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Everything posted by Hanku

  1. Hanku

    Do you patiently to loot each house?

    To me, unopened doors just signal whether or not an area is really -worth- searching, not how safe it is. I look at the volume of zom-zom's in the area. If there are quite a few, I'm not all that cautious. Given that in SA they spawn upon a server restart and randomly aggro from miles away, a large number of them being in a town/city/whatever usually means that there's been no-one else in the area to draw them all away or kill them. If there's none, that's a pretty bad sign.
  2. Hanku

    The stupidest / funniest thing you did ?

    I'll basically give you the run-down of my first life, which was just one giant symphony of horribly stupid shit on my part. I hadn't played the mod before and all of the knowledge I had pretty much just came from my Youtube studies. Started out on the beach near the Balota tents. Went to look for a gun. Found a backpack and began to frantically gather M4 parts in the vague hope that I could stick them all together to form some form of functioning weapon. Not a successful endeavor, though I'd wasted about half an hour in the attempt and as such was getting hungry and thirsty. Pistol wielding bandit dude came along, I was going to walk over and say "Hi!", perhaps ask for some help with figuring out where I could get useful gear and the like. Then saw him shoot at another Bambi who was running around the camp. Notbloodylikely.jpeg Fled for Balota town, didn't bother with the airfield because I was sure pistol guy would come along and put an end to me when I was busy looting. Was very hungry. Decided to eat a rotten banana. Because the model of it looked more mildly ripe than rotten to me. Got sick. Went outside, bumped into a nice, friendly zombie and tried to flee from it inside of a building, a method I knew worked in the mod. Not in SA though. It defied physics, as they do, barreled through the wall and beat the living shit out of me, causing me to bleed. I frantically fled the kitchen, bleeding. I didn't know how to bandage at the time. I ran around the town for a bit, picking up a few more zombies to add to my collection of personal admirers, I eventually assumed that I lost them, as I couldn't see them anymore. I went inside a nearby house and closed all of the doors, forgetting that the zombies don't really need to use them. My screen was grey as fuck by this point. I started frantically checking with Google, in the hope that I would find out before my inevitable death by blood loss. I did too, tore up my T-shirt and began to bandage. All would have been well, I think. If a zombie hadn't taken this opportunity to fly through the wall again, finally knocking me unconscious. I then died.
  3. Hanku

    Do you think now zombies are a threat?

    Well they certainly are more dangerous than they used to be in the mod, that's a step in the right direction, I suppose. But I don't think they'll ever pose all that significant a threat until there are more of them. Like, a great deal more. I envision a Dayz where you are -shit- scared of looting the bigger cities like Cherno, if only because of the massive hordes of zombies that roam the place. A single shot from an unsilenced M4 would bring down the wrath of the rotted residents upon you, dozens at a time. You see what I'm getting at. In a game where zombies are a massive part of the main theme, they should also be a significant threat. Not just a minor inconvenience. So, in essence. I think they need to be worked on. But for now, I like what I see. :thumbsup:
  4. Hanku

    Never saw it coming

    -This- video should help you set up your video settings to allow you to see as far as possible. It really does help you see others from a significantly longer range. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWuvexH4v68 As for random tips, stay prone/crouched, stick close to cover or dense foliage and don't be afraid to use third person to peek around/over shit. If someone has a gun. Don't give them the benefit of the doubt, just light them up. Lots and -lots- of bad men play this game. If they can see you, they'll probably shoot at you. Never a good thing. Also, wear a decent quality headset. It usually helps with locating the direction a shot has come from... Can't think of anything else for the moment, hope this helps! :D :thumbsup:
  5. Hanku

    Bandit or Hero

    Really depends on how I'm feeling at the time, but mostly bandit. I'm usually nice to Bambi's, at least. Unless I have some disinfectant and a pair of handcuffs. :lol:
  6. Hanku

    I got a bad vibe about this.

    I wasn't aware of it. I can just imagine capping someone and watching their corpse elegantly soar off into the heavens. :lol:
  7. Hanku

    How to eradicate bambies the fun way

    Well, it's a real shame that the Bambi wasn't let go. But still, an excellent method of murder. I'm getting bored of force-feeding the poor souls bleach. I might just try -this- out sometime!
  8. Hanku

    I got a bad vibe about this.

    There's a corpse floating 10 feet in the air and you're bothered by the un-pickupable bible. Gotta love that. :lol:
  9. Hanku

    I've been bit. And now I'm grunting. Help?

