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About Dööd

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dööd

    Can we talk about gambling?

    Rock paper scissors
  2. Dööd

    [Suggestion] survivor turns livingdead

    Tryed bit too fast and didnt see any. (OBV there is thread. Every idea i got my mind found here allready. :lol:) sry! But still as we can wipe basically all the zombies from the map, i think there sould be some methods to get new zeds in the game.
  3. When player dies, corpse should turn as a NPC zombie. It would be fun, if u can observe for while what your dead character does. Perhaps zombie should drop 75% of all gear what player carried to that point where player died, but i would like the idea, that zombies have some loot too. This is one way we are able to "spawn new zombies" in to the game. It can be like that when zombie hit you, you will get infected and character will die by infection. dead infrected character will resurrected as a nonplayable and start attacking to your teammates. What you think?
  4. Dööd

    Let's make it happen Rocket

    rubber bullets bean bag rounds knocks down couple of minutes and self defence sprays. Cant see nothing like few mins. vomiting etc.
  5. Dööd

    Audio item suggestions (some PsyOps)

    Megaphones I rly like the idea of screaming to the other survivors with megaphone. Siren sound should included imo.
  6. All i want is statistic. How many hours survived, howmany shots hitted/missed, how many kilometers etc, etc. Sky is the limit for stats. Beard is cool thou. Obv you should have ability to shave it off.