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Everything posted by paragouldgamer

  1. paragouldgamer

    constantly respawning in same place

    This thread is just another reason I KOS and walk on...
  2. paragouldgamer

    "OooOOhh" - "That hurts..." Player groaning

    1 saline bag should restore him to max health, if you are full health/bandaged and groaning, you can just relog. I believe it's bugged because I have tried pain pills and lots of other stuff but just relogging after you fix the problem works at the moment.
  3. paragouldgamer

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    Been having fun killing server hoppers through the jail windows lately.
  4. paragouldgamer

    human claymore

    Sounds fun, but yet another reason to KoS and walk away...
  5. paragouldgamer

    Anyone else way up north and stocked up?

    I spent an afternoon heading to the northeast airfield because I hadn't been there. Looted out several unlooted towns on the way so I was fully decked out with food/drink/ammo by the time I made it there. What did I do when I got there? climbed the control tower and suicided so I didn't have to walk back down south...
  6. paragouldgamer

    Instant die bug?

    I've had it happen a couple times, one time I hit escape, waited a second, and I came back alive, moved about 3 feet, was dead again, pushed escape, waited a few seconds, I came back alive, I logged before I died again and was good the next game.
  7. The mosin's bayonet works to open cans too.
  8. paragouldgamer

    Nobody's talking about inventory?

    You are talking about wanting more realistic inventory spaces, yet you want stackable items where 5 items take up the same space as 1 item? I like stackable items but I don't see it as making it more realistic. If we are going to add in pockets to give more realism, I want to be able to stick a knife/pistol in my sock, and a pistol in the front/back of my pants. Also I want to be able to overstuff the pockets so that I can get more stuff in them, but there's a chance it will fall out while I'm running around or bending over (I really wouldn't want this, just another example of how I believe some realism shouldn't be in game). I personally hate weight in games too, but it does make it more realistic. As a person gearing up and searching for items, I'd really not like to have those people doing nothing but hunting other people to be able to outrun me. As it currently stands, unless the person is a good shot I can often get away from them if I'm not trying to fight them, but with weight added and I am item searching, I'm gonna have alot more stuff than someone just out hunting people for the fun of it that carries nothing but 1 food item, few bullets, and a gun.
  9. The rarity seems great, As it currently stands, the east coast is completely abandoned, and anyone I know that spawns over there just dies until they get close to churno or west of it. Although once vehicles get put in the game and a way to stash some items, I believe people will start going to these places alot more often since as it currently stands, the belota airfield to NW airfield towns get pretty cleaned out. The other day I ran to the northeast airfield just because I've never been there. I ended up suiciding off the tower once I made it there and checked stuff out so I didn't have to run back down because there's nothing there that I can't gain again at belota. The hunting I'm still unsure about. Hunting and cooking brings out alot more danger between the firing of a gun and the light/smoke of a fire or cooking apparatus. The question still remains, why would you want to do this instead of making a trip back to the coast and stocking up on food that would last you days of consecutive play? Especially once vehicles and stashes are in game. I really hope they still implement hunting and cooking in some way because it does sound fun, but how do you make it better than just picking up ready to eat food without hurting freshies or without being too overpowered where you only hunt/cook once per week.
  10. paragouldgamer

    Direct com not working with mic

    My mic works fine on teamspeak, skype, and all other voice things, but when pushing the caps lock key my guy's mouth starts moving, I get the mic symbol on screen, but noone can hear what I say. Tested this with multiple people standing right in front of me and I can hear them fine. Any ideas? Sound sources is on 32 and after running auto adjust it has my imput volume almost all the way up.
  11. paragouldgamer

    Direct com not working with mic

    This may have been the problem, my headset was set to default communication device but not default microphone, won't be able to test it until after I get off of work, thanks for the reply!