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About d3sigN8t3dDruNk

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    On the Coast

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  1. d3sigN8t3dDruNk

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    You are probably right about this, but I'm not one of them. I have 400 hours in this game. I'm not on here bitching and moaning constantly about every little thing. I do think it is STUPID they cant take 2 seconds to type out something in a text file for the next patch/experimental. Its that simple, really. Thats why I have issue with it. They time they take to tweet that its not in game, they could have put it in. I have 2 accounts, one I won't play on cause of hackers killing me and i have a fully kitted, ghillie guy with an M4 kitted, smersh vest and ammo box completely full of M4 rounds. All looted legit, by searching heli's and farming on my own. I'd like to die legit, not to some guy hiding in a wall. I will play this guy when they announce a character wipe, or put in my suppressor. Not til then. They already removed my drum mag on my other guy :P
  2. d3sigN8t3dDruNk

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    A friend of mine looted a police station*, and found an mp5, silencer and 5 mags. Its still possible. Its just more random. Thats not the point I'm making. The NATO deal was removed from the teddy bears at XMAS as were the rest of them, and neglected to be put back in when they did the others. It's been acknowledged several times thats its not back in game and theres been 2-4 patches since? That was 4 months ago. Its a simple notepad file change, it takes 2 mins or less. It's not hard.
  3. d3sigN8t3dDruNk

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I like the updated zombie features, I just wished they didn't desync all over the screen when you're trying to fight them. I've never been a fan of the persistence but if its fixed then I guess it can't be that bad. Only time will tell. My only real beef with this game right now is a big one. Currently, you still can't get a suppressor for the M4 and AUG other then the improvised deal which is useless. The NATO one does not spawn in game. The hardest to find weapons in the game get ziltch....Yet you can get suppressors for pistols, mp5s and AK's out the wazoo. Seems right since those guns are everywhere and everyone can find it by just swiming to the prison. Not to mention, the AK101, which uses the SAME ammo as the M4 and AUG, can use the Suppressor East but you can't put it on those guns. Makes literally no sense b/c its the same caliber of bullets..... It's ridiculous that this hasn't been put back into the game yet. It's really a simple change and I don't understand why the people with rarer loot, get shafted on this. You're rewarding the server hoppers. Surely I'm not the only one that thinks this is ridiculous. I know its alpha, but come on. Reward the players who hunt for their loot, not the ones who live on the coast killing fresh spawns. You can literally go to the prison, loot once and find a fully kitted AK with 5 mags and 4 suppressors. I've done it. Searching for Heli's is actually hard, yet those players get ignored. I don't understand it.
  4. d3sigN8t3dDruNk

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    Were there any changes to the Assault weapons? My Ak47 had a buttstock and arm guard when I logged off last night. They both were removed when I logged on after I installed that patch. It could be worse, but kind of annoying cause I'm all the way up north past the Airfield now and almost no where to get new parts except a few places :D
  5. d3sigN8t3dDruNk

    I ate a rotten kiwi, help!

    Ive gotten sick somehow (dont remember what Ive ate) and I took 3-4 helpings of charcoal tabs and an hr later im still sick...
  6. How bout something gets done for the people who swap servers and camp unarmed people, especially in Bilota? What is the fun in killing an unarmed player? With the fact loot don't re-spawn, you will have server hoping, there is no way around it. I do it, specifically for that reason. I also try to play on low pop servers more b/c there is less chance of gankers if you move away from the coast.