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Everything posted by Lemonater47

  1. I had a gun run up to me with a mosin and he just dumped all his shit on the ground and ran off. Half of his gear disappeared but I got his backpack and his mosin along with other bits and bobs. I didn't get his clothes they disappeared. But yeah I had just spawned this dude ran up to me didn't say a word dropped all his stuff and sprinted off into the distance.
  2. Lemonater47

    To those who complain about spawn killers.

    Doesn't matter how good you are wen you spawn walk 10 feet then get insta killed. It could happen several times in a row in the Mod. And you could have spawned close to friends. Then suddenly you are in kamenka.
  3. Lemonater47

    Rarest Item?

    Can openers.
  4. Lemonater47

    Invisible zombies

    Ban those zombies for hacking.
  5. Lemonater47

    To those who complain about spawn killers.

    Killing people at balota isn't spawn killing. Balota has two military zones there. And you are likely to get shot by someone even when you are there trying to kill people. And people going to balota are trying to get guns themselves. Killing people along other areas of the coast is nooby gameplay. If you sit there waiting for people to spawn just so you can shoot them. You are a noob bandit. There is no risk. Doesn't matter how good you are when you spawn and immediately get shot from some dude who found a gun and sat on the coast.
  6. Lemonater47

    Zombies hits = Bleeding (almost everytime)

    Aim for the head. You do far more damage.
  7. Well its fair when your opponents are using it.
  8. Lemonater47

    Gameplay Recording Inquiry

    Fraps sucks shit. Bandicam is the best for uploading to YouTube. Dxtory is another good one though for uploading to YouTube I would use bandicam. For streaming OBS is free.
  9. Lemonater47

    So... Where's all the zombies?

    All at kamenka. I saw one poor fresh spawn getting chased by 5 of them.
  10. Lemonater47

    How to deal with a Bandit...

    You have to relax. I bet half those players you killed didn't even know you were there. But yes bandits deserved to be hanged.
  11. Lemonater47

    How do you deal with other players?

    KoS is often risky. As you don't know who heard you. And bandit hunters will kill you as you murdered someone else. Not to mention other bandits. Or players who are super jumpy. Some players KoS and then get a bullet through the head immediately. As they were being followed by a bandit hunter. People gotta calm down and talk. I often yell out "don't move" several times. If they move I shoot and call them an idiot for moving. If someone yells don't move it means they aren't gonna shoot you unless you move. If they wanted to shoot you they would have done it already.
  12. Lemonater47

    vehicles you want in the game

    More likely to be a T72 or T98. T34s haven been used by Russians since the 50s.
  13. Lemonater47

    What do YOU do when you are geared?

    That's what I wear and I'm no bandit. Though I usually go for a hunter backpack. Harder to see that way. Stalk them first and see what they do it you are a bandit hunter. Bandit hunters don't KoS. Only engage if they engage you first. Then you know they are a bandit.
  14. That's the cheating field of view which includes eye movement. And vertical FOV. Looking straight without moving your eyes have a field of view of 60 degrees horizontally. Which is the FOV a game uses horizontal FOV. Though many people put this at 90 including me. Some people even higher. Though higher than 90 your shoulders are going through your face.
  15. Improve first person first. I see some settings like mouse acceleration the ability to turn it on or off. But you click on it and nothing happens. Motion blur has to go too. Motion blur is only good at higher framerates. At lower framerates you get natural motion blur. Having artificial motion blur over actual motion blur which is what happens at 30FPS is just horrible.
  16. First person SUCKS in this game. Especially people with lower than 60FPS. Its so floaty, mouse acceleration, motion blur. It all makes first person Un-appealing.
  17. Lemonater47

    Stop with the "This weapon doesnt belong" posts.

    There are many military bases in chernarus and if you played arma 2 MOST of them were occupied by Americans. So western weapons are not out of place.
  18. Lemonater47

    What do YOU do when you are geared?

    Murder all the noob coastal bandits. Its pretty bloody easy to tell who's a coastal bandit. And there are so many people on the coast you just ask if they have seen any bandits or got killed by a bandit on the server. Some fresh spawns had got spawn killed previously. They know exactly where the bandits are.
  19. Lemonater47

    EZ mode. Popular with the kids these days...