    Just relog. That should fix it. And later, when they patch that bug. Try painkillers.
  10. Well, if a zombie just casually floats through the wall, there's not much you can do but flee for your life. As for rags, just tear up the T-shirt you spawn with to get some. Finding resources is already a fairly easy task in the Standalone. It's just the matter of getting there before someone else knicks your bloody stuff that's the tricky part. Also, in regards to finding stuff, try going on a low-pop server. That way you might actually be able to! XD Welcome to Dayz!
  11. Hanku

    Some suggestions

    #1 is a fairly valid point, though it's really not -that- difficult to club a zombie in the head with a crowbar, and it makes sense that the zombie would be fairly resistant to body shots. It's all about timing over technique, at the moment. Run in, club the zombie real quick, jump back while the poor thing takes a laughably slow swing at you, repeat until dead. I do agree with you in regards to the potential for a "knock-back" mechanic. That could potentially add more depth to the otherwise dull experience of melee combat as it is in the Alpha. #2 Spot on. It's annoying as hell :P #3 I believe this is already a thing. When you have a significant enough energy level I think it appears in the chat box that you are healthy, or something along those lines? #4 That's on the cards, as far as I'm aware. See here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/ #5 The loot currently only spawns upon server restart and I believe that objects that are dropped remain there either until they are picked up, or until the server is restarted. They -do- take a significant amount of time to appear, in most cases. But in my experience, all the things I've dropped have never despawned.
  12. Hanku

    Good place to find weapons and gear?

    Right. There are many good places to get guns and gear and it really depends on what you're looking for. I personally would recommend the Balota tents, weapon attachments and ammo abound, though the area has a habit of being cleared out with remarkable speed by particularly lucky fresh-spawns. Plus, the proximity of the airfield and the nearby town give you equal opportunity to obtain both food/water and a gun. (If you get there quickly after a server restart) The biggest tip I can give you is to stick to fairly low population servers when searching loot areas, simply because it can become nigh on impossible to get decent gear on a server with 30+ people. Loot only spawns after a server restart at the moment, which means that there really isn't much to go around on servers with a high population density. Another couple of areas you might like to consider would be the north-east and north-west airfields. They have a fairly decent amount of military loot and the such-like. Though it is quite the considerable trek to get there.
  13. Hanku

    Scumbag or dumb ?

    Well, the guy above me pretty much covers it. But as I said, if the other survivor poses a significant threat (have a loaded firearm or similarly dangerous weapon) you should probably kill them, or at the very least attempt to disarm them and remove any possibility of hostile action being initiated against you. If you believe that another player is behaving in a suspicious manner, shoot them and bug out. That's generally my course of action. Of course, you shouldn't be afraid to be courteous and offer aid to another player, especially if they need it. But don't go out of your way for them, especially not if it's going to make you vulnerable. After all, Dayz is fundamentally about survival. Those who are too trusting of others generally don't happen to live for very long. Don't forget that. Also, to answer your question, keep the other player at a fair distance (10-20 meters away) be sure that there's no cover they could easily manage to flee behind, or foliage which could obscure your line of sight, (and thusly your potential for a clear shot) make sure they have their hands raised at all time, make sure they remain stationary and state the consequences of them not doing so. Handcuff them, if you have the tools to do so. If they are silent for any great length of time, assume that they are using Teamspeak and communicating your position to their buddies. Like I said, be very careful to strip them of any potential advantages or potential for resistance they might have. Maybe rob them while you're at it! :D Happy hunting!
  14. Hanku

    Scumbag or dumb ?

    The funny thing is I've had similar things happen to me and I feel that it's a continuous annoyance. It's gotten to the stage where I simply -don't- help people out anymore. People are exceptionally unpredictable in Dayz and you can expect most to quite happily kill you for whatever gear you have. My advice to you would be this, don't trust the people that you come across, instead treat them with a healthy amount of suspicion if you have to talk to them at all. At the very least, keep your gun trained on them. They are far less likely to act aggressively if you have the obvious upper-hand. Though, in my opinion the best way of avoiding the danger that other survivors present is simply by avoiding other survivors and when you can't, by gunning down those that could potentially pose a threat to you.
  15. Hanku

    Me looking for a fresh spawn dadadadada

    Some people just don't understand the meaning of sharing the Christmas spirit, I suppose. I wouldn't recommend giving away your guns though. I gave a fresh-spawn a pistol for Christmas (I was feeling generous) and was promptly shot in the back of the head so he could get my M4 too. Greedy bastard. xD
  16. Hanku

    Change in game name

    I don't think this is a massive issue. Your Steam identity isn't displayed anywhere, except the player menu and chat box, that is. If you have a mic, it really wouldn't be that difficult to give the people you bump into a false name. (Generally what I happen to do, when I don't just shoot them first :P) Might be a little more tricky if you have to type, I suppose. But still, nobody is -forcing- you to accept these friend requests, you could always politely decline them? It's probably something that will be addressed at some point, but I can't see it happening while there are much bigger issues with the Alpha that the Dev's have to deal with. Like putting in some decent rifles *hint hint*
  17. Hanku

    [SA] Caffeine Mechanic

    I fully approve of this. If nothing else, it could be pretty funny. I can see myself handcuffing some poor random and force-feeding them mocha's until their heart explodes.
  18. Hanku

    Desert Eagle

    No real point in it, is there? Except for the 'cool' factor of such a gun. I mean, in the mod I would kind of see the point but I personally think it would be entirely detrimental to the atmosphere of realism that the standalone is evidently attempting to cultivate. So, no.