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Terror (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Terror (DayZ)

  1. While playing arma 2/dayz i will randomly get a black screen that just says receiving. i can still hear ingame sound and read chat but have no control over my character and cant see anything. it lasts for a few seconds up to about 20 seconds and then returns back to normal but if im driving or flying im pretty much guaranteed to crash and if im in a gun fight or running from zombies i get killed. I have tried setting all my graphics to minimum and even lowering my resolution but it does not fix it, so at this point im pretty sure its not a computer graphics issue. please help asap because its ruining my gaming experience.
  2. Terror (DayZ)

    Black screen receiving

    I just downloaded Dayz and its for a steam copy of CO. I am able to play fine for about 5-10 mins but then my game goes to a black screen that just says receiving. It never comes out of the screen no matter how long i wait and the only thing i can do is ctrl alt delete to exit. I have tried reinstalling the dayz files multiple times but it keeps happening. Does no1 know anything about this? i would really like to be able to play.
  3. Team Members Involved: TerrorCell Nrthrnlights Ravioli266 d3ward BobSaget My group was at the Northwest airfield southern barracks when 2 of our members were sniped. One of the snipers came out of the woods behind us and began looting when we killed him. Seeing it was a [M4D] Clan member we figured there would be more than one so we stayed hidden until one of us spotted the 2nt guy in a tree and proceded to unload on him. He Alt-F4'd to avoid death. A few minutes later i spotted another guy with a .50 caliber sniper at the hangers so i sniped him. It was [M4D] Leadcatcher. About 30 seconds later the server was shut down and restarted. All 4 of the boddies were gone and so was my murder count on Leadcatcher. As we logged in we saw this in chat "BLUFOR ([M4D] Leadcatcher): 'Bastards DMR me at airfield!!! DIE!!!'" About a minute after that one of our members hiding in a tree was killed by a .50 caliber sniper. Our other member was hidden nearby and saw the sniper looting the body and proceded to shoot him many times on full auto. He disconnected to try and avoid death. A few seconds later the server shut down and restarted again. I know we probably wont get our gear back but i would like to see some action taken to ban this admin or shut the abusive clan server down. A few screenshots of the events are attached.
  4. Terror (DayZ)

    Group looking for home.

    Group of US east coast gamers looking for home server. Require No name tags, 3rd person on. Must have an active website in case of server name changes and no plans on shutting down server. We play mostly evening and late night so would need at least a GMT+0 or GMT- 8 or more timezones. Please post here with questions or server suggestions. Thanks, Terror.
  5. Terror (DayZ)

    Group looking for home.

  6. Terror (DayZ)

    Group looking for home.

    Group of US east coast gamers looking for home server. Require No name tags, 3rd person on. Must have an active website in case of server name changes and no plans on shutting down server. We play mostly evening and late night so would need atleast a GMT+0 or GMT- 8 or more timezones. Please post here with questions or server suggestions.
  7. Terror (DayZ)

    Group looking for home.

    posted in wrong place please delete this thread. reposting in general.
  8. Terror (DayZ)

    Dayz - US194 Admin Abuse

    O also forgot 2 mention, notice how "BROverlord" posted just a few minutes after leadcatcher and only has one post on his profile? be less obvious with your extra accounts to try and defend yourself please. Edit: in fact the account was made just before the post.
  9. Terror (DayZ)

    Dayz - US194 Admin Abuse

    Immature and ignorant because a team of 5 people killed some clan admins on their server who were fully geared and the server just happened 2 restart within 30 secs of each? Even if it was just a huge coincidence pretty sure we are not the admins screaming profanity and threats over global chat(public side chat is not on btw).
  10. Terror (DayZ)

    Dayz - US194 Admin Abuse

  11. Terror (DayZ)

    Dayz - US194 Admin Abuse

    Trying to ask one of their other admins about what happened but he seems to be ignoring me.
  12. Terror (DayZ)

    Dayz - US194 Admin Abuse

    Hope they dont get away with this and something can be done?
  13. Terror (DayZ)

    Dayz - US194 Admin Abuse

    I was told by Vipeax to post it in the Cheat section
  14. Terror (DayZ)


    Me and my group of friends just killed a sniper in cherno who had a sniper called the M4AO3 and i cant find details about it on the wiki and not sure what this gun is. If an admin can respond that would be much appreciated.
  15. Terror (DayZ)


    Sweet. I have just been told by a streamer who plays with 1 of the devs that any hacked items in DayZ are fair game as long as you didnt spawn it yourself.
  16. Terror (DayZ)


    Thats what i had figured. It is also called the M40A3 Sorry. What should i do with it because i dropped my m16 and all my ammo for it so i really dont want to be gunless
  17. Terror (DayZ)


    I dont know. Thats why i am really hoping an admin replys