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Everything posted by redblaster100

  1. Hail fellow survivors, I decided a while ago that I wanted to create a DayZ Roleplaying / Realism server, subject to a number of rules to greatly enhance the gameplay experience, and add some interesting Roleplay. As it stands, the alpha and the console for the server itsself are rather basic. Therefor several rules can as of right now, not be enforced to their full potential. As more features become available, more and more of the already prepared rules will be enforced. The goal is to create a community that plays DayZ for , what we believe, the reason it was originally created. The co-operative survival aspect. This doesn't mean banditry is out of the question, and that player vs player combat is prohibited, far from in fact. But Many of us are growing tired of the fact that more and more servers seem to be deathmatches instead of the amazing survival mod we all fell in love with. Lately people are getting shot for no apperant reason, or just because they had a better looking pair of trousers, and it can get quite furstrating. The objective is to turn our current server , slowly but surely into a server where players focus more on the aspect of survival, building camps , organised crime , logical reasoning , taking hostages, clan conflicts, and much much more.. , instead of simply gunning one another down. I invite you to come take a look at the rules , listed here : http://www.scribd.com/doc/195122788/Falcon-DayZ-Standalone-RP-Realism-Server-Rules After reading the rules, you should have a better understanding of what it is we are trying to achieve. We are currently working on setting up our second server, which may or may not be located in the US. We already have a EU server, but due to the increasing rate of American members, we will be setting up a US server too. If you are at this point, still interested in becomming part of this community in the making, feel free to join our public steam group '[Falcon] DayZ Standalone RP/Realism Server'. You may also contact us via the following routes. Steam / Skype : Redblaster100 Forum : http://falcondayzrp.enjin.com/home Intro Trailer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6fMRvrKcFY&feature=youtu.be Many thanks to Liam Annis for designing the website. I would like to thank you for your time and consideration, See you in Chernarus! Redblaster100
  2. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    Since our latest updates and adjustments, our community has nearly doubled in size. Come, be part of the ever growing, first RP community on DayZ SA RP. http://www.falcondayzrp.com/home
  3. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    Thank you for the kind words!
  4. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    We've changed websites ! Visit us at: http://falcondayzrp.enjin.com/home
  5. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    These past few days, We've been recieving countless amounts of applications. We are currently counting up to 500 forum members, and 750+ Steam group members. We still have some room though ! If you are interested, Join the ranks
  6. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    I would like to thank all current members who have assisted in spreading the word about the project. In the last month our efforts, aswell as our application stream doubled. We are now nearing 500 members Steam Group & Forum combined. This being prior to launch, it's amazing to say the least. Thank you again! The Staff Team
  7. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    300 members on just the Steam Group , not the mention the forums. Thank you to all current members!
  8. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    I am proud to present, the first introduction trailer for the [Falcon] RP / Realism Server Project. Trailer : www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6fMRvrKcFY&feature=youtu.be If you are new to the project, make sure to visit www.falcondayzrp.com and forum at www.falcondayz.boards.net for more information. How will your story unfold? All credits for the making of the trailer go to Kashinovich Petrov Stravonski. Copyright information is at the information box below the video Head of Staff, Redblaster100
  9. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    Hi Kassander and sorry for my very late reply. I've been quite busy with the forum and other in-advance dedications and thus have not had much time to answer questions. I'll be making up for that now. To answer your first question. We're hoping for as many tools as possible. First of all the ability to kick , ban temporarily and ban permanently via the admin panel browser would be a good start. Secondly, the option to spawn in certain items to be able to support small events. Third, the ability to locate and reach any player, anywhere immediatly in case of an incident. The list goes on really, but with those two we could really get to work. Now for your second question. No, currently rules are not being enforced due to the lack of admin tools that allow us to enforce properly. The rules will be immediatly and permanently enforced as soon as the project launches. For more information on this feel free to visit our forums at : http://www.falcondayz.boards.net/ We are hoping that the next patch updates , happening next week , will ensure the launch of the project. If you have any other questions feel free to comment once more.
  10. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    Yes we do plan to increase server slots. As of right now we've passed 100 members and at this rate it's going to grow quite a bit more before we launch the project. We hope to have several servers up and running with increased slots as more people apply.
  11. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    Our official website is now up and running. Make sure to visit : http://www.falcondayzrp.com/ for all the information you require. Make sure to visit the forum : http://www.falcondayz.boards.net/ aswell, which can also be accesed via the main website. Thank you !
  12. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    I'm glad it's cleared out. This community isn't for everyone that much is true. The questions you asked several times had already been answered many , many times yet you still wanted people of the community to hold your hand. You can ask all the members of the current group , all of them are pleased with admin - member communication. Just becasue we don't hold your hand doesn't mean we aren't dedicated. The group clearly states applications will be required , so again you miserably fail to read simple information. I ask you one last time to stop wasting my time ,; and the time of the community. If you ever feel more competent , feel free to contact us again. There are very strict requirements and there is a whole lot required to join the launch of the project , but again you fail to read the info provided. As you can clearly see , with yourself as a perfect example. Not just any idiot is welcome. You said you had read all info a 'billion' times. From all this info , I conclude you are way too immature to be considered part of the community. Also , saying things like 'it wont work out' and 'you haven't had a normal human life' in steam chat , can be considered very insulting , hence to why I stopped bothering to speak to you. Truth is , we don't need people like you in the community , in fact we prefer not to have them in the first place. I hope you find a community that fits you better. Regards.
