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Everything posted by L-Rick

  1. L-Rick

    Server hopper just ruined my day

    You could log out then return in 5 hours to farm still though?
  2. L-Rick

    Server hopper just ruined my day

    Server restart so you rejoin, only to find out someone has rejoined or started their session? Edit: and for or.
  3. L-Rick

    Additional layers of clothing

    If you go in water you get damp clothes after a while and possibly lead to sickness.
  4. Had that before, ran to belota, gear up end game stuff in 10 minutes
  5. L-Rick

    Immersive Map Features And Structures

    When the game is released, you will be amazed, just patience for now :-)
  6. L-Rick

    special vehicule

  7. L-Rick

    Not this again.. *facepalm*

    Damn! lol
  8. L-Rick

    Suggestion: Babys

    Why don't we add in small annoying dogs that our girlfriends IRL have! Then we could feed it spray and rotten food, both in and out of game :-D :-D jokes
  9. L-Rick

    Rope Uses and Suggestions

    Damn! I keep getting mixed up, brb throwing out my rotten food.
  10. L-Rick

    Rope Uses and Suggestions

    Dragging handcuffed/poisoned bambis around the woods...
  11. L-Rick

    Apocalyptic Environment.

    Stuff like "Get out, infected have taken over" in spray paint on a wall or road sign to the entrance to the village.
  12. L-Rick

    Who else?

    Unlimited sprint is a massive timesaver.
  13. L-Rick

    Stuck in a room

    Friend had this, all he did was sprint real fast at the wall and vaulted over it, took him about 10 tries though.
  14. L-Rick


    Please elaborate a tiny bit more? :-)
  15. L-Rick

    Dear god... some people

    Adds realism to the game... Lol :-)
  16. L-Rick

    How to make your character stop moaning...

    Eat, drink, painkillers, blood transfusion of possible or saline bag and is starting kit, painkillers and tetracycline antibiotics may do something...
  17. My friend had this problem, he ate all his food he had (alot) then went Cherno fountain and spammed drink water until he was full, then waited about half hours time and he was almost back to normal :-)
  18. I will also suggest a shopping trolley where you can load food and drink/misc items, bambis, handcuffed bambies and clannies to transport around.
  19. L-Rick

    worn items?

    If he used a knife on beans tin alot it could degrade the knife and he could of dropped it, but it usually just spawns in with whatever condition :-)
  20. L-Rick

    What do YOU do when you are geared?

    Balota barracks and hangars, then tents. Cherno up high on buildings with long range scope and Mosin, fun times. Oh and also 5+ clannies with you too :-)
  21. L-Rick

    M4a4 bullets/magazine Question

    5.56 bullets to load into a CMAG to load into the M4.
  22. L-Rick

    Solar rechargeable batterypack

    Wind turbine too? :-D
  23. Updating? If not you pc security may have been breached as this is the first I have heard of it in 40 hours of play/other friends ~40 hours too. Malwarez or virus checked lately? Could be using the dayz.exe as a downloading slave.... or maybe its too late here and I have absolutely no idea what I'm going on about :-)
  24. L-Rick

    Jogging shoes. Rare or not?

    Found them before in a house.
  25. L-Rick


    Rabbit with the voice of a zombie :-0