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Everything posted by kradluk

  1. kradluk

    Computer Spec's

    The 6770 is not worth buying, the 7770 will fit nicely, and the 560ti or 660ti will blow the PSU. The 7770 and the GTX 550Ti i mentioned above are pretty much at the limits of the current PSU.
  2. kradluk

    Computer Spec's

    You will get the most bang for your buck by upgrading the video card. The CPU will hold you back from getting a non budget card, but it doesn't seem like you are in the market for more than that. Also consider your stock PSU (300w) that is in your current computer can only put out so much power. You are limited unless you want to upgrade your PSU as well, which really isn't recommended at this point. I would say pick up a GTX 550ti http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130625 which should match your system nicely, not tax your PSU to the point of death, and will handidly outperform your 8400. The GTX 550ti is roughly on par with two 9800GTs in tandem (SLI), and while its a budget card, you really cannot put a more powerful card into your system without blowing your PSU or being bottlenecked by your CPU. Like pupperworx stated, the 7770 is also a good option, which is just about on par with the GTX 550ti. Really just depends if you prefer Nvidia or ATI. Like many people here have stated, there is really no point in dumping additional funds to overhaul a computer that really should be replaced. With that said, you can drop $100 on a video card and get some decent life out of it until you upgrade.
  3. Sorry, but you are plain wrong. I understand how it may seem obvious that someone who pays for a server should have the right to control the individuals that play on it. However, since this is linked to a central HIVE, that linkage comes with certain rules, rules that Devil's Advocate clearly pointed out. In order to have free access to the HIVE, you must conform to those rules or face a potential blacklist. It sucks, but thats the way things are. its not a matter of opinion, you are just plain wrong.
  4. kradluk

    Are you kidding me?

    Some times when you put items in an inventory without room, it will place the item(s) on the ground next to you. I would take some time and look around you, in a 25m or so radius.
  5. Those kind of people deserve a swift shot to the head. They would not survive the real zombie apocalypse, why should they have a chance in a virtual one.
  6. I would say any of the combinations including NVGs should have the M107 swapped with a DMR. No reason to really have NVGs and and Gun you cannot use them with in a combo. Good Combo would be L85, NVG, DMR, Ghillie.
  7. Can we have a alt-f4 skin to brand disconnectors. This way, I can stop wasting ammo on people that are just going to DC. A dunce cap maybe, or remove an article of clothing every time they DC. Would be hilarious to see people running around in their birthday suits.
  8. Deer stands and Zelenogorsk, you can get everything there outside of medical supplies and vehicles that you would get in Cherno or Electro
  9. kradluk

    Pending Update: Build

    Respawn was removed due to people constantly refreshing to get a different spawn. It was not aimed to prevent people from relocating, and the idea of giving people the option of choosing a spawn point was even humored. Instead, this was causing incredible server lag. Deal with it. Single player mode? Really? You're pissed you can no longer hack items or avoid pvp? No reason to play on a private server outside of carebearism. As to the point about Alt+F4, why would you do that if you can just abort out. You will not be punished at all in this patch, let alone in the future as speculative punishment will be based on reaccuring events. In your case, you must rage so hard once you encounter a bug that you must Alt+F4 to express your rage, or you are duping/avoiding death/doing something you probably shouldn't be doing in the first place.
  10. kradluk

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    Don't log out in Cherno, or the Barracks, or Stary Sobor. Anywhere, ANYWHERE else and you will not get sniped on login. You're own stupidity got you killed.
  11. Would it be worthwhile having a loot lock function to a server for a time period after looting on that server? Once you loot an item on any given server, you are locked into looting on that server only for a time period of a hour. This will help solve the server hopper issue as they will have to effectively only loot things on one server, and will not hurt individuals looking for a server based on conditions. If you log onto a server and do not pick anything up, you will not be server locked and will be uneffected. Server hoppers will still exist, but correct me if I am wrong, server hoppers really benefit from farming different servers and would be hurt if they were locked into a server with regard to loot for a long period of time. Pros: - Should hinder server hoppers abusing loot spawns sufficiently that they are subject to loot cycling instead of hopping which comes with a much greater risk. - Should not impact innocent individuals looking for servers to play on - Should have little impact to those with connection issues, understanding that they would need to connect to the same server they were disconnected from unless the server is full. However, if you know you have connection issues, you shouldn't be playing on full servers in the first place. Cons: - Will not prevent the first item/server loot, in the event someone is doing this for one item only, say NVGs. - Will not prevent people from ghosting (even though this is not the topic of the thread)
  12. kradluk

    Am i doing something wrong?

