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Floob Hanz Waldo

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Everything posted by Floob Hanz Waldo

  1. Floob Hanz Waldo

    Lack of Standalone progress

    Am I the only one who is disgusted with the failure to hire additional staff given the games earnings? Whoever made that call should be ashamed and embaressed.
  2. Floob Hanz Waldo

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Am I the only one who is absolutely disgusted by the lack of progress on the stand alone? I've heard numbers like 20 million, 38 million, and still they refuse to hire additional staff? I understand this game is an Alpha, but with that money I don't think that's a valid excuse, I honestly believe they should feel embarrassed and ashamed. Also why charge so much money for this piece of shit?
  3. I was searching YouTube for eerie music to play over direct communications, when I loaded up the site for the first time in a while, I noticed the new age gate, and that the music fit perfectly over it, it made me wonder why there wasn't any music there, does anybody have any suggestions ? The song I was listening to, and my own personal choice is the first two minutes of Nitzan Sagie Hangoler's Variati Mountis ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKYNVeQSxKs ).