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Everything posted by Noopy

  1. I really hate being alone in this game and having more then 1 other person with me will just make things awkward. So I'm looking for someone on the east coast of the US to play with. :heart:
  2. What are the differences between the different types of chats. (Direct, side, ect) Sorry for being so noobish! DX
  3. Noopy

    looking for people to team up with!

    Ok. I didn't put my steam so... here lol http://steamcommunity.com/id/noopy757
  4. Its all good, you said maybe :P Thats 1 down :D
  5. I got your back! :P I'm 16, got a mic and got steam. ALL THE REQUIRMENTS :o Add me on steam :D http://steamcommunity.com/id/Noopy757 Very Mature *serious face*
  6. Noopy

    looking for people to team up with!

    Ya i'll join your group DairyFruit. Do you use Teamspeak?