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Everything posted by mikesrevenge

  1. mikesrevenge

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    I've got a beast of a server ready to go.. just need a reply from the Dev team.
  2. Rocket! I love this mod you are working on. I love it so much I hate it! While I'm pretty sure I have a general idea of where you are going with it, there's a few things you need to be aware of. Here are some suggestions I hope you consider. Updates: I hope this piece of pseudo code explains it: if clientversion notequalto serverversion then kick message: "WRONG VERSION" This will cut out a lot of troubleshooting and angry players trying to get on a good server. It will also prevent things like BEING SPAWNING INTO THE WASTELAND WITH AN 8 DAY OLD CHAR AND GETTING SHOT. Game Difficulty During Alpha/Beta Ok, I know this game is supposed to be difficult, and that is one of the reasons I like it. What is putting me off is the fact that I've lost everything several times due to server glitches or dying from in-game glitches. Please for the love of the community throw us a bone. Make loot a tad easier to get, make us spawn with more items, give us something so when we lose our stuff from updates or glitches it won't be as hard to bounce back from. This is just during alpha and maybe beta, so what's the difference? You'll have a much happier fan base. Nighttime: While I understand the ambiance and the scared helpless feeling of being in the dark in a situation like this. The game in its current state is not really playable at night unless you have NVs. Even in remote parts of the world on a moonless night you can still see a few feet or more infront of you. Enough to get around anyway. Your eyes adjust, the stars themselves give you enough light to see. Right now you can't see ANYTHING without a flashlight. Even with the flashlight you get a small circle of vision. The idea is completely awesome however the implementation is completely wrong. Bandits: This is a zombie survival game, and you have people playing not to kill zombies, but to kill players. The more there are, the more they will ruin the game. I've seen griefers ruin games. Nerf bandits, check characters. If they are killing more players then zombies on average then change their model, make it harder for these people to continue. As is now Cherno and Elektro most of the time are nothing but new players spawning in getting killed by people who have no intention of killing zombies.
  3. mikesrevenge

    Someone Get Rocket to Read This Thread!

    Lmfao, google my name. I didn't know suggestions could rustle so many jimmies... Reminds of Facepunch when it was young.
  4. mikesrevenge

    Someone Get Rocket to Read This Thread!

    Not paying any attention to ignorant comments. Go flame another thread... These are suggestions, nothing more. If you don't agree that is fine. Don't answer for anyone but yourself.
  5. mikesrevenge

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    Spawned in the wasteland... got shot immediately. Lost all my gear it took me 8 days to collect after I died from another glitch. The lack of proper coded and rushed updates has put me off this game til beta or some of this shit gets addressed. We are all trying to play this game according to Rocket's grand vision, however until it some of the game breaking mechanics get fixed it's completely pointless. The only time I have died in this game is from glitches... I really don't want to invest more time into another character knowing I'll die from another damn glitch. Why not make this game a tad more PLAYABLE while you debug the game? Turn up the difficulty as you iron out the bugs. You'll have a MUCH HAPPIER fan base.
  6. mikesrevenge

    LA 4 (v1.7)

    Fixed** Thank you admin