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About HailExecute

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Feel free to join us! Just looking to get a bunch of people together.. Teamspeak ip is:
  2. Thats what i figured, i just thought i would post and see what people said about it.. Theres 3/40 people on and its password locked so..
  3. I see this server listed as a locked server with the number "133860" Instead of the "113860" That i normally see... Is that a developer server? Or can someone explain that to me? Ill take a picture of it if you guys would like.
  4. If you are also looking for a group (Veterans only) Send me a message or talk to me in the teamspeak!
  5. HailExecute

    Is Dayz worth it?

    Oh, well unfortunately im from america.. Sorry man
  6. HailExecute

    Is Dayz worth it?

    Definitely if you have a computer that can run it good.. It gets boring on the long walks but other than that i think its worth it. And if you dont have friends to play with you can hop on with me and a few friends! :D
  7. HailExecute

    Wow (Q. on "safe" servers)

    Stop your fighting guys :D
  8. Who else would like to join in on the fun? We were just brutally annihilated so we are back to nothing! :D
  9. So yeah. We didnt say a thing to you about "Racial Slurs".
  10. HailExecute

    Wow (Q. on "safe" servers)

    In the filter search IL 2-2.. Ive been on there the past few days and everyone ive ran into said they were friendly and didnt attack me
  11. HailExecute

    Murder squad

    Hey if you need a teamspeak to talk to your squad you can join mine! Its a public one set up for all of the dayz community to join
  12. I didnt actually. You came in calling us gay, someone said were at your mom (I didnt) and then you resumed to keep leaving and joining calling us gay. And if you dont believe me, there was 6 other people that could back up my story.
  13. Can i just have the imgur link to yours? :D Its saying its too big :(
  14. I stole it but i cant set it... Mind telling me how? :)