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About JReacher

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    On the Coast
  1. JReacher

    No competent player should die

    I think I've only been in Elektro once, Cherno maybe 2-3 times and I'm sure that has been one of the reasons I've had characters with 20+ days. I've only been PK'd once I think. Most of my death comes at the hands of Zed, and that is almost always ass-headed situations on my part. Broke my leg in Zelengorsk, popped a smoke grenade in the supermarket parking lot and let the Enfield reign down on them (didn't get them all), and the next time i wanted to hear how loud the new double barrel was (was in a deer stand and killed 3 but aggro'd like 12 or so, only had 8 rounds). These are stupid mistakes, but they made for good gaming moments, hell that's the way John Wayne would have done it. Could never see myself playing as a "sniper", no fun in my opinion. Why only occupy a 1sq mile area of a huge sandbox game. Just not for me I guess. I do enjoy following people through the woods to see what they're up to, but I've only murdered in self defense after being shot at.
  2. JReacher

    Broken Bones And No Morphine

    I think the problem is morphine is fairly rare, if you're in the west how likely are you to make a crawl all the way to a hospital? It can be done, but it would take a little while. Seems like I used to find morphine in other spots, but I'm sure they slimmed it down. I went on a zombie rampage last night after I broke my leg in Zelenogork, I knew I'd never make it so I sat up in the parking lot of the supermarket and started taking out zombies. I had been alive for 23 days, hopefully somebody decent found my shit.
  3. JReacher

    Zelenagorsk used to be a nice town....

    I'd been alive for 23 days before I went to Zelenagorsk. Was there last night, heard lots of shooting so me and my friend made our way out of town, aggro'd a few zombies which we killed but not before he hit me hard enough to break a bone. Neither of us had any morphine, so I knew it was time to end my living streak. I crawled to the supermarket parking lot and started taking out Z's with my Enfield, I think I got 8-10 before they got to me. F U Zelenagorsk.
  4. I don't know "Days" is something I heard people (usually women) say as short for "Days of our Lives"! Like, "hey what's happening on Days?" Not that I watched it(seriously, I didn't). Although I couldn't think of a more fitting end to a soap opera than zombies killing everyone in their little over dramatic world. Although I do mostly say Days, I try to emphasize the Z more so nobody confuses my desire to kill zombies with some desire to find out what's happening with Stefano and Patch. Dammit I just realized I know too much about "Days". For this I deserve to find myself in the lost in the woods with a broken leg being slowly beaten by a hopping zed.
  5. Date/Time: What happened: I have a recurring issue where I cannot use (morphine, bandage, etc) on other players. It is normally after they got their ass kicked and need help (bleeding out) and I have to drop bandages and stuff on the ground. Where you were: Random areas, cities, zombie filled areas, and zombie free areas What you were doing: Trying to heal or assist another person *Current installed version: Was having the problem even with older versions, but I'm now beta patched and updated and it is still occurring *Server(s) you were on: Happens on pretty much every server *Your system specs: Intel i5 [email protected] 8GB RAM Win 7 64bit Geforce 9800GT *Timeline of events before/after error: Pretty much all the time, I can't remember the last time it worked.
  6. It seems the most logical progression would be to start with a mobile before ever attempting a base. This would allow for a large inventory build up, require less manpower, and be easier to guard and/or get away during bandit raids. I guess once the server is picked, it will then need a handful of vehicles (large truck for holding mobile inventory, and small vehicles for raids and/or meeting traders with tradees), and a few standard locations where a trader representative can be met. The first few days would probably be gathering ammo and blood packs to trade out with your average scavenger (requesting the priorty for vehicle parts). I have yet to ever find a vehicle or even a tent for that matter so I have no idea how long it would take to put together a small fleet. Keep everyone posted on the updates to the project, and good luck actually getting something solidified.
  7. I've been having a problem for a while, I experience on multiple versions (rolled back to 1.60 now) and on multiple servers. The problem is I cannot pick up new backpacks and interact (bandage,blood bag, morphine) with others but the people I'm travelling with can interact with me. I've read the posts about looting everything with the backpack and I will try that the next time I happen upon an Alice, but the other items are really affecting my ability to help the people I'm travelling with. I have bandages, morphine, and blood bags in my immediate inventory but the only option I have is to Open their backpack while they are bleeding out or whatever. I did try to search for some help, but I didn't see anything that covered all of these items. They seem to be related, but not sure what could be wrong or how I can fix it. Any help is appreciated.
  8. I just came upon this thread, but To me it seems that it would be considerably easier to set up more of a Caravan or mobile trading network considering the following ideas. 1) Manpower - with most servers hosting 50 players it could take half the server to maintain a trading post between the guards, traders, and supply teams. This would increase considerably with a 24 hour trading operation 2) Eliminates the possibilities of spawn raiding and similar attacks. If there is no set location, it will be impossible to raid something that you are not sure of the location. 3) Mobile trading would be much more active and prevent any sort of low morale from lack of action, although I'm sure there would definitely be raids on a set location. 4) Unless there was a much larger server I can't imagine the demand being high enough to warrant an entire compound set up for trading, I would think it's much more likely that a handful of people would trade with the Trader. I would imagine something like having one or two Traders or Sales Rep's with a guard or two and have them in multiple locations, maybe at one of the designated Landmarks or in a city and then you would have to meet with him to be escorted (possibly a hidden vehicle to take you there quickly) to the trading location, which would have several guards in vehicles stocked with items, possibly a tent with loot in it. You'd have to build up a war chest and keep transferring it between other players in the Trading Network (tents and vehicles). With this sort of model you could have a functional network with 10 or less team members. You would have certain members who were responsible for "opening and closing the shop". Players could trade off vehicles and then communicate where they were stashed, simlar to what some clans are doing but strictly with goods for trade. Not sure how much stuff a vehicle could hold, I guess you could be really cool and have a helicopter full of 8 Traders storm out of the sky. Oh how the bandits would come running to see the chopper, just in time to watch it fly away to a safe haven. I like the idea of Barter Town but with the large manpower, it would leave less than half the server available for trading, maybe half of those are bandits who would try to pick off the new customers. Sounds cool though, good luck and keep the thread updated for all of us who die often, scramble to find stuff we can't use and need to pawn it off for more Mak ammo.