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About imaximus

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    On the Coast
  1. Just sort of thinking out loud here, but I know one of the main complaints gameplay wise is no one helps each other anymore. It's pretty much shoot on sight, no matter if you consider yourself a Bandit, Survivor, RPer, PVPer, whatever. The skin change morality system was removed for good reason, but here is an idea I had to possibly bring it back. Suggestion: After a certain amount of time of your character's life span (in game), the next time you log in you are confronted with a choice that you can not change until you die and star a new life. You can either remain a Survivor (Hat and vest skin), become a Soldier (Camo) or become a Bandit (Bandit skin). Soldiers being the "good guys" Bandits "Bad Guys" and Survivors "Neutral". Again, this choice is permanent and can not be changed. "Yes but what about the Ghillie suit?" All classes are able to put on the ghillie suite, AND take it off when ever they want. The whole idea behind a ghillie suit is to stay hidden and this could be double as sort of a spy suit for those that want to hide their faction affiliation. This idea isn't going to stop people from shooting one another for no reason, but it will at least give all players an opportunity to join forces with less worry about if this person good or bad, (Key word less) and maybe just get people teaming up with strangers again instead of always the "Take no chances" approach. Now the question is, how much time played? The average life span right now is 32 mins... but we know that is not accurate due to people re-spawning for good spawn positions all the time. So 2 hours? 4? 8? Or maybe have the choice when you 1st log in. Cons: The main con I can see is, what's to stop people from just being a bandit no matter what faction they choose? Well that's a good question, but with the type of people that play DayZ I think most people will choose accordingly. Also this idea isn't supposed to eliminate paranoia... just lower or minimize it a bit considering the complaints. A way to have people give others more of a chance. Again, just thinking out loud here, please try and stay constructive lol. Just had another idea that expands a little on this, but might be a little more far fetched. I know some people still like being able to find cool new skins to wear. I have to answers for that. #1 Add more skins per faction, different soldier style, different Bandit styles, and there are already different Survivor styles, we are just unable to pick between them. #2 Once you put on a skin it is permanent (with exception of Ghillie suit) until you find another skin. This will detour others from swapping factions, and/or encourage espionage... which kinda goes against my original idea I know lol.
  2. Ironically this is the best and worst post in this thread. Really shows all sides of the issue.
  3. I simply do not agree with you on that. Yes I agree it's designed to make you suffer, but it is still a game. An anti-game would be the real thing. No one plays DayZ or ANY other game because it IS NOT fun, they play it because it IS fun. And while most of the fun stems from the difficulty, there is a point when the difficulty makes most players not even want to give the game a chance, let alone stick with it any extended period of time.
  4. NO Spawn with Mak and 1 magazine (in the gun) nice middle ground. No gun = No fun. This is a game after all.