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Everything posted by Dennis030

  1. Hello, today I wanted to meet up whit a friend in Cherno. There was only one problem: He couldn't see me and I couldn't see him! He was almost impossible to spot even when standing still, I only saw a very small moving thing at about 250 m (probably one item he weared) as showed in the following picture. Then I was able to see him as he was about 150 m far away but whit an animation problem. I decided to record it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXpxwYAkZEo&feature=youtu.be This bug appeared until the server restart. Also he told me that he couldn't see my character all the time, at long distance as well as at 1-5 m. After the restart he could see me but whitout any items and clothings. The animation was wrong again (he saw me standing, actually I was prone). I have to add that the visibility bug happened for the first time, not like the animation bug. Although I was able to see another player at +500 m a few minutes before this happened. Game settings: Me My friend Object: Very low Very low Terrain: Very low Very low Clouds: Disabled Disabled Shadows: Disabled Very high Video Memory: 2047 MB Auto Texture Details: Normal Very low Texture Filtering: Disabled Very low Antialiasing: Low Disabled Alpha to Coverage: All trees + grass Disabled Edge Smoothing: Disabled Disabled GPU_MaxFramesAhead: 1 1000GPU_DetectedFramesAhead: 1 0sceneComplexity: 25000 200000shadowZDistance: 50 100viewDistance: 900 1600preferredObjectViewDistance: 900 1300 I hope this helps solving the problems! Thank you. Dennis030
  2. Dennis030

    Character Screenshots!
