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Hebrew Melvin

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About Hebrew Melvin

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Hebrew Melvin

    Www.melyco.com Server Needs Banned

    This, and I cant wait to see kids crying on here about theyre servers getting banned, Im going to start looking for servers that kick people just so they can get owned an have to buy another server
  2. Hebrew Melvin

    Www.melyco.com Server Needs Banned

    Its agai9nst the rules, and im getting servers banned from now on that kick people
  3. Makes sence, we americans always sticking our nose where it doesnt belong, Let the F*****s die in russia, keep the infection over there haha
  4. Hebrew Melvin

    Www.melyco.com Server Needs Banned

    They kept kicking me for no reason, then when i killed them they kicked me everytime i joined....pls ban, this is against the rules
  5. All they do when they die is kick people, and when you try to join they just kick you anyways..where do i report this, as your not allowed to kick people from the server for any reason besides cheating
  6. Hebrew Melvin

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    obvious server hopper is obvious
  7. Hebrew Melvin

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    If i got nothing but a melee and u try to rob me, ima let u get close n fk ur ass up.....you better jus kill me
  8. Hebrew Melvin

    NEW abandoned places in DAYZ!?

    These are awesome, some of them are already in the game, or have models made for them such as the castle prison, and we have a ship crashed by berenzino
  9. Hebrew Melvin

    Could I run DayZ?

    you should be able to
  10. Please fill me in on any good ones that you guys know of, Id much appreciate it!!
  11. Hebrew Melvin

    How many zombies have you killed with your fists?

    Headshotys knock them out, then its all about the gorund n pound
  12. Hebrew Melvin

    Combat Logger / Ghoster Exposed - DUCK YOU IF YOU DO THIS

    Obivous culprit is obvious
  13. Hebrew Melvin

    1,000,000 DAYZ

    Tally hoe!!!!!!!!!!!