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Basic weapons are already too easy to find. Even with no weapons you can still fairly easily kill most zombies with your fists, it just takes a bit of time. And if that's too hard, you can outsprint them. Extra storage (backpack, sweater, pants, etc) is also too easy to find already, even in basic village/housing areas. Food and water is too easy to find as well, no thank you. No gamer (casual or hardcore) needs to know every aspect of anything. Water may not be too easy to find the first few times, but then you will survive on cans of soda and canned food, until you learn where good water sources are. The newbies will stumble around like idiots in search of whatever it is they are looking for anyway, doesn't matter what gear you give them upon spawn. You learn as you play, you get better after a few times and you learn some more so you can survive longer. And then you learn some more, survive longer, and learn even more. Good choices come from experience, experience comes from bad choices, and that won't change no matter what basic gear people spawn with. And on that note I will leave you with the unofficial slogan of Dwarf Fortress; Dying Is Fun!
It's "Hunger and Thirst" or "Hungry and Thirsty" not both
Hakiki replied to repeater75's topic in Suggestions
Gestapo is supposed to be capitalized. :) (But I wholeheartedly agree.) -
Transportation: Handcar - The Perfect Transport.
Hakiki replied to Xenogenetic's topic in Suggestions
Would like to see this, and it shouldn't be too hard to implement either. As it is right now they could simply force spawn a few (2-3) when servers restart, at a random position along the track. If you run into another one going the other way you could simply switch handcars. It could certainly help for getting quicker to a friends location if you have died, without running for an hour. In the future, they should be extremely rare spawns though, and most likely way to acquire one should be through crafting. Need 4 wheels, a bunch of axels, gears, levers, nuts and bolts, etc, and maybe even the possibility to motorize them to make a simple railway engine. And even possibility to craft full on locomotives somewhere in the future. -
SA - Please no Ghillie Suits but how about Rain Coats ? and some changes on backpacks ?
Hakiki replied to angrybird9's topic in Suggestions
"Ghillie suits are really rare used equipment even for military actions." They may not be commonly in use everywhere, but in the DayZ setting with 3 military airbases in a small map, much of the landscape having wide open fields, and with snipers already being one of the more common weapons, they should absolutely be in-game. Most likely rare-ish, but definitely in-game. "So rain coats are really cool looking and useful equipment. There must be civlian, police and military raincoats in this game." Agreed, but I don't agree on your color suggestions. Even civilian versions should be available in all (or most colors), but just as a regular raincoat covering your upper torso. There may also be a police version which is slightly longer, and typically in darker colors. (Dark blue/green/black is OK for this.) And at last I agree there should be a military version, which is typically in different camo patterns (sort of like the pants and assault vests are right now), and in the form of a poncho. Maybe even with a ghillie suit attached to it. This should keep you completely dry no matter what when you have it equipped. (See my signature for my latest suggestion to how rain/wetness should affect your character. (Also applicable to your suggestion of weather affecting dry/warm on character.) "For a last thing about rain coats: rain coats should not wear as top clothes there should be a 3rd slot on characters to wear that." Agreed. Rain coats is a cover above your main clothes, not a replacement. -
Random hidden strengths and weaknesses on every spawn
Hakiki replied to Hakiki's topic in Suggestions
Excellent idea. Variety amongst the characters you can see in-game brings much more immersion imho. I've also thought of a few more ideas myself: Cold/Pneumonia from being exposed to rain/sea/wetness for too long. Can be implemented by causing sneezing, coughing, and shivering until "healed". Dampness of clothes are already implemented, and fireplaces could be used to dry up when outdoors, or maybe even a cooking pot or any source of heat/light to dry off when indoors. This would also give a reason to use raincoats, which would make you stay dry at the expense of less camouflage. Nutritional deficiency. Eating the same things a lot without otherwise supplementing it will cause drawbacks. Lack of iron could give slower blood regeneration. Lack of vitamin A can cause poorer night vision, and can be prevented by eating carrots. Lack of vitamin C over long periods may cause scurvy, which would make your character have shortness of breath and/or bone pain. This pain could cause moaning to attract nearby zombies and players, and could be prevented by a small doze of pain killers. And any sort of deficiencies like this could or should be preventable by eating the right foods, and supplementing with vitamins if you don't have access to a big enough variety of food.I realize that by now I have suggested stuff that may cover a lot of different topics, so I would love to hear back specifically which of my suggestions people seem to like or dislike. Discussions on the topic with many different inputs can only result in better suggestions, because I do realize that some of my suggestions may be far out. (Or at least further out than what it seems like most of the community seems to favor.) -
