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Posts posted by THE_UN533N

  1. I picked it up off a player not right but I don't hack period. and I'm not au5 admin just a regular shifty Pete is someone who dupes and also uses hacked weapons so he's just as at fault as I am damn kids being emo everyone needs to get off their high horse and stop pretending they are perfect angelic players as hackers ATM are rampant in this game. So why point a finger at me Pete when your just as at fault here....

    • Like 1

  2. Did search btw only found glitch deaths

    If you are niave enough to believe that scripts and admin

    Commands are so locked down they can only do

    X y and z commands I have these magic beans for sale, interested?

    Out of the box sure only x y and z commands but there

    Definantly would be a way around it.

  3. Throw me another reason 2 players will die simultaneously with nothing else around them.

    I'm might be hosting my own server aswell soon, so I won't randomly die on your server?

    Server was nearly empty and stable as just disheartening is all.

  4. Killed the following,

    -Ark- Graphite47

    -ArK- THE_UN533N

    we were up together on the northwest airfield on a nearly empty server,

    and got admin/hacker killed.

    when I say killed we were both walking along than seen a glimpse of about a third filled hourglass, than your are dead.

    Alpha or not D-Bag admins and hackers can kill this game before it hits Beta, so this really needs to be policed hard and fast.

    Third time this has happened to me on a server my entire clan is playing this (not all tagged) and we are all having similar experiences from admins/hackers more frequently.

    Not even sure this is the right section for this. but here it is anyway.
