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Everything posted by drkingschultz93

  1. drkingschultz93

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Hi, I just wanted to mention that it seems like hacking is getting more of a problem.... I love this game and I know it's early access alpha and things are going to be fixed. But the growing amount of hackers just frustrates me.... The last two weeks I saw about 10 hackers O.o with all kinds of hacks .... Speedhacks, unlimited magazines and today we encountered a french 4 men crew with 2 Snipers equipped with automatic Mosins :huh: They camped on a crane in berezino harbour and killed every moving thing that went past them.... fortunatley they were total noobs XD and I managed to kill at the minimum one of them and wounded two more. First time we managed to kill some of these hacking idiots.... But getting shot at with a automatic mosin at about 750m is just ridicoulus :| I hope this will get fixed as soon as possible But am I the only one that suffers from that many hackers the last weeks ? And why the fuck do people hack on this game O.o got no balls ? MfG Dr. King Schultz
  2. drkingschultz93

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    :rolleyes: There are so many more important things in the world than complaining about a game.... I just don't get it why people still keep complaining and whining about the SA. Look you bought the game, you were warned that it's far from being finished and that it'll be buggy as hell.... Dean himself told everybody.... please don't buy this game. And still .... there are people like you wasting their life time to give a sermon about how "bad" this game is O.o. And some of these people even offend Rocket in every post or step he makes.... But why ? If you don't like it quit playing it. Nearly nobody wants to hear your "speech" Me and many others do have no problem with waiting 1, 2 or even more years until it's finished, i knew what i was going to do XD i knew the mod, i knew the bugs.... So far the game is fun for me and many of my friends. And i've had more fun with it then with any other game in the past 3 years. So please look for an other game or make your own Survival game, with blackjack and hookers if you want to.... but please don't whine about DayZ And i don't even know why I'm answering this... i guess too much time XD MfG Dr.King Schultz (sorry for my bad english)
  3. drkingschultz93

    New Experimental?

    The Item-throwing looks not very smooth so far, i don't know wether it's because of the server, or my pc, or wether it's because of the new messaging system... I just tested the new message system so far... maybe it's smooth on the servers with the old system. Does anybody else have this laggy flying items ? And the small or thin Objects like Batteries or Rags kept glitching trough the ground on my screen.... :( But i Like the way throwing works. Now we can actually aim where and how strong we want to throw ^^ (hated the "grenade throw" in Arma 2) But .....I guess after some finetuning, throwing is going to be awesome :D MfG Dr. King Schultz (sorry for my bad english I'm not a native speaker)
  4. drkingschultz93

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    THE CHERNORUSSIAN MOVEMENT OF THE RED STAR!!! Be ready to fight for the survival of socialism comrades ! This is kind of an old picture back in 0.36 or 0.37 days i think ^^ but still looks very nice :D Since this picture nobody died (except for one "falling of a castle tower" accident XD ) MfG Dr.King Schultz
  5. drkingschultz93

    Do not use sporter 22

    what did you expect ? it's a .22 caliber rifle... it's supposed to kill rabbits and such... not humans
  6. I love the new zeds :D keep the speed,fix the clipping issues, add a more realistic sighting system, make some big wandering hordes :D, let them spawn out of my sight and maybe give them the ability to infect you ( but not the way like it was in the mod XD) and you have the perfect zombie threat :thumbsup: I think adjusting the speed and the animations is a step in the right direction :) Had some nice littly storys with these fast zeds ^^ and people remember it's still alpha.... the zombies are far from being finished sorry for my english :P MfG Dr.King Schultz
  7. drkingschultz93

    sax guy in church

    Epic XD imagine this happens to you XD
  8. drkingschultz93

    Post Your Gear So Far

    My little Sniper Char. From the growing Sniper Section of the Chernorussian Movement of the Red Star ^^ MfG Dr.King Schultz
  9. drkingschultz93

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    The Chernorussian Movement of the Red Star posing :D just before a Group of Cowboys ambushed us for no reason -.-. They killed one of us, but we managed to dispel them. Killed two but the 3rd one (who was the murder -.-) disapeared :( If somebody with a Cowboy hat, a down jacket and a Pumpgun remembers us.... I hate you XD Btw: Your SKS Makrsman is the badest sniper i've ever encountered Mfg Dr.King Schultz
  10. drkingschultz93

    Post your current character, discuss each others.

    Hi, so thats my little survivor... although i may be looking like a bandit or a "Balota-Sniper" with my charackter, i usually don't kill on sight. Most of the time i play the guide of our little very military looking group or i'm covering them from somewhere playing the "eagleeye" ( sometimes with success... sometimes not ^^). So I'm normaly very friendly, I may also give you something for free ^^ but if you shoot at us or if you're behaving very suspect ... we're not THAT friendly haha :D. My clothing is usually very concentrated on the best camoflague effect that i can reach (normaly my axe is in my bag not on my shoulder... but the charackter screen displays it wrong :( ) and yeah... thats why im also looking for a selfmade-ghillie ^^. So if you find a group with ttsko camo and camo bandanas ^^ just ask wether we're friendly:D i promise if you hear a german accent ^^ you won't be killed :D Sorry for grammar issues or mistakes ^^ Greetings from germany http://www.pic-upload.de/view-21943398/drking.jpg.html Edit: f****** pictures won't work -.-
  11. drkingschultz93

    How to make the map more engaging.

    Really really nice ideas All this stuff would add so much atmosphere to the game I really hope the devs will read this and will implement as many of your points as they could You have my Mosin and my Beans sir :beans:
  12. drkingschultz93

    Winter Survival: The Northern Expedition

    You have my Beans Sir :beans: One of the best ideas i've seen in this forum so far :D I really hope the devs will read this Greetings from Germany Dr.King_Schultz