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About Matsove7

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    On the Coast
  1. tI dont quite think it was necessary to become full retard on me over a post tho, But.. Okay..
  2. Yes i have. :) But as i said, I dont know this is Bugs, Since in DayZ Mod they walked trough doors.
  3. Hai there survivors! In the DayZ Standalone Alpha i have Experienced some bugs, Or im not quite sure if it is a bug. But the Zombies dosent just walk trough doors, But also walls? :\ As im a newbie and alot of others are, It would be nice to be safe inside a building\House, Like it would be in real life, But it would be cool if Zombies could break in (If there is many of'em it'l go Quicker). And also, There is no Respawning of loot or Zombies i assume? Because if the server runtime is some hours all cities will be Wiped for loot and Zombies mot likely (After my Experciense of the game so far) I dont really know where this would fit in as i dont know if it is a bug. :)