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About crypticsilence

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    Woodland Warrior

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    Gaming, tactics, tactical gear, zombies... and honestly what ever someone else is really into.

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    I'm not a bandit, but if someone kills me after battle logging one more time....
  1. Check out the loot that can be found in a hidden military base North of Kamenka! Also, watch the importance of situational awareness!!
  2. crypticsilence

    Ideas for Solving the Battle Logging Issue!

    Haha, yup! Thanks for speaking up though! I appreciate any input, since that's the whole point of this thread! :D
  3. crypticsilence

    Ideas for Solving the Battle Logging Issue!

    I know it sucks, but honestly it is very easy to exploit the system otherwise. I've lost gear, too. My family likes knocking out my router cables for some reason.... Which, is funny considering they have no reason to be anywhere near our router. Anyway, yeah it is very frustrating to lose gear, but at the same time you do not have a 100% chance of dying. You simply will be still in side the game, maybe even assuming a sitting position, which would be better than standing up in a field. Also, that is something I think the devs could decide for themselves, but I have nothing AGAINST them shortening the time unless the player is bleeding, but I fear then people will sit at the top of a ladder, then battle log before the person trying to kill them gets a chance to stop them.
  4. Greetings! Below is a summed up version of the mechanics myself and a few other DayZ players would like to see when dealing with Combat Loggers... ************************************************** PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING!!!!!!: ************************************************** I am fully aware that the dev team is working on a solution for this or might even have one already. However, I have not heard the mechanics of such implementation and this thread is simply to try and show the devs what we, the community, would like to see! I have full faith in these devs, as they have done nothing but exceed my expectations, thus far! :D Below is what myself and a few others would like to see in regards to battle loggers(And no I don't mean those who use the terrible system EA created to keep track of Battlfield): There should be a consistent 30 second delay before logging out, with the option to "quit now". At which point a warning will come up, saying that your character will still remain in game for the full 30 seconds (Which obviously would be implemented if the pop was created). If the player loses connection to the server (Be it alt + f4, computer crash, internet outage, etc.) Their character will still be sitting in game for the full log out time. If the player is logging out normally, there is a cancel button to bring control back to their character, and there should be no indication to other players that they are combat logging, other than the fact they are standing still or that they canceled a gesture, such as surrender. (After thinking about this a bit longer, maybe using the sitting gesture is another decent way to show a player is logging out) Finally, when in the process of logging out, some stances should be discontinued. Meaning if they were surrendering, saluting, or giving you the bird, then the stance would be canceled. Personal note: I absolutely love this game and the effort given from you guys (DayZ Standalone team) to not only keep us updated, but provide the best experience possible! Please continue to do great work! Your community is loving the game and it is STILL IN ALPHA!!! I hope to see this game grow to become my favorite game of all time! Special thanks to all who helped me gather my thoughts and support my ideas in this discussion thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159451-ideas-for-solving-battle-logging/
  5. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    I agree with you on this, only because the in game dummy ensures that the other player gets the loot, and the player that left gets what they deserve! :D
  6. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    Appreciated. :)
  7. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    I like the ideas! Thank you for your input! As noted in my first post, there is a solution, but it is not put in game as of yet. They ARE working on it, and nagging them really won't speed it up any further. Though, don't get me wrong, I completely understand your frustration. -_- I still love this idea! :D
  8. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    Interesting, I'm going to leave that up to the dev team to decide if they want to implement a monetary system. I personally could see this working, but would not mind if it is left out. I'll add this to the list! :D Basically, it depends on how the devs programmed it. I couldn't tell you exactly their mechanics, as there could be numerous ways to handle client/server relationships, but they could do a few things such as leave your body in game (Even if the player is no longer connected, there is a dummy version of you left for the 10 seconds it would take to log). While, this could end up killing a few laggy players, I think overall it would help to dramatically cut down battle logging. Like I said though, I have no clue how the devs set up the client/server connection. Do you have links to him saying the above mentioned? I linked to Rocket saying they have mechanics to combat this, but there were no specifics. This thread is to come up with more possible solutions that have perhaps not been thought of.
  9. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    What if my comp s**ts out? Or the server drops and it glitches thinking I was the one that left? Maybe I lose internet or connection to the server? There should at least be a chance for these situations. It's hard to program a hard and fast rule, because you never know. If you were to get that severe, you would definitely have to have like steps before then, only because it would be awful to lose your gear, because you sister knocks over your router.
  10. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    I'm sorry, could you elaborate on the spawned dummy? Are you talking when you log in there's a dummy? Or if you lose connection or something?
  11. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    I still have faith in the dev team, I think they will fix it eventually. They just recently fixed dead bodies disappearing, kind of! :D Also, I meant in any game. There is still battle logging, you hold a positional advantage, and log out. Even with 10 seconds you can either trick them to leave their position and get some kills or peace out before they can do anything.
  12. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    Agreed, yet there has still not been a successful attempt of eradicating battle logging (Which there never will be). I agree that this might be exploitable, I will make a note of that. I don't necessarily want to get rid of the idea all together. I had recently thought of blood loss as a way to add log out delay time. Say your character was bleeding 5 minutes ago, maybe that could extend your delay by 15-20 seconds.
  13. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    Haha, while I wish this upon combat loggers, it's not really applicable to a game like this. It would be rediculous amount of coding, when a more simple way could be found. I personally think that dependent on maybe some queues in the game, like if your blood level dropped recently for any reason, it should have a longer disconnect time. Or maybe player presence makes it take longer, so if there is a player within 100m it takes like 15-20 seconds, when normally it would take maybe 5-10.
  14. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    So far, so good. Haven't needed the prep. H
  15. crypticsilence

    Ideas for solving battle logging?

    I meant specifically that you cannot log out while in a stance (I.E. Greeting, sitting, surrender, or taunt), sorry for the confusion.