. Here's some compiled bug workarounds. Remember, this stuff will be fixed in time so this isn't a piss and moan thread. - When reloading the mosin while prone it locks up and glitches. Cancel it by putting the gun away for a few moments. Avoid it by rising to a crouch for reloads. You may be able to drop the gun and reload it in 'vicinity' window? + to avoid that glitch, eject bullets (if some left) - put the mosin out of your hands (X-button), throw bullets into mosin (drag&drop) and directly take it in your hands (drag&drop) while the reloading animation appears - almost as fast as normal reloading (thanks h0nkX) - Switching between quick slot items is far less buggy if you lower the weapon/item before switching. Alternatively you can make the item switch via the inventory for better results. - - If you switch items/weapons with them raised your character will stop moving, but if its lowered you can switch while on the move. - Switching weapons while crouching ALWAYS (for me anyway) results in the character putting it away immediately after. I've had hit and miss success with simply doing it in the inventory(thanks Hells High) - Death by ladder - I've eliminated ladder deaths by always standing up straight and emptying hands before I start climbing down. Otherwise my survivor will jog off the edge, lemmings style. For ladders that drop you when you reach the top, start sprinting forward at the top (thanks Trent Wise) - Jog toggle will sometimes bug out, preventing you from jogging. I used to d/c to fix this but I found its an issue with right-click zooming, so just spam right click a bunch of times to fix the jog bug. - The max stack size for M4 ammo is 60. The only way to achieve this I've found is filling a 60-round mag and emptying it to create stacks of 60. - Firing from prone will sometimes cause bullets to clip the ground directly in front of you. This is unrelated to zeroing. This is just a theory but perhaps the mechanic that causes grass to flatten when prone is interfering with bullet path. I can't test until tmrw. - Stuck in walls - my cousin managed to get stuck in a wall/sealed room twice. Both times he was sucked into the wall by opening his inventory while walking into the wall. Same thing got him out. He reproduced this in the jailhouse building wall, bottom of the stairs directly to the right. + if your glitched into a invisible room, run against all walls while pressing V (jump) to glitch out of the room. if this does'nt help, run against the wall and unplug your internetcable/wlanstick and immediatly put it back - now you should rubberbanded straight out of the room. (Thanks h0nkX) --Expansion of getting out of walls trick. When you get stuck in an invisible wall, go up to the wall and standing vault NOT RUNNING and quickly disconnect from the server and rejoin. Your character should be on the other side of the wall (thanks Immersive) Please chime in if you have any workarounds!
  17. UbuntuFoo

    *Workarounds to some common bugs*

    Good tips on mosin reload and escaping walls/rooms. Is drawing blood from an unconscious player 100% safe? Like the game doesn't deduct that blood and outright kill them?As far as the multiple canteens, your tip didn't work for me. If I have 3 canteens, 1 full and 2 empty, only the full one is recognized in my hands regardless which canteen I actually drag+drop.
  18. UbuntuFoo

    Was this guy cheating?

    There's a teleport hack I've witnessed in a youtube vid. It apparently moved the hacker about 10 yards in the direction he faced. another reason community should be happy with vulnerability fixes and ease off the demands for content so soon.
  19. UbuntuFoo

    How to give an item to someone?

    Only way currently to access a players inventory directly is cuffed/uncon/dead. That will change in development I'm sure
  20. Imagine buying a used Honda Civic for a low price but in 12-18 months it will develop to have the style, handling and options of a new BMW. Yes its that simple. I know you really want the '02 Mitsu Eclipse with aftermarket body kit and engine that needs work from your 'friend' who has been pushing you to buy off him. If that's your cup of tea then go play a generic death match FPS and leave DayZ to the adults ;)
  21. UbuntuFoo

    The Mosin can't hit properly at a steep elevation?

    I can confirm this bug. Scenario: From a slight decline NW of elektro I fired on a group of 4 camping elektro from the NE hill near the power plant. They were elevated and i was prone, bipod deployed, distance of 650ish meters. I zeroed at 700. After the first kill his mates looted his body. I crawled forward MAYBE 6 inches to flatten grass obscuring my scope, fired, and hit SOMETHING slighlty below the gun barrel. With nothing else to go on, I'm blaming it on grass clipping. And this will be fixed so enjoy sniping from a crouch if you can't stand this bug.
  22. UbuntuFoo

    Sniper Rifles

    Have you guys seen that zombie movie where the protagonist dies from a kamikaze sniper hiding in a bush a mile away, just 30 minutes in from the opening credits? RP'ing a murderous maniac whose own survival is an afterthought.... lazy sniping with OHK's to the pinky toe from a mile out.... how many of these players can a server support before everyone else's gameplay experience suffers? Isn't that a good question to ask, before demanding high-powered rifles?
  23. UbuntuFoo

    Blood VS Saline.

    I thought saline was for unconscious only. Good to know! I love having full blood bags hanging around, just be sure to harvest them in advance, and in a healthy state. IMO saline and blood should have a longer time to administer. Saline should have a HoT effect rather than instant.
  24. UbuntuFoo

    Bodies vanishing after killing them

    I do believe its not yet possible to drag something straight from a corpse to the ground. Yet. Thats been my experience anyway.
  25. UbuntuFoo

    The Balota Situation / Skiddie

    If I put 10 rounds cleanly into someone and they didn't drop, I might log in a panic too. Ghosting sucks. Really ruins the immersion for me. That's my reason for arguing against a global inventory, or minimizing it at the very least. Putting a damper on weapon hoarding = putting a damper on gun hopping/ghosting