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About Trylight

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    On the Coast
  1. My first and third aren't contradictory. The crazies I am talking about are the people running around naked with their heads down screaming inane things about their dog being eaten. The sadists are people who run in deep north, log out, go to a new server when they find an air base, grab ALL the shit, get to the coast (empty server, no chance to get shot) find a great spot to camp out, switch to a high pop server, and just start shooting people whole sale. In fact I think the insane people running around playing music might even be a decent distraction for some of us who are trying to actually loot and survive. If you add in consequences this kind of cheating quickly becomes the only way to roll, and in order to put in what you want, you have to alter and change mechanics people legitimately LIKE (being able to gear up and make a long trek north, log out, and still have your progress maintained) If your friend doesn't die also, and if you aren't spawned on the other side of the map from them. I mean that's a few if's and I'm sure more people are running solo then group up in general. Dying when you got all the cool shit still sucks even if you know where to go. Anyone can hop over to an empty server and then switch over, but that still takes time, it's already a reason to be afraid. The problem with adding frustrating death mechanics in a world where there is no where 'safe' is how quickly someone could get spawn killed from being an 'experienced' survivor, to losing all their 'experience'. And with what your adding KoS becomes the ONLY option. If dying is no big deal you consider talking to people and exploring interaction. If dying causes you deep time wasting loss (in a game where you can already walk for 2+ hours and see / find NOTHING) then there is never any reason to not blow people away. The only people I can see going for this are people who already spend 8 hours a day playing this game, and wouldn't mind a grind being added on top of some mechanics which are already frustrating for anyone who wants to just hop on solo and run around for a bit.
  2. No, very much no for a few reasons. 1. The crazy no geared people who you see running through the streets are part of the hilarity and craziness. Because in a zombie apocolypse you WOULD come across the insane.You also come across a lot of survivors who are like "No please please don't shoot I'm unarmed! FRIENDLY!" Making death more 'taxing' would just get rid of the crazies, and who REALLY wants to get rid of those people? Come on. 2. I literally made an account to post on this message purely because of what happened with me yesterday. I was on a server, I got confused on where I was (I thought I was on the south coast because I had yet to be spawned on the east one yet) and ended up in the middle of no where. I looted, walked around, and found no one or nothing for two hours. I made my way all the way to the south coast airport, and was immediately shot (I had a bunch of gear by this point). You wanna tell me that the 2 hours of my time and all my gear lost is not a big enough 'consequence'? 3. People are already pretty sadistic knowing nothing happens when you die. But these savages know you suffer from it as well? They will go out hunting even harder. And in bigger numbers because of the fear of suffering, making new spawns even MORE screwed. edit: I suppose out right saying no is a bad way to operate and explain something that would change the solo psychos from gunning down noobies. I think gun shots should just attract more zombies, and zombies should be vicious and harder to kill. THIS would make things great. If shooting your gun attracted hordes of 15-20 zombies, you'd reconsider opening fire on someone. Make silencers SUPER SUPER rare (and only found like DEEP north) and make gun shots attract legit hordes. Increase the number of zombies, etc. Right now zombies are kind of a joke but it's alright, it is alpha. But if down the road zombies come in droves at the sound of a gun shot, you'll definitely see guys less likely to just pop a new spawn, because that one bullet will end up costing them another 20 due to the horde.