  13. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    I commented on your last post not too long ago and again it seems as if you haven't read a word I've written. I'll repeat it once more , there is a steam group , aswell as the initial info on this post , which holds all the info you require. But if you don't plan to update yourself or do your research before asking stuff that's already been answered , then maybe this isn't the community for you.
  14. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    We've been discussing the matter of forced 1st person for a while. Some members like the idea , others dont. Since we have over 100 members as of right now , we have to be careful in our decisions. As soon as the project launches we'll have a poll via the steam group and website (under construction) to see what the majority would prefer. Make sure to join the public steam group for more info and frequent updates.
  15. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    You've clearly not read the post or the steam group properly. As mentioned several times , server rules are not enforced until hives / whitelisting becomes available. We have 100+ members waiting for launch who actually took the time to read what I wrote. If you can't even read a simple post / info on the steam group , you are not at all needed within the community. Also , passwording servers at this point isn't allowed , so you've clearly also failed to read the general server info provided by the forum mods. This is why we are waiting for hives / whitelisting. Next time before you post and complain , do your homework please. Regards
  16. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    You've clearly not read the post or the steam group properly. As mentioned several times , server rules are not enforced until hives / whitelisting becomes available. We have 100+ members waiting for launch who actually took the time to read what I wrote. If you can't even read a simple post / info on the steam group , you are not at all needed within the community. Next time before you post and complain , do your homework please. Regards
  17. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    We do plan to enhance player based trading , this might be a good idea too. Thank you for your comment!
  18. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    It's been done quite a few times in the mod before, however we are basing it on the standalone. All in all it's difficult to explain as there are endless amounts of possibilities. Factions may indeed form after a while, they could potentially conquer parts of the map yes. it all depends on what the players decide to do.
  19. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    Thanks for joining the already sizeable community! We are currently working on both website and forum. Both should be finished by the end of this week. Enjoy your time with the community !
  20. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    Answering to your post is tough as you bound a lot of questions and thought in one post , but here it goes. Your question , in short comes down to the following I believe (please correct me if I am wrong.) "How do we know for sure , admins wont be abusing their powers?" Answer : Right now , you don't. You'll have to come on and see for yourself when we launch. The only thing I can tell you is that the admins are hand picked by myself , which means they are very ; very long time friends who all have the same reason for launching this project , the dislike of people who break the rules WE wrote. These rules were not written by one man , they weren't forced upon any of the admins , they were discussed and agreed upon. But again , what is my word against your doubt ? Probably not much. Apart from that there will be a devoted place on the forums where people can report instances where they believe an admin has abused his power. Last but not least, The admins themselves will never side with a faction , a group of independant players , or anything alike. You say the only reason to be sure is not to play , I disagree and counter with , the only way to find out is to try , and come see for yourself. As the community grows, so will the staff team. At one point I might have to recruit people into the team who i've not known for as long as i've known the current admins. The truth is , that I can't guerantee that power will not be abused. I have a life , and other things to do apart from maintaining the server and keeping the peace on it , hence to why admins are recruited. The only thing I can give you right now is my word , which again is meaningless. I started this project and started doing the work i'm doing now, because I want these rules to be respected, if not why would I have began in the first place. And all I can tell you now is that I do not plan to allow abuse of power in any way, shape or form, which is why admins who do abuse powers will be banned permanently without furthur warning. I'd also like to add that all admins on our server will be demanded to record all their in game footage at all times, so that if someone reports admin abuse , I can demand the footage and see what really happened. They can't lie about when they were online or not because the server console / logs will reveal the truth about that matter , and refusal to present a demo will result in immediate demotion. In the end , all I can do to make sure no abuse happens right now , I've done. And all I can do to ensure you it wont happen in the future , I've also done. The rest you'll have to discover for yourself , so give it a chance and see for yourself i'd say. I hope that somewhat answers your post. Regards.
  21. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    Hello , I'm sorry to hear about your trouble. I do want to remind you that the rules are NOT currently being enforced. As i've mentioned several times , the project will launch when more server options are released. For now you must treat the server as a casual one , until we launch the project , then stuff like KoS , ghosting , etc will be punished severely. Regards
  22. redblaster100

    Need a TeamSpeak Server

    Our TS server is based on the members of our RP/Realism community , but is currently rather empty as we are preparing for the launch of our project. We have a guest area , where you and your friends could play if you don't have an alternative. Please just keep it subtle and when a member of staff asks you to leave , please do so without starting any trouble. IP : nl-voice.fragnet.net:10072 Regards
  23. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    If you are talking about a date on which we'll launch the project, Can't say. We're currently working on getting our second server in place aswell as our forums and official website, aswell as spreading the word to increase the community size , of course. However, the server will only launch when whitelisting and or private hives have been made available. We would also prefer to have the released server engine before making the countdown. I understand that the people who are with us at the moment are very eager to get this going, as are we. But we are as of right now really dependant on the devs and how long it takes for them to release new features , both game and server wise. As soon as we know more, the community steam group members will be the first to hear. Regards
  24. redblaster100

    [Falcon] DayZ Standalone Roleplay/Realism Server Private Shard

    Thank you very much , it's greatly appreciated. It isn't going to be an easy , or problem free start , that's for sure. But we'll do our best to make it work. Thank you for your support and comment !