Exactly. Right now the game seems to have some fancy mouse acceleration code in place which just fiddles around with mouse input and make it feel like you're using a console-controler (*shudder*). The most important thing in my opinion is that it is as easy as possible to put your aim on something that you want to look at (for instance when looting, to have a look at that can of baked beans, or even when aiming a weapon). In real life, when I want to reach for my drink I don't have to home in on it with my hand, the way the game makes you do it, because it fiddles around with your aim acceleration. It is not that hard to just feed mouse position deltas into your pitch and yaw view angles directly. This way it feels like you really have control over your head movement, and not like your head is stuck in some weird movement-impairing contraption. Case and point: Camera control is about HEAD movement, not just weapon and body movement. Everyone can turn their head 180 degrees in about a quarter of a second, no big deal. The problem that doing that with your weapon and rest of your body is unrealistic, is not solved by simply glueing your head to your weapon and body, restricting it all the same. What would be a sensible solution here, in my opinion, is to make your weapon move slower and catch up with your view direction over time, while your head is under perfectly direct control of your mouse. Make it feel like you're controlling yourself and not an out-of-body robot!