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Everything posted by scull

  1. scull


    Dayz models http://m.imgur.com/a/PG47z There is a model for binoculars already in game files so it's prob on the list of features being added. There is also a poo model hope that gets used to. I can think of nothing more funny than killing Someone while there having a dump lol.
  2. scull

    Grenades in DayZ,what you think?

    Dayz models http://m.imgur.com/a/PG47z already is a model in game files for improvised gas can grenade.
  3. scull

    Companions, like dogs

    Great idea i played a game before that you could have pets and it was great they helped defend you and also could carry a small pack of loot.
  4. scull

    Utterly Disappointing

    Another idiot that did not read the warnings lol.
  5. scull

    Ghosting on DayZ SA

    You read the warnings and still buy the game then come in here crying duplicating all the other threads of people crying are you stupid?.
  6. At the moment there is experimental servers but no option to change only option is opt out of all beta programs ?
  7. Yes true that is what the suggestions forum is for.
  8. What's wrong with so many people thinking rocket does not know what he Is doing .I don't know you tell me.?Try the suggestions forum if that's really what your about
  9. Oh my god another thread on this. Rocket knows how to stop this problem he's played eve online as he mentioned before dayz was released that he was going to break up the map onto different servers like eve. So I'm sure he's going to add a 5 minute logout timer so character just stays in game for 5 minutes and can be killed so you have to get safe before you log. Now just let rocket and his team get on with it and everyone stop moaning.
  10. scull


    Apparently if you delete certain game files all buildings and walls disappear . So not really a hack is a flaw in the game.
  11. scull


    I have Russian learning in my backpack how much you give me for it. Will swap it for the cheat sheet.
  12. scull

    3 of us died from a hacker last night

    I put my self inside a glitch to test the hacker theory and within 30 minutes had been headshot even thou my character was not visible. I done some research and found out if you delete certain files all buildings disappear like a wall hack.
  13. scull

    How To Be A Pro @ DayZ Standalone

    I thought dayz was just zombies guess I was wrong there's trolls too.Great post Benny will help loads . ignore the troll.
  14. The game dynamics will change then you will be the lamer.
  15. scull

    The reason why i kill on sight now !!

    I kill on sight because most people I've met have either kos me or handcuff then kill me. The statistics tell me it's safer to kos. This will change as the game dynamics change and so will I.
  16. scull

    Defibrillator ?

    What your saying is dumb a defibrillator is for dead people that heart has stopped if you deffib an unconscious person in real life you will kill them.
  17. scull

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    Read and understood op perfectly just didn't class a 20 minute logout as a solution from such a good player that's all lol. In fact it's a really bad idea internet timeouts taking 20 minutes to recover from yeah good idea.
  18. scull

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    If you are such a great player where are your ideas on how to stop combat logging. I don't see them? . I have one your player stays in game for 30 secs to 2 minutes after you log and can still be killed like in eve online.
  19. Yeah great idea who needs a backpack just get your food to follow you.