Personally I don't understand why you keep saying that their is no point to the game. Why does there need to be? DayZ is a sandbox game. It gives you an environment to play in. It gives you resources to accomplish various tasks, albeit they are not implemented in the game yet. It allows you to do what you want to do when you want to do it. To say that there "needs" to be a point to the game just tells me that this is not the game for you. So instead of coming on here and complaining about it, why not just give in to the fact that it is not the game for you and move on to something that is more suited to your play style. It has become very apparent after reading your posts that if there is no way to "level up" then the game is pointless... to you. As stated numerous times by Rocket, the current alpha version of the game includes the pillars of the core mechanics upon which the game will be built around. You were also warned prior to your purchase, if you cared to read the warnings, that this game is in a very early alpha stage. If you decided to ignore those warnings then that's on you, not on the current state of the game, nor on the developers. If you have something constructive to say that might help the game evolve then by all means post it, but if you just want to bitch about the current state of the game and how it doesn't meet "your" expectations then your post is meaningless.