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About Noopy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. What are the differences between the different types of chats. (Direct, side, ect) Sorry for being so noobish! DX
  2. Noopy

    looking for people to team up with!

    Ok. I didn't put my steam so... here lol http://steamcommunity.com/id/noopy757
  3. Its all good, you said maybe :P Thats 1 down :D
  4. I got your back! :P I'm 16, got a mic and got steam. ALL THE REQUIRMENTS :o Add me on steam :D http://steamcommunity.com/id/Noopy757 Very Mature *serious face*
  5. Noopy

    looking for people to team up with!

    Ya i'll join your group DairyFruit. Do you use Teamspeak?
  6. I really hate being alone in this game and having more then 1 other person with me will just make things awkward. So I'm looking for someone on the east coast of the US to play with. :heart: