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About m33ts4k0z

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. m33ts4k0z

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Its not my job to know! Get a life funboy! I'm not the one selling the game!
  2. m33ts4k0z

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    lol. They either fix something for sure or better not release it at all. The word "should" shows uncertainty and that they dont really know what they are doing. Better wait a for a month to get a more complete patch with fixes that actually do work than just make moves to impress the masses by releasing a 31/12 patch. Don't reply to me with "its alpha". I'm the one who says this first :P. I just don't like being played thats all :D
  3. m33ts4k0z

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Respawn is still broken. Corpses still disappear. Changing weapons while running still causes the player to stop. Zooming through a weapon scope still bugs sometimes. All of the above are fixed issues on the patches and all of them still occur. I wonder why do they release patch notes on 31 Dec when they havent really fixed anything.
  4. m33ts4k0z

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Yes, It should now be happy again.
  5. m33ts4k0z

    Should I invest my time in 1st Person Servers?

    The next update will completely remove 3rd person. A dev has confirmed this through twitter. You can find the quote on the last update thread on this forum.
  6. m33ts4k0z

    serious disappointement

    Well this thread is indeed funny :D. I understand what the OP means and probably this game is just not for him indeed but I would like to explain some things. I bought DayZ 3 days ago simply because it was game #3 in twitch.tv streamings. I was curious about it and read up a lot. My brother and I then decided to support the alpha and bought it. On the first day I was also wondering what was the purpose since clearly this isnt like WoW or GW2 or COD. Then I found a weapon. I found a magazine of that weapon that was like 9/30, then I found another magazine that was like 10/20. I say wth, this is silly if you cant put the bullets in 1 mag. Then I noticed that I can empty one magazine and fill the other one with the bullets. That was unique for me for a first person game(never played ArmA). Then I found an empty ammo box. It said it could hold up to 300 rounds. I say wtf is this stupid thing taking up 4 slots of my inventory? Then by mistake I noticed a bug, I threw it down and I noticed that it offered 10 ammo slots for the expense of 4 inventory slots! By the time I got that box I had 3-4 different M4 mags that were taking a lot of space. I quickly removed the bullets from them, keeping 2 full mags: one in the M4 and 1 to swap in case of combat. The rest of the bullets I put them inside the ammo box together with the bullets of the magnum, the colt pistol, the mosin and the shotgun slugs. These were 2 examples of what to do in this game. This is actually a loot hunt like what Diablo or Path of Exile offers with the difference that you never know what will happen if you enter an area/house and you never know what you are going to find in there (and if you find something at all). You can literally be dead the next second and lose all the loot. This is thrilling and exciting. The purpose of the Alpha is simple: Go and find loot but always be prepared because you never know what you will meet on the way. I really love this game and yesterday, I also bought another copy for one of my friends. Also a side note to the OP(copied from Steam): Playable vehicles Wide variety of native animal life Player created constructions in the environment Extensive interactions with the environment and crafting options Streamlined user actions and interface Upgraded graphics and physics engine (including ragdoll, etc.) Control and animations expanded and improved for fluidity Support of user mods But as everyone said, this is Alpha but I personally really love it so far!