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About L-Rick

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    Feeding others spray
  1. L-Rick

    Server hopper just ruined my day

    You could log out then return in 5 hours to farm still though?
  2. L-Rick

    Server hopper just ruined my day

    Server restart so you rejoin, only to find out someone has rejoined or started their session? Edit: and for or.
  3. L-Rick

    Additional layers of clothing

    If you go in water you get damp clothes after a while and possibly lead to sickness.
  4. Had that before, ran to belota, gear up end game stuff in 10 minutes
  5. L-Rick

    Immersive Map Features And Structures

    When the game is released, you will be amazed, just patience for now :-)
  6. L-Rick

    special vehicule

  7. L-Rick

    Not this again.. *facepalm*

    Damn! lol
  8. L-Rick

    Suggestion: Babys

    Why don't we add in small annoying dogs that our girlfriends IRL have! Then we could feed it spray and rotten food, both in and out of game :-D :-D jokes
  9. L-Rick

    Rope Uses and Suggestions

    Damn! I keep getting mixed up, brb throwing out my rotten food.
  10. L-Rick

    Rope Uses and Suggestions

    Dragging handcuffed/poisoned bambis around the woods...
  11. L-Rick

    Apocalyptic Environment.

    Stuff like "Get out, infected have taken over" in spray paint on a wall or road sign to the entrance to the village.
  12. L-Rick

    Who else?

    Unlimited sprint is a massive timesaver.
  13. L-Rick

    Stuck in a room

    Friend had this, all he did was sprint real fast at the wall and vaulted over it, took him about 10 tries though.
  14. L-Rick


    Please elaborate a tiny bit more? :-)
  15. L-Rick

    Dear god... some people

    Adds realism to the game... Lol :-)