    I agree with Electrolye in that you should probably find your own path. However, there are some key things to understand about the game. Deer blinds are a gold mine, never pass them up. Avoid large cities (Cherno, Electra, Bere) unless you need a massive amount of medical supplies. Grocery stores can spawn practically everything you need, run to a inland city with a grocery store and start your loot process there. Scope out towns before you enter, if zombies, move on. Spend as little time in any location as possible..
  13. kradluk

    Am i doing something wrong?

    Deer blinds can spawn DMRs, which in my opinion is one of the best sniper rifles in the game. I want to say they can also spawn M14 Aims, but not sure if that is limited to barracks (NW Airfield) or heli crash sites. Other than that, you are limited to CZ550s, found in large barns with stairs shown as large green circles on the map. In all honesty though, I prefer an AKM, other AK variants, M4s and M16s over the CZ, which can all be found commonly in deer blinds. Also, MP5SDs and M9SD can be found in deer blinds as well. While tempting, they are crap at killing players and zombies. Their ammo is also fairly rare, so recommending avoiding silenced weapons altogether unless its an M4A3 SD. If you do happen to find a DMR though, cherish that thing. It will be good to you. On another note, the lee enfield is nicknamed the dinner bell for a reason. Do no shoot it anywhere near town or you will agro the whole thing.
  14. kradluk

    Am i doing something wrong?

    Use this Map (Alt tab if you need to, second monitor is ideal) http://dayzdb.com/map#3.013.096 Keep respawning until you land in Kamenka. Head north, looting dear blinds on the way (shown on the map as red towers). Dear blinds will spawn three zombies each, and typically infront of the dear blind. Run far outside of the dead blind and come at it from behind, crawling if you need to. There is no reason to agro any of the zombies there, just be cautious. You can find some of the best items in the game at dear blinds as they are military loot spawns. Do not overlook Coyote backpacks 24 slots, which can be confused with the backpack you spawn with, 8 slots. Once you loot a weapon of any kind, hit up Zelenogorsk from the south west (easy entrace to the grocery store, shopping cart on the map). This should give you the food and drink you probably need at this point in time. Grocery stores are one of the best places to find everything you need outside of vehicle parts and military grade primary weapons including an Alice backpack and a sidearm (1911 or revolver being the best you can find). Loot the grocery store, and continue heading north to Pustoshka, looting dear blinds on the way. Enter Pustoshka from the west for direct access, again crawling to avoid agro. If at any point you get agro, run into the front entrance of the grocery strore (big glass doors) and shoot the zombies as they enter) At this point in time, you will likely have at least a primary and secondary weapon you can use to defend yourself, an upgraded backpack, most common utility items and enough food and water to at least sustain yourself for the time being. You comsume water faster than food so always load up more water than food. Wash, rinse and repeat. Healful tips: Scope out any building you are going to loot prior to coming within 300 or so meters from the location. If zombies are present, someone is likely there, and its better to simply move on unless you want a firefight. Use your side arm to kill zombies. Especially if you find a 1911 or revolver, its a one shot kill. They are quiet, and the ammo is fairly abundant. If you find yourself running low on ammo consistently with your side arm, try finding a 1866 wynchester (sp). They are very quiet and take down zombies in one shot. Only do this however if you do not plan on killing other players, as the effective range is relatively low compaired to assult rifles. Many ammo types are interchangable or combinable to be used in other guns. Do not be too quick to dismiss ammo if it does not immediately seem right for your gun. Other high loot locations within towns are churches, apartment buildings, schools, bar/hotel, large barns with stairs. Other loot locations are typically not worth the time. Avoid Cherno and Elektra always. There is nothing you can loot in either of those towns that you cannot find in deer blinds or in grocery stores. Zelenogorsk and Pustoshka, as well as most deer blinds are typically player vacant, and full of loot, while Cherno and Elektra are almost always spotted with a sniper, and other players gunning for your gear. Also, avoid Stary Sobor and the North West airfield unless you are looking for PVP. Follow this and you should have no trouble surviving for a long period of time and should also have no trouble find all of the gear you could want outside of vehicles and rare items like NVGs.
  15. kradluk

