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Everything posted by Samuri_Bake_Pie

  1. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    Question about dayz

    As far as FPS goes, major improvements have been made. There is a good amount of loot now, not everywhere, but enough that you feel like you aren't only looting.
  2. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    What Makes PVP Fun?

    To put it simply, PvP is survival because of the player base
  3. I know you've touched on this before, but you are saying that your end goal is to have zombies that don't spawn when players are near to avoid meta gaming and knowing where players are correct?
  4. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    All Time Low Population

    You know, I literally just said in my post that I've been playing this since day one. In the old days when I "wasn't around" there didn't need to be an update every month because 90% of it was functioning and working correctly. Updates were simply new features. Now its bug fixes. Say what you wish, I'm not gonna sit here and argue that the game is dead or isn't. Just take a look at the charts and you will have your FACTUAL answer.
  5. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    All Time Low Population

    My whole issue is this. The game came out, it was popular, the Dev's made money, it was great. I put in around 800 hours in the first 3 months. I had no life other than DayZ. I loved the game, updates were coming out, people kept buying it, and at some point, it just stopped. Now, I'm not saying I expect an update every week. But 6 months, without a single update is ridiculous. Now, I know nothing about games, or making games, but with the amount of money they made I could hire a staff to do it. What I still to this day don't understand, is why they didn't expand the team if they were so swamped with work that they couldn't update it once every 2 months even. I get it, they all have lives too. But seriously they made so much money off this game its not even funny. The timeline was set, and it failed. another was set, it failed too, and now we will be in Beta in around 8 months? I feel like every time I come back to this game it just keeps disappointing. Don't get me wrong, alot of the stuff they added was great. Alot of it was bad. A small amount was game breaking. The issue for me is that they keep releasing new stuff, locations, audio, when we can't fix bugs that have been out since day one. You have to mash buttons to pull a weapon out, you die climbing up ladders still (albeit alot less often now) and you can't properly jump over a fence successfully half the time if not more. I realyl do appreciate all the work the Dev's put in, and I defended them from the start, but its crazy at this point. Alpher this Alpher that. I get it trust me, I've logged into that screen more than the vast majority of people. But its been how many years and we are still in Alpha? If they Dev's had set up a more reasonable timeline, I wouldn't have any issue. What gets me is the timelines that keep changing. We still don't have bases, boats, functioning vehicles, barricading, survival, not randomly dying do to the terrain bugs, synchronization bugs, and we still can't pull out a weapon without having to stop and mash buttons. Inventory items STILL randomly glitch out and force you to relog and risk death. Persistence was nice for a while, being able to set up a camp. I didn't expect to be able to keep a base from say 2014 to the day it came out, but its silly that they wiped rarely when a server restarted. I was so into this game and the opportunity it brought, the customization of vehicles, clothing, characters, your own story and your own mark on the world. I guess the opportunity was missed as hardly anyone plays anymore. Maybe one day my kids will be able to play the full released game. Edit: Logged on to try and play, and guess what? Takes 5 minutes to log the main screen, I can't even click on stuff on the main menu without a 2 minute delay. Thought this was just my internet being shitty, but nope, same issue with my buddies. GG.
  6. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    melee and survival

    I'd like to see more of an immersive feel for melee. Right now it feels like every other game ever where you hold a weapon and you swing. There's nothing to it. Why can't we sneak up behind a zombie/player and knife it in the head with something other than a normal knife swing?
  7. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    Winchesters....where art thou?

    Haven't found one either, I've been hitting all the hunter houses, deer stands, and residential spawns.
  8. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    Vision nerfed yet again?!

    Once again Gews coming in clutch with the changes. Hats off to ya
  9. We never duped. The group of people who came on and pretended to be us duped and I messaged you many times about it and you did nothing. Parachute glitch? You mean getting out of a plan and holding W and E? Real glitchy. You are probably the most abusive admin I have ever met in my life, and I have over 2,000 hours. But please, go ahead and blame us for your abusiveness. We got plenty of screenshots of you claiming you didn't abuse then kill messages showing otherwise and plenty of recordings of you abusing. There's no case closed to this "case" until your server is shut down. So the fact that you think the group that pretended to be us was us, goes to show how inexperienced you are as an admin. There were no dupe messages from our UID's because we never duped. The actual people who duped are still not banned on your server as they keep messaging me on steam rubbing it in my face. This used to be a great server until Affliction Gaming decided to start an abusive streak. I hope you can either change your ways, and if not, I hope your server dies, just as the population has been. (I have googled this para glitch you mentioned and that shit seems way to complicated for me to do. After you die alot you get really good at pointing in the right direction and free-falling about 1800 meters then pulling your shoot at 250 altitude, and that gets you about 2,000 meters.)
  10. Do not join this server. Obviously I should have read the posts here because they still have admin problems. The guy who previously abused is gone, however the admin who posted this is even worse. For the week that my clan and I played here, he did nothing but plague us, spawn in weapons to shoot at us, vehicles to shoot at us, and killed us. Finally we started recording everything and the owner said that Affliction Gaming (thats his in-game name as well) would be demoted, so he started abusing even more and after finding out he was going to be demoted, he deleted all of my clan's stuff. The owner is very lazy and still has yet to demote him, vector building doesn't work properly, and the coin system is so fucked up, if you log out you lose all your coins in your bank and on your person. There goes half the server's player-base, bye.
  11. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    Most wanted feature?

    To not have to pick up my tents every Wednesday. Oh and a roof over my head would be nice.
  12. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    Has the increased difficulty had eny effect on KoS frequency?

    I personally will now kill anyone I see because I rarely see players inland and they scare the shit out of me and I end up cooking and eating them.
  13. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    Chance of getting cholera?