Random hidden strengths and weaknesses on every spawn
Hakiki replied to Hakiki's topic in Suggestions
Ok, so which of the following spawns are better? Top sprinting speed, but quickly becoming out of breath.Poorer sprinting speed, but you can sprint forever because of good cardio.Top sprint speed, decent cardio, but you have slight asthma and so the first 5-10 seconds of aiming-down-sights with a gun you will be a bit shaky while regaining breath.Top sprint speed, and perfect cardio so you can sprint forever, but you have diabetes so you should probably carry an extra piece or two of different food and/or medicine.Decent speed with military boots, but equal speed with jogging/racing shoes, if in the future theres different running speed depending on equipment.Perfect running speed with jogging shoes, but slow and clumsier with military boots. But you are physically stronger on melee attacks.Good runner, strong with melee, but you may have ADHD and more easily lose focus, making you hear nearby zombies and players less effectively. For example prevented by carrying an extra book or magazine to occasionally read, to allow for multiple different activities to be performed in not too long of a time span.Asocial, so you don't have to interact a lot with different characters. But it could cause you to become "stressed" when near other characters, at least until you get familiar with them and run with them for a while.My point is not to make characters unplayable with a bad set of skills. Maybe you won't even know or notice what traits your character will have until you've played for a few hours, and by that time you may have invested too much time and effort (and found a decent amount of loot) so you won't consider suicide just to get a "better" spawn. And if implemented correctly even the "better" spawn may be worse, depending on what situation you are in, what circumstances you have, and what traits the other people in your group may be playing with. If you are running with 3 other guys with M4A1 that can all sprint quickly and forever, would it be very bad if you decide to use a sniper so you can cover them while laying still just because you have astmha? -
Definitely an interesting idea, and I'm all for it. Even though the medical system is far from fully developed, somewhere down the line I can see this as being a big deal. If someone gets unconscious for whatever reason (except maybe head shots or heart shots) and you are unlucky and can't revive them by CPR alone, maybe it could even help keep them alive for long enough to allow for someone to run and get a defibrillator to try to use that on them. Could even be implemented with a system where a left-click equals a chest compression, and a right-click equals ventilating their lungs. If you have a breathing bag it will be more effective than mouth-to-mouth, and if you have to do mouth-to-mouth you risk getting sick if the victim is sick. You can only keep compressions going for so-and-so long before you get tired and have to switch with another friendly player, or if you are all alone with the victim you have to let him die. I see this as an excellent idea, but it does however require there to be much more community oriented team play implemented in the future, because there is no way I will risk my life by trying to revive a complete stranger that will most likely kill me if I successfully resuscitate him. And it requires bodies to be able to be dragged around, either into/onto vehicles or simply to the nearest bushes, because I am _NOT_ reviving someone in the middle of an open field... All in all, excellent and to me an original idea that I haven't seen before. Some well deserved beans given to OP.
Western-feeling | Or: My 2 wishes: Hat & Leg Holster
Hakiki replied to irishroy's topic in Suggestions
Sure why not. More variation to looks can never hurt, even though most people will probably still be sporting the soldier look, since a ballistic helmet offers more protection than a leather hat. The leg holster I also agree with, whole-heartedly. Maybe not just for a sawn of shotgun, but for that or a pistol. Possibly one that can be crafter/tradeskilled to differentiate between one for pistol and one for a 12 gauge shorty. I do however expect something like this to be far down the line in terms of development. As I see there are many other things that requires attention from devs before this, but absolutely a cool idea that would be very welcome into the game at some point. -
Sort of similar to the suggestions I've made in the link in my signature, but I do want all traits to be hidden. And in my suggestions there I don't want to give some players possibilities that not everyone can do, just slight improvements/disadvantages on already existing skills that everyone has. Because in my mind, adapting to your weaknesses and strengths is one of the most crucial aspects of survival, especially so in an apocalyptic settings.
I think we should have a drug/addiction system.
