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steross1981 (DayZ)

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About steross1981 (DayZ)

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    On the Coast

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  1. Was just thinking that the longer someone plays the game and the more familiar they are with the environment their new spawns become like a local inhabitant whereas the new players are like people who have washed up on a random island during an apocalypse. Just a random thought. Enjoy your day! :) This guy.
  2. steross1981 (DayZ)

    Any sign of Vive / Rift support?

    To be honest I think room scale would add a whole new dimension to the combat. It would be less like people chasing in each other in frantic circles as the movement controls would be much easier in some aspects. I'm glad to see such a discussion has arisen from my post. I nearly gave up after seeing the first comment. Also will the new graphics cards being released make any difference to the viability of the idea? I heared they have HBM2 which is a big deal or something? and also wont the next gen of processors get us closer to the goal as well as a 2nd or 3rd gen of HMD which may be capable of running better games at lower requirements Thanks Guys :)
  3. steross1981 (DayZ)

    Any sign of Vive / Rift support?

    Title says it all really :) It would be amazing to play this game in VR