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About Tooeasyy

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  1. Tooeasyy

    A good use for pen and paper

    90% of the guys who kill you are probably very young and don't give 2 shits about the pen and paper that you have on you but care more for that "Sweet" mosin ammo
  2. Tooeasyy

    Battleye Global ban #7b93dd

    Ничего вы забанены
  3. Tooeasyy

    (NOT Tedious Anymore!)

    I usually never die of thirst or hunger in dayz i see all these posts about people not finding food and im curious because i always seem to have loads of food and water on me along with a lot of weapon/ammo
  4. As the title says, I'm looking for either a clan or a couple of people to play the mod and standalone with. I'm 16 and i live on the west coast. My skype is Tooeasyy69 and my steam is osketch if you want anymore information you can just contact me on either or.
  5. Tooeasyy


    dont count on even being able to play the servers are constantly full.
  6. Tooeasyy

    How did I die?!

    Sounds like you were killed by some guy who deleted his .pbo files... its okay thats getting fixed soon
  7. Tooeasyy

    DayZ pissing me off, Server restart equals Respawn

    Its alpha expect shit like this is going to happen and if it pisses you off all i can say you shouldnt have bought it :)
  8. Tooeasyy

    Bandits are BORING!

    Why dont you be a bandit if you think thats the "best way" to survive stop making these pointless ass posts its not our problem that your terrible at the game and dont know how to hide from players or if your not aware of your surroundings ive lived for a very long time being neutral
  9. Tooeasyy

    Communicating Without Headset

    how you can play games without a headset now a days. Headsets now a days are a necessity, you are holding yourself back so far not having one. EDIT: Nobody wants to team up with a guy that doesn't have a headset btw
  10. Tooeasyy

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    He was talking about a macro that will stop the process Go to task manager and just pressed end process it will just shut it down immediately
  11. Server hoppers server hoppers server hoppers........ me and my buddy were held up inside of a jail in the balota airbase while 8-12 guys were outside having a giant firefight and we were defending the jail against people because we were both very low on blood and we were waiting for our other friends to get to the airbase for some support and we see a guy with a shovel open the door we start unloading on him he moves out of the way and logs out about 2 minutes later he spawns on the top floor comes down and beats us with shovels happened 3 times but hte other 2 the idiots were unsuccessful. please fix this maybe make it to where if you leave a server and join a different one you can join back into the first server unless you wait like 10 minutes or something
  12. Hunting rifles should be the weapon everybody is using not an M4
  13. Tooeasyy

    Items you want to see in the SA

    Some lawnchairs so i can sit on top of a hill with my ghillie suit as i watch innocent fresh spawns get sniped