Hakiki replied to The Shane Walsh of DayZ's topic in Suggestions
PCP/crack- damage resit *so you can take an extra bullet or two* - "I am hallucinating so badly that even if my brain is spread on the ground from that headshot, and can't react to my central nervous system, surely I can survive this, keep running, shooting back, and for sure have plenty of blood left over to survive as well."Coke - speed/sprint boost - Yes, because feeling alert, extremely happy, and wanting sex, is always very appropriate in this setting. "Look at all the zombies over there, lets run straight at them at full speed to hump them." meth/heroine - less zombie detection but a higher chance of ODing - Exchanging a certain "I will survive this with no problem" to a "I might overdose." Who the hell would do that?Giving just about no advantage, and making no sense what-so-fucking-ever, this is downright one of the silliest and least probable ideas on here I have seen. And you want players to be able to "build an empire" around this concept. Aaron Paul has a better chance to be part of a real life drug empire, than I hope this idea has to be implemented into the game. I hope. -
Random hidden strengths and weaknesses on every spawn
Hakiki replied to Hakiki's topic in Suggestions
Yes it would be, but it's something that could encourage you to sprint less to avoid ADS-shake, which in turn would cause you alter your play style. Maybe turn to more of a sneaky sniper, rather than a run-and-gun soldier. Or if you have yet to find a firearm you could prioritize trying to talk with some people to try to trade with them, in case they might have one. Or you could think when you find out you have asthma that it would be more important to try to find a hospital or somewhere with medical supplies, rather than going straight for the airport to find a gun. So in my mind this would lead to more variation, and having to be more adaptive every time you die and respawn. -
"I want to play with my friends." -Me "Well fuck you, you can't, since you had to kill that guy that tried to murder you yesterday." -The Game Just, no. Horrible idea, few ways to execute in an effective and appropriate manner. I have said it before and will gladly say it again, KoS behaviour will reduce in the future by the following: Make server hopping more "work"/wait, and less rewarding, to prevent gearing up in an unfair manner. Or at least make it much less effective.More zombies, harder zombies, respawning zombies. This will make encountering zombies harder, and in many cases a group effort to survive. This will promote teamplay and interaction with other players.Respawning loot, preferably in a way where it is more likely to respawn in areas with fewer people. This will prevent servers having to restart, and it will make sure server hoppers aren't always ensured gearing up when they server hop and "everything is there" in the military base they are in.New loot, spread around more, to ensure that much of the "must have" loot isn't available in just one place like now. (Airfield / military base).
Random hidden strengths and weaknesses on every spawn
Hakiki replied to Hakiki's topic in Suggestions
May I ask why you feel that way? I have a feeling most players will die quite regularly anyway, wouldn't a bit of difference between the character each time just bring a little variety with each life you play through? Again, it shouldn't be anything so severe that it would be game-breaking, or so that people would kill themselves over and over just to get the "right" traits. And all traits should have a way to treat/prevent/avoid the effects of them. Just thought of a couple of more: A clumsy character could make more noise when doing stuff like looting or eating, and thus attracting attention. But if they are well rested, well fed, and not thirsty, then maybe they are less noisy while doing such things.If a character is too stressed, or too unfocused, or or too unconcentrated, they could get a smaller field of view, and maybe a shorter view-distance (more blurry at long distances?). Or since many people (me included) are picky about FoV, some way to just fade the edges of the screen but not actually changing the FoV setting. This would cause a character to possibly have to move around more and keep turning slightly more to have a complete overview of the surroundings when not "fully concentrated". -
"Eh, sure." But most likely the 9mm parabellum variant, and possibly include other handguns that use the 9mm rounds (seing as it's the most used handgun ammuntion on the globe I believe?) It makes perfect sense to the setting as well, seeing as loads of such weapons surely was dropped along the eastern front during WW2, and has surely been kept as family heirlooms. They should however be rare imho, and seing as there is already 2 handguns in game, both of which are probably better, this is something that if it happens will be years down the line I hope. Next weapon I am hoping for is a shotgun, since there is at least ammo for it in-game already. And once a shotgun is introduced I hope they don't work on more weapons for the time being. That would leave us with plenty of variety in weaponry already, and other things should take a much higher priority to fix and implement.
Cool idea, probably loads of work to implement though. Re-texturing just about everything for at least 4 different seasons, plus the added fact that it should preferably happen gradually. It would be extremely weird if you went from a full on winter-blizzard one day, and logging in the next day you would find green leaves on all the trees, flowers in bloom, and all the birds that had migrated for winter would all suddenly be back the same day, just because it was suddenly spring overnight? Absolutely an entertaining concept, and definitely something that I could see bringing a little (or a lot) variation to the game. However I expect it will be probably YEARS down the line to even start working on this, and would take a LOT of development resources to ... well, develop. :D