    Seems to have something to do with blood level. One of my chars on a private shard was really low on blood and I get it without 3 gulps of water from a lake, and my public shard guy with full blood take over 15 till I was really full and i didn't get it.
  14. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Since DayZ came out wayyyy back when in December, i have always wondered how the hell you always know the ballistics and everything on this game. Like it literally blows my mind. You keep up the good work.
  15. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    How to find loot in .55

    As everyone knows by the majority of people complaining of the lack of loot, .55 cut back on loot. However, if you know where to look, loot is actually not that hard to find. Here is what you do: -Stop following your regular run to Cherno/Elektro and checking the firehouse and orange food house routines. You aint gonna get shit. -Check every broken down vehicle possible. For whatever reason, broken vehicles spawn a shit ton of loot ranging from clothing to food, to guns and ammo. -GO INLAND. I can't stress this enough, I have found no loot on the coast at all, which forces you to go inland, which is amazing. There are plenty of unpopular towns you can visit with plenty of loot. -Play for the long run. Plan ahead on where you visit, and don't try and go to the military bases, they have very little loot. -Police stations in the unpopular towns have a crap ton of loot. Trust me -Keep a shovel, while its not the best melee weapon, you can dig holes and once you find seeds, you got plenty of food. -Find one water bottle/canteen and you just have to go to a pump and you never have to worry about hydration again. -Check weird places. Under couches, in bookshelves, I've found a gun in the wheel of a vehicles once. Just keep an eye out. -Know that you will find places with no loot whatsoever. -Know that you will find places with a ridiculous amount of loot. Extra tips: -Stay away from zombies, those fuckers are hard to kill in groups of more than 2.
  16. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    Garden Plots growing rotten food

    I had this issue as well, planted a whole greenhouse worth of tomatoes, watered them and everything, and they all turned out rotten.
  17. What I like about new zombies: -You have to stealth around and can get close enough to headshot without be spotted. -They work together, and you need the element of surprise to win against more then 2. -They are much tougher, and you will get hit more then before. (A lot more) What I don't like: -They literally attack about 3 times for the one animation. -They make no noise, not even running noise -They clip around much more often from what I can tell. -They can hit you from any angle. If these few things were fixed, which im sure by .60 they will be flawless, zombies will finally be the threat the game needs that's not too over powered. Right now it's very difficult to fight more than one as they kinda bounce off each other and everytime you get hit they move around.
  18. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    Why snipers aren't going away

    With all the new implementations, future zombie hordes, vehicles, etc, I've seen a lot of people saying automatic weapons are the way to go. Granted they help a crap ton if you are in the open and have a shit ton of zombies and or players chasing you, you just can't beat the preparedness and patience of a GOOD sniper. Basically, it boils down to player preference. If you know the map well, you know the mechanics well, and you are patient, sniping is the way to go. You will be silent, and when you shoot once, you move at least 200 yards, and no one will hear you until they are dead. If you are new, you don't know what gear to have, what attachments to have, then obviously automatics with the spray and pray mentality are the way to go. Even if you are an experienced DayZ Veteran, some of you don't like to wait out for targets and take such long distance shots and that's okay, go for the automatic. I'm just really sick of people saying sniping is gonna be non-existent soon. It will be existent as long as I play DayZ because its based off play-style. If you have 1300+ hours on DayZ as I do, then sniping is a fun way to get endgame stuff and taking the time to set up the perfect situation for long range killing. Granted if you don't really know what you are doing then you give snipers a bad name by taking 500 million shots from the same spot and missing because you didn't properly prepare. Snipers are hit or miss. You can be really bad at it, and you will be bad at sniping. If you don't find the right terrain, the right opening, the right timing, the right attachments, the right server, and the right gear, you will mess up and miss a lot more then often. But, if you do everything right, sniping, even with the Mosin fucking naggant, can be a deadly asset to any team or lone wolf. Automatics are cool and all, and if I go into any city I would prefer one over a shotgun, or a sniper any day, but they will not take over the game. Many people will use them, many people will get kills with them, but I will stay up on the hill 1000 meters away and take out people one at a time rather then get fucked up close range. I don't dislike automatics, they are useful in many situations and fit the majority of players play-style, they just aren't for me, and many other people and I will continue to use them no matter how overpowered automatics get.
  19. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    What is your longest recorded shot?

    My longest kill on a moving target is about 850 M from Sniper hill to the old tents. As for standing still I hit my buddy at 1213 M, but it took about 20 minutes.
  20. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    How Persistent is Persistence?

    Also, if the server crashes, a bunch of stuff will be missing. I've had tents up for weeks on one server and after it crashed they were gone.
  21. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    the bow is terrible at anything longer than melee range

    I've noticed it shoots to the left past 50 yards as well. I'm sure they will fix it in time though.
  22. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Yeah, I'm the exact opposite. I run around Balota, NW, and Elektro all day, I guess I run into the hackers more often.
  23. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Played almost 600 hours since the game came out. Met one teleporter, and all he did was shoot me once and i killed him. I've seen about 7 hacked mags so far though. Thats about it.
  24. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    Combat Flying

    I need to know what I can do to improve my chances of winning a heli fight. My buddy and I got shot down in a 1v1 venom duel and we didn't even know it started, we heard shots, saw them about 1500 out and we were crashing. Came back and we were right behind them about 2 hours later lighting them up from about 400 and they didn't crash, got away from us and repaired and shot us down again. What do i need to do to get better? How do I fly straighter so my gunner can aim without me bouncing around, how can I perfect manual firing?
  25. Samuri_Bake_Pie

    Combat Flying

    Thanks so much!