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Everything posted by jSharp

  1. jSharp

    My wish for the release version

    Because we don't like being heard in close proximity so people can discover we're well within range of them. It's already bad enough being caught when you're hill sniping if you're using voip in-game rather than TS3/Skype/Mumble/whateverticklesyourfancy
  2. jSharp

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    This is the kind of fix I like seeing. Fixing the rubberbanding issues (gamebreaking) and long load times for inventory tetris (lower priority, but still part of functionality) updating spawn locations / balancing (high priority), and fixing server-side issues (top priority). Keep up the good work. These are the types of fixes we like!
  3. jSharp

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    -snip- double posted by accident.
  4. jSharp

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    All I see is people saying fix mouse acceleration. No. Fix the glitching where you crouch down on vantage points and fly off of fucking rails. Fix the ladder bugs where it throws you off as well. Fix those major issues first, then fix mouse acceleration. If you're concerned with mouse accel... you're probably a garbage omg360noscopebbq player. Use your Razer Synpase or other software that actually accelerates your mouse. I play with 500 dpi and 0 acceleration and I can aim and scope people just fine. Functionality / actual bugs that are more gamebreaking than mouse acceleration should be a priority. The mouse accel should be low on the totem pole instead of you wanks complaining about that. Lets see some priority bug fixes for interaction and playability first. Ironing out those would be a step in the right direction in comparison to tweaking settings for your mouse. Some people have their priorities so backwards it makes me question their actual brain capacity.
  5. jSharp

    I found the rarest item

    Wow. Probably the worst retort ever. His mother made sure you've heard of women? Do you think about the shit you type, or do you just type it anyways in attempts to be a badass over the net? Trollface.jpeg
  6. jSharp

    Bodies vanishing after killing them

    How does this reflect to foot in mouth? If you killed someone during a post apocalyptic state of day and had to scavenge, fend off zombies, etc.... you're gonna take what you can and run. So as far as real life comment... this is assuming that it would happen in an environment as such. Maybe I should post a picture of a head up an ass for you since that was pretty obvious. Eh?
  7. jSharp

    Ultralight Aircraft

    I dont know how I feel rubbing nut to butt up on that aircraft.
  8. jSharp

    How does saline give blood?

    Yeah I had to have an IV once or twice from dehydration. Even when I drank 10+ glasses of water. It was pretty bad. The saline IV helped me a ton... also got rid of my 103.9 temp. Dropped it down to about 101.3
  9. jSharp

    How does saline give blood?

    No mistake whatsoever bud. Just misinformation. Not much you can do when you're provided the wrong information. I just hope I clarified this for you.
  10. jSharp

    Bodies vanishing after killing them

    You're about as retarded as the next dipshit who tries to say that's a dumb post. It's combat logging you stupid shit. The fact that you can't loot a corpse because they haven't fixed the despawning issue is absolute crap. I never claimed it was the dead guys' fault either. Did you read the post? Or are you too fucking daft to realize I never claimed it was anyone's fault... moreso I claimed it was because they haven't fixed the body despawning mechanic yet. I never once said someone should have to wait 15 minutes to respawn, nor would I suggest it. I don't want this game to become WarZ nor tread that path. Next time read a post before you reply. You look like an insolent little shit when you spout off and assume things that weren't even said. Asshat.
  11. jSharp

    How does saline give blood?

    Risk of infection? http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Blood_type <-- see this link. You properly are using the wrong blood type, which is causing "sepsis" or blood poisoning for a common term.
  12. jSharp

    How does saline give blood?

    How wrong you are. It's not temporary at all. Your toon receives absolute full color back and at that point you can eat and drink till you're healthy and your heart is content as can be. It's more effective than blood transfusions at the moment. I have a medical background so let me explain why the saline works the way it does. More often than not, your body lacks proper hydration, which is what causes shock more often than anything. Blood transfusions can actually cause shock, which is why during an actual blood transfusion, the receiver tends to have an IV hooked in for saline injection as well as another IV for the blood transfusion. This helps to hydrate the body for proper distribution of blood cells to the proper locations. It's almost as simple as the ABC's for choking victims. Airway, Breathing, Circulation. Your body circulates your blood via veins and arteries. Arteries are your lifeblood, and severing one generally means death. So in this case, un-used or for other words, blood that lacks oxygen is transported via veins. With a lack of blood, your veins don't transfer much blood at all. Your arteries begin to run dry, and you croak. With the Saline IV along with a Blood IV, you're effectively hydrating the body at a rather rapid rate and allowing for the transport of new blood into the system far faster than you would otherwise. This helps with treating shock victims (saline only) and people in need of a blood/plasma donation (saline + blood xfusion). The reason IV's are more effective, regardless of it being saline or blood... is that fact that it is intravenous (internal) rather than externally transferred. Common sense really, but it all adds up. However, saline would not regenerate your blood. It only hydrates you and allows you to generate blood cells a bit quicker than you would if you weren't hydrated. (Real life respect on this one, but can see how it somewhat equates as working the way it does in game) So there you have it... a slightly quick crash course on this. TL;DR: Saline is intravenous, affects body quicker... allows for rather fast hydration of body allowing regeneration of blood cells due to proper hydration amounts. Blood donation somewhat broken at the moment. (EDIT: Heat stroke victims are given Saline IV's since most of them end up in shock. SOLDIER MEDIC SOLDIER MEDIC!)
  13. jSharp

