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About zor_prime1

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    If you knew, I'd be dead all ready.
  • Interests
    You can't KOS what you can't see.

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    Old Whiskey Rambler.
  1. zor_prime1

    Identifying Players

    At least make a player's name permanent, right? I mean, that would help a lot.
  2. zor_prime1

    Noob Question about Voice/Speak

    Here's a tid-bit. If you double-tap CAPS-LOCK, you can turn it on permanently. You can then turn it off by double clicking again. I found this to be helpful when I'm talking to an unfriendly and got to keep on the go. Hope that helps you friend!
  3. zor_prime1

    Identifying Players

    Why don't you reread pillz post, then re-post here. This time, read it more thoroughly. And I never said anywhere that it was going to be added. Oh man, here, let me break it down for you: Pillz said, and I quote " B. You are still looking for a way to identify players and I'm gonna tell you once again, thats not gonna happen, this is not that kind of game that helps players play". So please. MYOB, if you do not know that facts. So when he's done with that ointment, I'm sure there will be plenty left over. Ask him nicely. He seems like a hot head.
  4. zor_prime1

    Another frustrating day on DAYZ

    Unfortunately, No.1 was entirely your own fault. I'm not being a jerk, don't get me wrong. But the mistakes you made are obvious. The fact that you didn't have your weapon drawn the whole time while in Electro put you in a tight spot; unable to defend yourself, especially in a confined space. I'm sure you know, you have got to double-tap W to run. And you didn't hear the guy while in the building? I've learned from past mistakes that retreating is fundamental. You have to be aware of your surroundings. Instead of running down three flights of stairs, perhaps running to another room to arm yourself would have been better. All I'm saying is, when I die, I look back and realize I did something wrong, perhaps I panicked, and basically gave the guy a free kill. No.2 just sucks. I hate the fact that you can be knocked out with one lone punch. So lame. No.3 sucks too, man. That stupid little white dot is hard to pin!
  5. zor_prime1

    Identifying Players

    Haha! I think you need to tell yourself what race you are, or are not. P.S. http://forums.dayzga...stem/?hl=memory BOOM! Want some ointment for that burn?
  6. zor_prime1

    Identifying Players

    I love you Gandalf!
  7. zor_prime1

    Identifying Players

    I have to disagree with the first part of your statement, friend. The game is what you want it to be. But the limitations set before us blockade the road ahead, so to speak. searching for the killer is some of the best fun I've had in the mod. Adds an other element to the game. Without it, then what? I'll have to become one of those morons out there with the mindset,"Shoot first, ask questions later"? Nope! Never!
  8. zor_prime1

    Identifying Players

    It's really hard to read your posts, man. Can you type any better? Firstly, I wasn't raging, especially not about bandits. Secondly, I never said the game sucks. I love the game. I said it sucks that we can't tell who killed us, jeeze. And with that, a huge aspect of the game is missing. If you can't add something constructive, please stay out of the conversation. And resorting to name calling, that's so 9th grade. Man, where do you come from? English 101, learn the basics, home-boy!
  9. zor_prime1

    Identifying Players

    Another good reason for knowing who killed who: How are we ever going to know who the best and most feared bandits are? The ones we must stay away from. The ones he write about on the forums. Or the best and most liked heroes? If there is no way of identifying players, there is no way of knowing. And a huge part of the game is missing.
  10. I usually bypass them. They run like someone's drunk grandmother. They can be avoided, easily. Just run pass them. Never stop to fight them. I found myself stopping to fisticuff the bastards at first, then realized they were slow and easily avoidable. But if you do have to fight one, go into first person mode, if you don't play in it all ready, circle round them and aim for the head.
  11. zor_prime1

    Identifying Players

    Sure, that's fine, but being able to constantly change your name doesn't help. I can't begin to tell you how much fun I had in the past searching for those who killed me. Stalking them, killing them, and rejoicing. Not possible any more. And to me, yeah, that does suck!
  12. zor_prime1

    Identifying Players

    Woe guy dude, like OMG, chill! (Lame) You're complaining about me complaining, what's worse? And I wasn't complaining about getting shot, that's half the fun of the game. What I am complaining about is the fact that going after the people who killed you isn't possible, and that's the other half of the fun. So read thoroughly before rage post.... Next!
  13. zor_prime1

    Identifying Players

    It has all ready been stated, that there will be no name plates, or any other way of identify players, which is total bull-shit! If players can't get revenge on bandits, a huge part of the game will be missing. SUCKS! So much fun hunting KOSing jerks. This game is catered to bandits. Please don't fall into the trap of being a KOSer, because that's where the game is headed. Be a smart survivor, not a shaky trigger fingered Bambie.
  14. zor_prime1

    A message, to message!

    I agree about Anime, but you have to understand my friend, this is the one and only Zor Prime from Robotech! If you know, you get it. Okay, now that that's done. The people who are shot will be the ones who type and tell. A quick message while in death screen, or if they spot a hidden foe. That's what I mean. I apologize if I was unclear.
  15. zor_prime1

    A message, to message!

    Yeah man. I think it would be awesome if as I was looting and a message came up saying that there is a sniper on the roof if the fire station. Stop, drop and flank! It's fun for everyone. And helpful. And again, the message range is pretty good, and should be read by all with in the area.