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Everything posted by G-lens

  1. G-lens

    I am a cold-blooded murderer

    I get the pure adrenaline rushes from seeing other players.... not zombies. They other players are the true enemy. If not for the killers (Me being one of them) i would only played this game for an hour or so..
  2. G-lens

    Possible Hunger/Thirst Improvement.

    I agree. I like this game because of the guessing and not knowing. It makes it intense. Great idea man but not for this game.
  3. Hey! so my vision is black and white, it has been for a day now. I have tryed going to the graphics menu. Anything else i can do? or is it cause i have lost alot of blood and blood takes forever to regain? Yesterday I did get shot, but bandaged myself quickly. I
  4. G-lens

    Murder squad

    Dude no worries! just add me! i need help haha
  5. G-lens

    Murder squad

    If you're down to join me My names the same in the game. G-Lens
  6. G-lens

    Murder squad

    I like that... Smart thinking haha. Completely twisted and evil, but smart.
  7. G-lens

    Murder squad

    You gotta change it up every once in a while haha or it would just get boring trying to survive.
  8. Hey guys, hit me up if your looking for some one to play with. Thought it would be more fun to run around in a group.
  9. G-lens

    Perfect Enemy looking for more players

    I'm up for it. I'm looking for a gang to have fun with in this game.