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About marsmars

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  1. yeah I've found weapons in piano house many times
  2. I notice many servers are in night mode again like what happens whenever there is a patch or something?
  3. marsmars

    Terrible way to die.

    whenever I am fully geared I stay away from ladders :) I wont go on a ladder even if I see a flyable fighter jet or RPG on the roof because I know what's gonna happen :)
  4. marsmars

    Why Are Servers 70+USD?

    yeah thanks to all server hosters :)
  5. marsmars

    Setting up own private standalone Server

    right now you have to rent servers from company like gameservers.com
  6. marsmars

    No Night?

    many servers right now are "day only" and usually it will say so on the description
  7. marsmars

    Do clothes offer armor protection

    With a helmet and vest on it takes more time for a zombie to make me bleed
  8. marsmars

    Can you have more than 1 toon at a time

    we already have two: one for regular and one for hardcore
  9. marsmars

    What are the controls for using a gun?

    See: DayZ Standalone Keyboard Controls
  10. marsmars

    Couple questions

    I hope military zombies will have loot on them in the future
  11. Try this: DayZ Standalone: Spawn Points It shows you some spawn points and recommended loot paths
  12. marsmars

    Dayz lags when recoding! Please help

    I use Bandicam and have no problems
  13. marsmars

    Are zombies supposed to clip through walls?

    Zombie AI will be improved as game progresses
  14. I see many of them with good population