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About king6887

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  1. We initially bought a server from HFB, within about 5 hours of ordering (and having not started it) we asked for a refund to cancel it because it wasn't possible to change the timezone (it is now). That was declined. I initially thought about paypal dispute but after calming down thought better of it and went with the server anyway. We didn't use the server a massive amount as it was only up for about 2 weeks. After that we got a dedicated box and hosted our own. Some point prior to the actual end of the billing month the server went in to a state of "unknown" and nothing could be done with it on the control panel, I never bothered asking about it because i didn't really care at that point, but it seemed to get stuck in a loop and never rebooted in about a week. While the server was actually up and running it seemed stable enough though (well as stable as a server can be in alpha). =)
  2. king6887

    Server just nuked...

    That channel keeps cropping up but all attempts so far to get the key for it have resulted in no replies =(
  3. king6887


    Is there any way to log who kills who? Last night our clan found a camp with an AS50 TWS in it, which afaik is not a valid gun in DayZ. Before we could get any names they were shot and killed, and we have no idea who's camp it is. There was also an excessive amount of satchel charges (like 40+) so pretty sure someone was up to no good, just can't find who.
  4. king6887


    Would it be worth distributing a common scripts.txt file here in this forum because I'm pretty sure the default one is fairly poor. I've only had a quick look at the way it works, and understand the basis of it, but wouldn't really know where to start when adding custom entries (not looked in massive detail). The scripts log file that is being generated runs into the 2GB size for a couple of days (99% of which is likely useless) so it's a fairly large task to sift through it. Either way it's nice to know that you guys are aware of the issue and will be attempting to address it, as someone else said it's more than you'd get from larger companies such as EA.
  5. king6887

    #dayz-admins irc channel

    Tried to catch him on IRC earlier but he ran away =( also completely unrelated but the name of this forum section is missing an r.
  6. So someone made a public #dayz-admin channel and replies in that thread suggest the correct one is #dayz-admins. That's got a key on it though. Could that be posted here? I assume it is for server hosts.
  7. king6887

    Stable version

    Both still have massive desync issues. is the latest stable build.
  8. Yes I've seen an increase in CPU usage pretty much the same as this. Server RPT file is pretty much full of "message pending" messages which is what I assume is caused when it can't communicate with Hive correctly.
  9. Our server was doing much the same last night (DE141), had no issues prior to update now suddenly everything is massively desync'd to the point it's unplayable. Sometimes you get the red/yellow dc symbol, others you don't. Nothing else config wise was changed so it's either something to do with the server update, or it's something to do with the hive update.
  10. king6887

    US233 Vehicle Spawns

    Same with our new server (DE141) we've spent hours searching as many spawns as we can and have found nothing. I'm assuming that they just aren't spawning rather than someone is managing to get to them all before us.