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Everything posted by gogoringofung

  1. gogoringofung

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    So do I, nearly 90% of respawning location is in solnichniy. The spawning location that is the most close to the west, is the east of Msta. Which take me 15~20 minutes to rejoin my friends.
  2. After installing the latest patch, I have been searching for new hat, shot gun spray etc. I also found some bugs and problems too. But lets start with some old problems and bugs. 1.Flash Light I really hope this could be fixed, I love playing in both night and day time, yet the flash light effect should fix a. Penetrating walls b. Military camp tent not reflecting light (usually the tent with one exit) c. The solid and quite narrow light actually make me feel dizzy (just like real life) (Hope the effect could be more diverse and soft d. Weapon flash light cannot be turn on/off in action menu e. Weird reflection of light on the rail track 2.Wall bugs I started another post for this few days ago. Falling to death, trapped in walls (The wall of first floor of jail sometimes could be penetrated) Lets talk about new bugs and problems 3. Server a. Login in to a night time server, few seconds of day time, and a plain black night time (and killded by zombies, cause I keep running into trees) b. Loss of items (I lost my one and only flash light once) c. Fresh character created in stead of original character in a server and when i relogin, things come back 4. Mosin paint Unable to load ammo after paint. Please tell me how you guys cope with these all problems, and lets hope they are fixed as soon as possible
  3. Haha sorry~ I am trying to put them on now~
  4. Hello all~ :D i ve been spending these weeks only playing standalone, I quite love the game so far (as i previous post said), playing holdup play, being bandit and friendly, haven't die under shots for a week. BUT I did die a lot though, stuck in church wall, fall through walls of hospital and give a kiss to the ground, being push and fuse with the wall. I really hope these bugs could be fixed.... :beans: :beans: :beans:
  5. I was a DayZ mod player, original and Epoch. So I bought on this game very first day, and tried to spend some time on it. On the first week, it was all dark (as server mainly in night time). It is creepy but still fun. I knew there were bugssss, but I still have fun with the game. Shoot on sight exist, of course, which always happen when I am prone and eating lol. But I managed to find more friendly player in this game, than in DayZ. I have to say the immediate weapon swapping really help, so I don't have to hold my M4 out, which looks like a hostile guy and tried to kill some players. Day time server now become dominant, but I am looking forward for time cycle. I hope (just hoping) player could try to communicate more, or this game is going to be boring when you don't have a friend to play with (only for those who are not trying to play as a hostile player). I have to say thank you to Rocket and the team for making DayZ mod and SA, although it is a alpha with bugssssss, I am still looking forward for it to grow.
  6. gogoringofung

    Step in to the world of DayZ SA

    I don't want to play in this way, but if player as you described try to mess with me. I ll do my best to kill them haha :rolleyes: