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About dispx

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  1. Ok so do you guys notice any of my setup being the same as yours? Maybe post what computer specs etc you have so we can compare and maybe find the source.
  2. Hey, I get framedrops from 30-40 to 0 for 1-2 secs every 10-20 seconds. I have tried every possible setting, even with everything disabled and all graphics options on lowest possible. Also tried modifying dayz profile files, to whatever people suggested on forums as follows: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; sceneComplexity=300000; shadowZDistance=100; viewDistance=2200; preferredObjectViewDistance=1800; Launch options: -cpuCount=8 -nosplash -noPause -maxMem=6144 tried with 4 cores aswell (software supposedly detects 8 cores with I7 dunno if true) Feels like these setting keep resetting(100% sure i save them)? set sceneComplexity to 20000 as lowest, still no difference. Computer specs: Intel core I7 2600 (2,67GHz) HD radeon 7850 game installed on SSD Logitech G510 keyboard Logitech G35 headset Razer naga mouse some random logitech speakers I use 2 screens (tried unplugging 1, didnt solve the problem) Everything on my computer has 100% up to date drivers. Only running steam,logitech keyboard software, skype and Security essential on the background. also tried reïnstalling, didnt do anything for me. Anyone else having a problem like this?
  3. dispx

    What do YOU do when you are geared?

    Yeah this serverhopping and logging out mid combat needs to stop IMO.
  4. Personally I go for either a airport to look for confrontation or to cherno/electro to do the same? I'd like to hear from other people what they do.
  5. Ah thanks guys... Dieing solved it :D. To bad tho cause my char was alive for like 12hours :(
  6. Hey, My screen atm is black and white, while i don't have any status effects or disease to my knowledge. I know the server is daytime because my friend ir right next to me. Anyone know what this could be? Bye,
  7. dispx

    How to fix the lagspikes?

    How would I go about doing that?
  8. dispx

    How to fix the lagspikes?

    Thanks Ill try that.
  9. dispx

    How to fix the lagspikes?

    I got a radeon HD7850, I7, 6g ram, windows 7 64 bit. On a sidenote what settings should i be able to run with that? Everything is on low right now, but since that doesnt seem to fix it I might aswell crank it up.
  10. Hey guys, Does anyone have a clue on how to fix the spikes, or am I the only getting them? It's like a 1-2 second freeze every 10 orso seconds, Really frustrating at times. I have tried a wide range of different video settings, nothing seems to change it. If anyone could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. Greetings, Dispx