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About ijerm

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. 2nd death in a row now (mind you spaced out time in deaths say weeks maybe) to a hacker. Speed hack, no clip, the works. It really just completely changed my mood towards this game and I believe it's time for a break from it for a while. Alpha I know, but still not fun to be killed in any stage of a game by some dbag that can't just play the game the way it was made to be played. The first death: Got attacked by a guy in electro (go figure) and killed him, ran down the road to leave towards cherno only to be confronted by a fully decked out player and his mosin fired as if it were a mini gun then he yells out in game a hack site and follows it with "bitch". He killed the rest of my friends the same way, one friend was laying down upstairs in one of the 3 story apartments trying to stay unheard and unseen from the whole incident only to be lit up from underneath because the guy must have been using some sort of no clip/wireframe hack. I did happen to figure this guys steam name out and get him banned. The second death: Took a break from regular servers for a long time maybe 2 weeks and had fun on experimental and what not, then took a break all together for about another week now and waited for this hotfix on this patch, finally got the gull to play again and was having tons a fun with a friend of mine that has not played this game at all before until today. He fell to his death and i was talking his way back to his body while i watched over it and a guy appeared in front of me, shot me once said sorry and said i scared him. I said it's ok, was thinking the whole time about shooting him not trusting him and the situation that had just unfolded with me not seeing him come in any doorway, but he dropped a bandage, i didnt pick it up he was waiting for me to bandage myself and I knew it. My friend showed up, the hacker shot me and him and that was that. SO I thought and said my mistake for trusting anyone, ah well I will just respawn. Respawned close to my body so I decided to dead sprint for it and hope to get a few good punches off on the bandit. Took about 20 steps got onto the road and same thing, the guy appeared in front of me on the road miles away from my body and shot me again and laughed. He was speed hacking, thats why it appeared as if he just came out of thin air. This guy I didn't even bother trying to report him as the server was packed. This is alpha I know don't remind me, we all paid for it though and should still not have to deal with crap like this. But again NO stage of a game should be littered with this kind of bullshit. I don't want to test a game that is infested not with zombies but with hackers.
  2. ijerm

    The Current Combat Log System Dosen't Work

    For whatever reason the log system didn't work for me today, but I am glad it didn't. My friend and I were at the southern airfield, finally met up and were recouping with food and drink in the building with the jail cell. Then we spotted someone, so we hunkered down and waited to see if the fully loaded player was coming to our building. We heard stuff, reloading, drinking but never any footsteps then we heard in game talking, the kid probably 12 whispering "Why are you laying on the floor, nice blue mountain pack, oh nice green mountain pack." We knew instantly what was up. Hacks of some sort, walls, no-clip whatever it was there was no way he knew we were there without them and him saying what we were wearing without actually ever spotting us gave it dead away. So we decided one would cover the other as we logged out. It instantly logged us out to our surprise and relief really. We didn't want to lose our characters to some loser 12 year old that has to cheat to have "fun" on here.I thought the hacks were well under control so far?
  3. Well thank you all for the response, very helpful. Another question for any of you... Do any of you have any servers that do not wipe your character? Would like to know if there are any. Thanks again, Happy Holidays!
  4. Care to share which server? Been having this same issue...
  5. My brother, a friend of mine and myself all picked this up this week. We all love it. It's exciting, frustrating and hell of a lot of fun. My concern is, we played until about 330am last night, collecting rifles, mountain packs, food, etc. We were loaded ready to take on the north and anyone that wanted to give us problems. We decided 330am is a good time to probably take a rest and try to get back at it later in the day, like nowish, but as I log onto the server we were on I have nothing and I am at the "starting area" wiped clean and when I started up the game it showed my guy with M4 in hand, backpack strapped and the works ready to take on this world. But now I have nothing, ran to get more stuff and got shot in the back. So my question, whats with the wipe-age of all my gear? Is this a pre-release bug? Is this something being worked on and if at all is there any way to work around it/fix it? Thanks, and good luck out there!