    We have such a nice community
  20. Lemonater47

    Blood types, Blood bags and Transfusions

    Get the wrong blood type and you are essentially dead. I didn't know there were blood types as got a blood transfusion of this guy I captured. I was instantly knocked unconscious. It was 3 minutes before I decided to respawn as I didn't have anything good I just picked this stuff up from a dead guy. And the dude I got the blood from also passed out from lack of blood which was pretty funny. We could still talk to each other while unconscious. How to you check what blood type you have? Or an I just blind and its right in front of me when I was doing the transfusion.
  21. Try not killing everyone. Then you have friends. But anyway there aren't any vehicles so its harder for people to get to the NW airfield. The coast or near it has a lot of military loot spawns now. There are more new military bases too. And people server hop. Its sort of spread people out a tad.
  22. Lemonater47

    Rolling updates...TBA

    You fools shouldn't of got it then.
  23. Lemonater47

    EZ mode. Popular with the kids these days...

    If you don't have a mic it makes it a bit hard to do much. You can only really be a bandit. Though you can choose wether to shoot on site or wait for a better oppurtuinity or even ignore people of they pose no threat. I'm a bandit hunter that kills noob bandits on te coast. Not all bandits are noobs but the ones on the coast who shoot fresh spawns are the noob bandits. In the mod with side chat it was easy to find out were these bandits were. Now I have to ask new spawns to see if there are any bandits around. This is far more dangerous and a number of things can go wrong. Avoid balota airfield. Everyone goes there and you probably won't find any good gear as others have taken it all. If you go there all you will see is starter shoes, jeans and shirts. And you are likely to get shot by someone for Lols. There's a military base north of kamenka which is a half hour walk from balota I you follow the road to kamenka the go north and about 20 minutes or less if you go directly. More chance of finding good loot and less chance of dying. And there's another new military base south east of Vybor which no one goes too. Though some people going to the NW airfield pass it. Its a longer walk but you will get good gear and probably grab yourself a working M4. Things can go wrong for bandits. Very wrong. The way the gun mechanics work if the KOS but fail they often find themselves under a hail of bullets. I try diplomacy first bullets later. But some don't have mics. They can't really talk to others. They can't do hold ups. Text chat isn't good for hold ups. So in a confrontation where they hold the advantage but it can soon change they are forced to open fire. They can't warn people. Warning with billets doesn't work if they have a gun.
  24. Lemonater47

    EZ mode. Popular with the kids these days...

    If you don't have a mic it makes it a bit hard to do much. You can only really be a bandit. Though you can choose wether to shoot on site or wait for a better oppurtuinity or even ignore people of they pose no threat. I'm a bandit hunter that kills noob bandits on te coast. Not all bandits are noobs but the ones on the coast who shoot fresh spawns are the noob bandits. In the mod with side chat it was easy to find out were these bandits were. Now I have to ask new spawns to see if there are any bandits around. This is far more dangerous and a number of things can go wrong. Avoid balota airfield. Everyone goes there and you probably won't find any good gear as others have taken it all. If you go there all you will see is starter shoes, jeans and shirts. And you are likely to get shot by someone for Lols. There's a military base north of kamenka which is a half hour walk from balota I you follow the road to kamenka the go north and about 20 minutes or less if you go directly. More chance of finding good loot and less chance of dying. And there's another new military base south east of Vybor which no one goes too. Though some people going to the NW airfield pass it. Its a longer walk but you will get good gear and probably grab yourself a working M4. Things can go wrong for bandits. Very wrong. The way the gun mechanics work if the KOS but fail they often find themselves under a hail of bullets. I try diplomacy first bullets later. But some don't have mics. They can't really talk to others. They can't do hold ups. Text chat isn't good for hold ups. So in a confrontation where they hold the advantage but it can soon change they are forced to open fire. They can't warn people. Warning with billets doesn't work if they have a gun.
  25. Lemonater47

    Punch KO, one punch and I'm down

    One punch death happens to people in real life. And its not even bug guys who have done it. Just a determined guy with a lucky fist. So one punch knockout to the face is fine. If you hit yourself in that situation that's your dumb fault lol. Though nine hits to knock someone unconscious with a pipe wrench is ridiculous. The other guy had an axe and killed me after I hit him nine times and that was his third hit on me. But I come back as I spawned close to find hat he had bleed out so he wasn't hacking. Fists would have been better. Fists shouldn't be better than a pipe wrench. Don't nerf the fists but buff the pipe wrench.