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    How is thermal not a safety net. How does it not put you on an uneven playing field. What if the sniper you find does not have thermal, then its just easy pickings. Oh look, I can spot 5 people running through that forest at night, that was easy.
  16. Not sure if this has been considered yet, but to everyone having tent issues, are these with tents that have been packed up and replaced at some point in time? We have a camp set up where three tents were placed. All three of these tents were spawned naturally, and had yet to be packed. One of the tents was placed somewhat visably and packed up. The other two were placed on first attempt and never repacked. The tent that was packed up continues to spawn, empty, in its original placement, even after it is packed up. The other two have had zero issues with item lose or duplication. As far as I can tell, tents can only be placed once in Hive's mind. Once you place that tent, it can never be packed and replaced. In the event that you pack it and place it else where, Hive does not know what to do with this newly placed tent, respawns the original in its original place, and since the original had no items in it when it was packed, clears the newly placed tent of all items.
  17. kradluk

    Which Pc would be better for play DayZ

    I would invest more in the GPU and less on the CPU. Get something along the lines of a 6850 or 7770 on the ATI front, or gtx 560/570 on the nvidia front which should be budget friendly enough but will give you much more bang for your buck.
  18. A large problem as many have already stated is with regard to the axe no longer being a utility tool. I could care less for the melee aspect of it, but losing the ability to harvest wood is truely devastating to long term survival if you do not have a buddy to give you a blood transfusion. With regard to people continually losing your gear, you may still have blank hatchets/crow bars in your inventory. A simple way to remove all hatchets/crow bars from your inventory is to loot and drop a side arm mag or bandage from your inventory repeatedly until you stop dropping hatchets/crow bars. Not sure if this will work for all players, but it has allowed me to loot utility items, side arm mags, and standard equipment with no problem. You may lose some items in the process, but at least it will not be your entire inventory and should only impact your side arm, side arm mags, and bandages at worst. Repeat until you stop dropping what may seem to be endless amounts of hatchets/crow bars. With regard to zombies being too hard to deal with, play the LOS game. If you remain out of LOS, its actually fairly difficult for a zombie to aggro you, even when very close. Do you really want a game where you can run infront of a zombie and have him not aggro? Also, pay attention to shadows. Sitting prone in the shadows can reduce vision to zero. If you play it slow, and play it safe, you can easily loot at least a few buildings in small towns. The zombies are not really that hard to deal with. "ZOMG guys, I can no longer freely loot Stary but running, the game is obviously borken!!!" Thanks for all of your hard work Rocket.
  19. kradluk

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Why not make the current "utility" items a one time use melee option. This would give the option to perform a silent or desperation kill, but you lose your knife or axe in the process. If you are willing to give up that resource, its your choice. There wouldn't be the need to implement a whole slew of different melee weapons with different duribilities and what not, and it would prevent people from making this a weapon of choice as you simply do not come across axes and knifes in sufficient frequency to outright replace your gun. From an implementation standpoint, you could make the weapon selectable through the scroll wheel, and only allow you to select the items that are currently equipped and not in your bag. Realistically, you would only have a few different options before you ran out of melee weapons to choose from before you would need to stop, go into your bag, and pull out more if you even had spares in your bag.
  20. kradluk

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Make the reward greater for those willing to group. Food, water, guns, ammo, and supplies are all plentiful. Right now, running around as a group, we find ourselves looking for one thing, and one thing only, vehicles. We all carry around specific oddities in the event we come across a vehicle and need unexpected parts to fix it. What if when you approach a town as a group, you are presented with a mini task/quest where you have to hit specific objectives in order to get access to a vehicle or its parts. Something like this could require a specific amount of people and encourage people to even globally beg the question "anyone want to try and get the heli up an running in cherno?". Sure, this would make packs of organized players that much more dangerous, but it would also make groups of random players stronger than the random greifer. I also do not believe this would be a detriment to the survival aspect of the game, as if this were real, you would likely need more than yourself to break into a military base and harbor the required materials to get something up and running. Another idea would be to have randomized skill sets assigned to players at spawn. Make it so that everyone cannot simply use/carry a hatchet, knife, matches, compass, map, etc. You would not have every skill required for survival in real life, why would this be any different. This could force individuals to group up, or at least explore what skills another player may have. This would also make the group much stronger than the individual, as everyone would be able to benefit from a collective skill set. There could also be an element where you could learn skills from other players. This would give an objective to staying alive moreso than just the random uber equipment you find over time or the bragging rights of "I haven't been killed in 3 weeks". This would also allow those that really want to play the lone wolf style an opportunity to do so, but forcing a bit of teamwork first. Both of these would not necessarily hurt those that want to greif, but it would make life just a bit harder for those unwilling to at least humor the idea of working with others. All the while benefit those willing to not shoot on site.