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Everything posted by Z0mbi3z

  1. Z0mbi3z

    Question for Mosin experts

    From what i have seen the mosin is very inaccurate if you get the zeroing wrong, For example i tried to snipe a guy at about 200m but it was set to 400m and it totally missed, So be careful with your zeroing and you should be fine.
  2. Z0mbi3z

    What the fucking shit?!

    Okay so was happily playing DayZ with my squad-mate Vaughn, When suddenly we go into the Fire-station at north-west airfield, We find various things, pistol mags, tactical vests you know the usual but then out of no where this game decides to go all Early Access mode on my ass and randomly kill me when I'm on the 3 floor of the firestation, no shots or anything, no one shot me my game just just black screen'd and came up with "you are dead" , I know the game is in Alpha and it is to be expected but with all this talk of vehicles, hunting and base building maybe they should work on fixing the standard thing like NOT RANDOMLY DYING, Before they go giving all the little 12 year olds helicopters to crash all over fucking Russia. Rage over. Yours faithfully, A pissed off fat guy.
  3. Z0mbi3z

    What the fucking shit?!

    Guys the server was pretty much empty, My body landed OUTSIDE the tower! So unless bullets have the power of teleportation i don't think i was sniped! And as for the CoD reference i hate that game.
  4. Z0mbi3z

    dayz z mod no arma2

    This is why the other countries are winning!
  5. Z0mbi3z

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    That is a terrible idea.
  6. Z0mbi3z

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Lets pray this update has some decent optimisation thrown in! But so far so good! :)
  7. Z0mbi3z

    Dual wield

    This isn't CoD -_- Thank god.
  8. Z0mbi3z

    Long range scope Bug

    Thanks Barsyl, My faith in the community has been restored, It fixed itself so it was probably a problem on my end Happy hunting :)
  9. Z0mbi3z

    Long range scope Bug

    Never mind it fixed itself, I know not to post on the forums anymore, Fucking awful community this game has -_-