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Everything posted by Dusty_

  1. Dusty_

    So i broke my legs...

    So in conclusion I got unstuck from the rock, managed to crawl to the road and a nice guy offered to shoot me in my head to end my suffering. It was a win win.
  2. I would appreciate any help I can get. I've seen a few servers that run this way. and I would love to make ours automatically restart every 2 hours, with sheduled warnings, but it's all wonky. Any help much appreciated!
  3. On gameservers which is our host atm, there is no option to change the autorestart time. And we would like it to be two hours instead of the default four hours... do we have to change the host we use? Or is this possible at all? I've been on lots of servers with their own restart times Any help or input much appreciated didn't realise this thread would make people so angry. Thanks for the help guys! ... GG
  4. Yes! We bought with Vilayer and it's working great! Thanks for the positive feedback!
  5. I'm hoping the desync fix helps, it mostly sucks because of the desync, not being able to bring out your bandages. But blood loss does take time, so you have a couple min before you will start to notice the loss. And it's quite easy to regain blood by eating and stuff
  6. Dusty_

    So i broke my legs...

    You guessed it!
  7. Dusty_

    Was Excited For The Patch..

    It would be nice if they brought out little patches at a time... just add a gun and some small bug fixes. They don't have to be really big to keep us satisfied
  8. Dusty_

    Carrying 2 primary weapons.

    Why? Just curious what the negative would be
  9. Dusty_

    DayZ is pixelated

    Did you try different graphic drivers?
  10. Dusty_

    Tactical vest?

    Yeah they used to spawn all the time, have not found one since like the second big patch.
  11. Dusty_

    Rain Needs To Be Turned Down.

    I myself love the rain, really adds to the gritty apocalypse vibe they got going on in chernarus, If you've seen the rain in Arma 3 it's way worse in my opinion it really blocks your vision quite abit.
  12. Dusty_

    Grenades in DayZ,what you think?

    I feel like any military grade loot should be extremely rare, but if you could make homemade grenades and molotovs which I think they said they're putting in, that would be so cool.
  13. Dusty_

    Applying Pressure To Your Wound

    They really need to add sutures and be able to stich your wounds aswell.
  14. Dusty_

    Nowhere to go when up north.

    There's heli crashsites!? Whaaaaaaat, I never found one before..
  15. Dusty_

    To a lost friend in Elektro.....

    Yeah unfortunatly they patched it. If you're unconsious you can talk though.
  16. Why is the hate so bad, I asked a simple question. Do not twist my words.
  17. Nice, flaming threads today are we.. nice to see succh respectful people on these forums.
  18. My suggestion is save your money for another month, and maybe almost double your budget and you can build a way better machine. It's worth the wait, trust me. I bought a cheap pc to run some games, wasn't long before I just built a wayy better pc that runs games like a b0zz
  19. Dusty_

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    It's probably underpopulated because they are seperate hives atm. That's my guess, or people just don't like an even playing field.
  20. Dusty_

    Current best server hosting company

    Which has the best options and value for server hosting a DayZ SA server? I'm not sure if this is an option, but it would be nice to set an automatic reset time of two hours instead of 4 hours, we are currently using gameservers. https://www.vilayer.com/game-servers/game-servers.html http://www.gameservers.com/ http://www.multiplaygameservers.com/ Thanks any help much appreciated!!
  21. Dusty_


    We need them to add a razor blade and let the hair grow over time, and we have to shave, HAHA i love it.
  22. Dusty_

    Items and Gear I would love to see in SA

    Love it all
  23. Dusty_

    No Zombies

    What killed the human race then? a flu? nuclear war? NO, zombies did :) I love me some zombies, and I want better zombies, zombies wiped out the human race right? They need to be way more intense, which they will. Hopefully...