    Bodies vanishing after killing them

    It's reflective of combat logging. Generally, I kill someone and they exit right away so that you can't get their shit. It's pretty stupid right now. If you kill someone you should be able to loot them for a couple minutes after death, regardless of if they respawn or exit. Currently, there's no way of actually looting someone unless they're distracted by their wife or girlfriend beating them with their purse. Otherwise, you're just SoL when it comes to obtaining their loot since they generally tend to exit instantly to thwart your attempts at obtaining the loot you should be able to receive since you did kill them and if you did in real life you'd loot them and go about your way surviving.
  14. jSharp

    Bullet proof vests and Night Vision goggles.

    My two cents on this topic: Thread has been de-railed several times. Let's get back to the appropriation of the post shall we? Bullet proof vests: There's anti-stab vests in game currently. What their actual function and use is... is TBD. I have yet to see it affect being shot or stabbed, since a blunt item tends to knock you unconscious within 2 swings. (absolute horse-shit btw) Real life: Blunt trauma depending on the strike can knock you unconscious. There are people who can take 10+ blows from a baseball bat and still live / walk away or run even. I think the current system is rather buggy at best, and doesn't accurately reflect the advantage of having TTsKO items with the assault vests, ballistic helmet, etc. I notice people can kamikaze punch you and win 9/10 times even if you shoot them 2+ times. NVG: I don't necessarily agree with NVG, but it would be a nice catch to see it be a super rare chance at dropping considering today's technology. As for moonlight as others have mentioned, the problem is altering your gamma every time you enter a night-time server. Even in doing so, chances are you'll join one where the moon hasn't risen high enough yet to actually affect your vision to where you can see in greyscale. I would like to see them fix the engine a bit so night time actually reflects a good amount of moonlight to where certain spots are far more visible than others as is daytime with cascading shadows. When all that is complete, we'll be able to tell just how night time could be a great advantage to scavenge in compared to daytime. As for ballistics, etc.... well... I'd like to see them actually work worth a crap. It's still too early to tell since it's a fresh alpha still.
  15. jSharp

    First Aimbot i saw in action

    Well I hate to say it but it's been known for a while these hacks exist. Considering I've been mowed down from 500+ out by someone who can't see us and is nowhere to be found, then instantly warps on top of my body.... it exists. On the other hand, one guy warped onto my body and I logged before he could get anything. Touche to him. I start over fresh, he doesn't get a chance to loot me. He already pillaged my Standalone butthole =/ -- along with 3 others.
  16. jSharp

    Dayz selling like the clappers :o

    600,720 x 30 = $18,021,600. I'd say they're pretty fucking rich at this point. Time to hire a couple more devs and speed things up. They deserve the money they get. But I feel they should invest in paying some new people to help streamline the process of the development map and bringing in new maps as well as experienced programmers, animators, modelers, etc to get these bug fixes and progress levels far further down the road. Of course holidays count as down time though.
  17. jSharp

    Why people are KoS

    Imo: KoS is easiest play style. You don't ask questions, you don't worry unless you're low on hp and shit... just kill and take what you can before they despawn. However, I think the respawn timers of like 30-40 seconds need to be implemented or they need to have dead bodies stick around for up to 5 minutes or something for looting purposes. After that they should definitely disappear, but I figure they'll change the dead bodies disappearing instantly in 1-2 patches. None the less... people getting killed just disappearing is kind of stupid. What is the purpose in killing someone if you cant loot their shit? Gamebreaker.
  18. jSharp

    Can openers LOL

    You can open a can with concrete and just rubbing it anyways. No big deal there. Batteries are all over the place. You guys aren't looking hard enough imo... Use the vicinity box for looting items sometimes and it'll go a long ways. I'd love to see AK's and the actual revolver in the game already. I would like to have a variety of different weapons for use since there's hardly a challenge in every person having either the FNX-45, M4, or Mosin.... it gets pretty boring looting the same thing. I'd like to see some more FNX magazines around... it seems like those are more rare than the damn FNX itself.
  19. jSharp

    Combat logging, Ghosting and Server hopping...

    I don't think they thought about combat logging for the initial launch of the Early Access. They did say a lot was not implemented just so they could get a core foundation out for testing purposes. It's great to have people helping in the development process for that very reason. As far as I'm aware, there's going to be some fixing as far as combat logging goes within the next few patches.
  20. jSharp

    Clothing and KOS

    Full military garb. I rarely get shot or shot at. Mainly because I don't hesitate to pull the trigger if I see someone with a weapon, or they don't listen when I tell them to get on the ground and instead they go to aim their gun at me. lol