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About NonRandom

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. NonRandom

    Soda Can Sound Bug

    I hope all the sounds that aren't linked to an actual entity are taken out of the game, whether it's these bugs or the chain link fence sound or the falling object sound. I would like to be able to use sound que's with some level of confidence.
  2. NonRandom

    Healing and Healthy Status Effects

    Yes, played for ~20 hours or more before seeing them, though.
  3. NonRandom

    Do you prefer Mosin or M4?

    Mosin in hands, m4 over shoulder when traveling. I drop the Mosin (hopefully to pick it up again, depending on buggyness) and switch to the m4 when I get to a dangerous area. Edit:Bezzi, I have found an LRS before, but it wouldn't attach to the Mosin. Are there multiple variation of this scope? Or am I missing something else?
  4. NonRandom

    I won DayZ. Yep.

    You need ttsko pants.
  5. NonRandom

    Hunger and Thirst Rate Possibly Intended?

    I think the hunger/thirst rate is good where it is, and there should be more survival aspects added too, such as dangerous weather conditions/temperatures, dangerous animals like bears and wolves or dog packs, etc. Also I think zombies being trivial annoyances will detract from the game. In my opinion the environement should be as threatening as other players.
  6. NonRandom

    server hop ghosting SOLUTION!!!

    I think a combination of this suggested time limit with random spawns would solve these problems. If you hop servers twice in 15 minutes you should get a random spawn point (with a warning message as you're trying to disconnect for the second time), with a cooldown of, say 15 minutes? I assume there is no way to tell the difference between a voluntary disconnect and a server crash or connection loss though.