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Everything posted by AJ4211

  1. AJ4211

    Animals already in DayZ SA?

    Yeah them Russian Rabbits be immune to Axes.
  2. AJ4211

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Did you just compare auto-run..
  3. AJ4211

    FPS lags anyone?

    It's Sweet-Alpha, there's going to be some unexpected FPS drops every now and then until fully optimised, and it means not what powers your PC, I can run 99% of games on Ultra with no FPS drops below 60, I can experience between 20-30 at certain points during Sweet-Alpha gameplay, I've found that if you turn down some settings around larger areas as said above the larger cities seem to have the biggest impact at this stage.
  4. AJ4211

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    *Takes A Bullet Whilst Running Into The Side Of Barn* :thumbsup:
  5. That's some pretty deep shit right there. :beans:
  6. AJ4211

    I found the rarest item

    Umm..it's not about you making up the item, it's been said NUMEROUS times in other posts that the item is obtainable. The pics are for proof, you cannot go making wild statements on the interwebz without proof. Example: Today In Real Life I Saw A Real Zombie. The End.
  7. AJ4211

    The Worst Combat Logger

    Lmfao. "What's in the pack HUH HUH HUH" Pure Gold.
  8. I lol'd, may I ask what would be considered a misunderstanding? I'm picturing *Shots Fired* "My Bad. Thought You Was A Zed" As for OP, I'm kinda in the same boat as you, I've ventured far and wide on my lonesome, and though company seems a nice thought, the betrayal in this game far outweighs any friendships.
  9. AJ4211

    ## hour player lock / Gear locked to server!

    Big shiny letters are scary. I can see Hall programming as we speak, terrifed.
  10. AJ4211

    Odd coincidence or.....

  11. AJ4211

    Teleported inside a wall...

    All I can suggest is you logout, transfer to another server and hopefully it will map your character properly. Good luck :(
  12. AJ4211

    Odd coincidence or.....

    I can only assume you're talking about DayZ Mod, one would hope that securities measures would be somewhat updated.. :|
  13. AJ4211

    Teleported inside a wall...

    They really need to try implement the *Bullet to the head* option that is coming our way. Would help in these sort of situations. And NO I do not mean a reset/respawn button, I want to see my player put a gun to his head and pull the trigger, no gun? /Wrist
  14. AJ4211

    Spawn locations.

    Think of it this way. How many players would continuously off themselves just to try spawn closer to somewhere like the NWAF. Spawning on the coast is the best option I think, gives everyone a semi-even chance. Just my thoughts.
  15. AJ4211

    Constant character resetting?!

    Happened to me a few days ago also, have been lucky so far this time round
  16. I get where you're coming from, when I first started I was curious about strangers, since then have been too worried about betrayal. Now unfortunately I do not take risks and will KoS until private servers are running
  17. AJ4211

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    I hate to say it but it doesn't seem like there's been any abuse, just attempts to keep you off a private server that had no password. I can understand where you're coming from, but at the end of the day if I pay for my own server, i'll allow and kick whoever I please. If they had rolled back, murdered you, stole your loot then kicked you - i'd call abuse.
  18. AJ4211

    Missing items since last patch

    Lmao. Also the only thing I've had vanish from my inventory is a 20-round mag for the M4, I reloaded and it was just..gone lol.
  19. AJ4211

    Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

    Very Handy, thank you sir.
  20. It'll be a complain to admin thing I reckon. Point is, how the f**k can you play a game and bug test on a server when you have d-bags like the OP running around on servers that specifically do not like KoS, just to be an a**hole. At the end of the day, this clown can't get along with..dare I say, anyone, so he has the need to go an murder innocent people, more than likely a shot in the back, from a distance. To OP: You're a coward.
  21. AJ4211

    Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

    LMFAO - This guy... 1. This is Alpha. You Were Warned. 2. This is a damn Sweet-Alpha. You Were Warned. 3. Go Cry Elsewhere. You Were Warned.
  22. AJ4211

    .357 op

    Bullets are OP.
  23. AJ4211

    I PMPT I Tactical Realism Clan *Recruiting*

    Are you just an a**hole, or an idiot too?
  24. AJ4211

    will we ever get ballistic chest armor?

    I can agree with a simple sort of protection, Dragonskin is overkill. Way overkill. Just cause it exists, doesn't mean it should be in there. If Dragonskin aromor is put in the game I will be first in line to ask the dev team for an ICBM.