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Everything posted by Izithel

  1. Izithel

    Hiding Vehicles?

    Good vehicles (offroaders, moterbikes and trucks) are usualy hoarded by the clan/admin that owns the server and placed far of map where you need to know exact coordinates to find it. Even worse on maps with helicopters where they are hidden even further of map. If the above is not the case you can find them usually at the west and northern edge of the map.
  2. Some people should be set to monitor the server list regularly to check for locked servers or servers with lowerd slot counts. To many Admins think they can abuse their powers while not thinking about the concequences for other players and admins.
  3. My theory is simple, log in at night, check the stars for the polar star and thus know where north is, run south east, hit a coast going south? Hit south, does the coast go east, go east instead.
  4. They are rare barracks only drops as far as I know, got one on me right now. Great sight, tough annoying at night with NVGs, way better sight then the M16A2 M203 so if you want a grenade launcher chooser the M4 when ever possible. as far as I know the light on it is not functional tough, can't remeber exactly. But that doesn't really matter, just shoot a flare and see the people panic and flee. :cool: http://dayzdb.com/database/m4a1-holo
  5. Deer stands only hold that much tough and don't have any of the barracks quality only loot.Sure you can visit all the deer stands without worry but it will take a lot of time (and time equals food and drinks) A lot of people rather get more gear quicker with more risk. I find it fairly balanced, they should increase the zombie count around deerstands tough, or maybe make them random on servers just like the crash sites.
  6. Izithel

    g36-c SD

    Cheated, not a single G36 variant is available in Dayz.
  7. Izithel

    Could You Pull The Trigger?

    1: Yes I could and would. 2: I doubt myself about this, I probably am. 3: Anyone who sees me, carries loot I want and could be considered a threat, in other words everyone up north.
  8. Izithel

    What tools do you carry?

    1x Flares to blind people with NVGs 1x Chemlights so my buddies can still follow me at night without attracting to much attention 2x smoke grenades, to get those zombies out of buildings And that's all I actually cary around, I used to have a frag grenade but to much friendly fire made me stop using it.
  9. Izithel

    Random tents...

    Tents have a habit of procreating when servers are restarted. You can get a thousand tents over a few days.... Only use for them is to annoy looters as they try to find the one tent that is actually NOT empty.
  10. 14 days is my longest, average maybe a week. Usually I strip search deer stands for good weapons, got some canteens with water and all I need to cook meat so I can avoid cities since I won't need food. It's all about avoiding the hotspots. If I die I usually visit cherno, nothing to lose anyway, get myself a backpack, some basic gear and medical suplies and I'm done.
  11. Izithel

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    I'd like to address everyone who thinks we're being arrogant for wanting to snub the new influx of new players - I couldn't really care. Either way the community is growing exponentially. I'm reassured that the difficulty of DayZ will kill off most of the children playing the game. The final thing I'd refute is anyone saying that the YogsCast can do whatever they want. While I agree technically, they can cast whatever they want in any style, they should not be casting the way they did in the mod. Anyone with a large fan base should develop a moral responsibility of depicting a mod, game, anyone's creation with as much accuracy and integrity. Imagine then if your favourite news station or newspaper falsified every article or story because that was their style - it's wrong. The same applies to what they did in their DayZ video. You really think its the same thing as falsifying news on paper or tv? wow. Misrepresenting a game is maybe not as horrible as falsifying news, but it's on the same level of incompetence and carelessness. Many of the players joining the game trough their show will not get the light-hearted game they expect.
  12. Izithel

    DayZee or DayZed?

    Day-zee Mostly because A: Z stands for Zero in this case so and B: it's pronounced like that in my language.
  13. Izithel

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    Some people who got popular on youtube for making videos about minecraft. Not the kind of videos I'm into but they got quite the following. Their fan base also has a reputation of not being very mature.
  14. As badly translated using google: "Who fears as irrelevant to the point" What does it mean? A quick filter trough the DayZ servers didn't show any results so. Stop evading the question, what is the new server name thank you very much.
  15. Izithel

    What's your personal alignment?

    Chaotic Neutral, depending on the situation I'm just as likely to shoot you as to help you.
  16. Found this server a while ago, in it I found some tent camps with loads of high end equipment including ghillie suits, Camo SVDs and other desirables. Seems whoever hosts this server is abusing the small size to farm rare equipment by the dozen. Picture proof attached
  17. Izithel

    What is a Carebear?

    I was always under the impression in EVE that Carebears where PVE focused players who'd whine on the forums anytime they got involved in pvp and would constantly make suggestions that would make pvp less common. Basically, anyone in DayZ that gets mad anytime someone kills them and whines on the forums because of it would be a carebear in my mind.
  18. Izithel

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need a Blood transfusion and Morphine at the NWAF on Dallas 22 if anyone would like to help me out. Edit: NVM, some sweet soul rescued me.
  19. Izithel

    Destroying Friendships

    Kill the sons of bitches, they don't deserve mercy.
  20. Izithel

    Opinion on server hoppers? (JUSTICE)

    Sweet sweet justice! If I ever meet you guys in came I'll get you all a soda!
  21. Izithel

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase, Most people, including me, already have one subscription on a game, most people won't take a second one. Certain cosmetic micro transactions could be interesting but it should be kept to a minimum really. Studio developed, but with community imput, Servers should be both really, but most preferably community hosted. Kickstarter could be a good option but I'm not so sure.
  22. Izithel

    I have a weapon dilemma...

    Keep the DMR, plenty of ammo, good range and very strong killing power.