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Everything posted by BurritoBandit

  1. BurritoBandit

    Count cheating it get hackers?

    What you said is redundant to my post.
  2. BurritoBandit

    Count cheating it get hackers?

    To the guy who said it is allowed to have hacked weapons, it is not allowed, just not policed, simply because it is nearly impossible.
  3. There is already something like this, just join them.
  4. BurritoBandit

    Experienced player looking to join a group/clan

    I might be able to have you join us, when do you play?
  5. BurritoBandit


    Don't play, no one can hack you if you don't play. Foolproof logic.
  6. BurritoBandit

    Green Mountain

    First of all, now people are going to be checking for camps there. Second, the graphics glitches are going to make it hard. Third, people still do check there.
  7. I tried to find the tent post, but found this XD
  8. BurritoBandit

    Storage Capacity For Tents and Vechiles..

    Put if I had a storage tent, I could easily see when it is past capacity, magazines, not so much. It would make it more realistic to see how much space is left.
  9. BurritoBandit

    I uninstalled the game and feel so liberated

    The game will be released in alpha, so yes, it will have bugs.
  10. BurritoBandit

    I uninstalled the game and feel so liberated

    They do want it to preform like the mod, just with a different engine. I believe they said it will be released late this year possibly early next year.
  11. So killing people for fun for a little while then looting a different city is fine? Doesn't make sense to me, well, it does, but.... nvm.
  12. Wtf? I don't understand...
  13. BurritoBandit

    Fucking Humanity...

    I have the same thing, and a few bandits don't have the bandit skin, so I get more murders from killing bandits...
  14. BurritoBandit

    No Dr. Pepper?

    YES HE IS! D:
  15. BurritoBandit


    That gave me an idea, too much morphine/painkillers should give this effect :o
  16. BurritoBandit

    UAZ vs URAL (coward duel)

    How do we get lingor island? Is it something we have to download or just join a specific server (which i am assuming is non-hive)
  17. BurritoBandit

    I met 4 players today, 4 of them were hackers.

    Ive only encountered 2 hackers, both TPed the server and started shooting, I was able to abort both times before getting shot.
  18. BurritoBandit

    Water fall damage?

    Ever done a belly flop? Hurts right? Now think of that but 20x higher.
  19. BurritoBandit

    dayz stand alone new map?

    I just want me porn. Can I haz it nao?
  20. I think the medical system could use improvement, but that will have to wait until the standalone probably. What you are saying is way too complicated, and there is a REALLY fine line between fun and semi realistic, and shitty but more realistic. That crosses the line.
  21. BurritoBandit

    Suggestion for excessive wire fencing

    I see tank traps in almost every building, and I have never seen a bear trap, except once when my friend had one, but we all died shortly after. I find toolboxes somewhat often though. In short, bear traps shouldn't be as common as tank traps, but still more common.
  22. BurritoBandit

    M4A1 Holo SD

    Read the underlined word.
  23. BurritoBandit

    Hali crash site.

    I didn't notice until you pointed it out. And whenever I find a crash site, I usually get randomized gear, but sometimes I do get about 10 FN Fals...
  24. BurritoBandit

    M4A1 Holo SD

    You are not allowed to use it, just not penalized because people would kill hackers and unknowingly had hacked weapons.