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Posts posted by VahidkinG

  1. Great Status report. That Rain and fog is totally amazing and upcoming changes to engine makes me wish i am Hiro nakamura.


    Let's see what things turn out to be once the helicopter arrives in future builds. If it turns out that it is way to difficult both obtaining parts and maintaining the machinery, I could imagine that the designers might take things up for revision and find a solution for sorting out the difficulty of that part of gameplay. To begin with though, I don't think that "getting hold of" an operational helicopter would be an easy feat.


    Not that i'm not a fan of the game being as hard as possible, don't get me wrong but a helicopter missing every part (we need to find all those parts right?) is not either fun nor real. 

    the idea is, make this with Dynamic Events, so you can find a helicopter with all parts or a helicopter with-out any parts. this would be totally awesome. think you have the battery for a car and you need a glow plug. you can start searching for glow plug with a chance of finding a car with a glow plug in it. 


    thoughts ?  B)

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  2. Like the feedback reports? Perhaps it was already reported? That's my only guess or it's already known?


    yeah, i found it by search and it got closed, deleted from my view window. it was reported before :)

    still, the loot explosion report i just sent isn't even assigned. i hope that they see it 

  3. It does seem like quite a few players have been experiencing memory leak issues in 0.59, so that could very well be the issue.


    yeah, i had it today too with experimental. hope you guys look into it. 

    FPS get's 0~8, totally unplayable. also, sometimes it last so long till a black screen shows then game returned to normal after that. 

    And by very low poly object i mean a triangle v3s wheel, that bad.

  4. i still not understand why they separate those builds (not being switchable in steam) i guess if they do it people use experimental not to play, but to actually test those builds. i for one like to test experimental and file the bugs then continue playing at stable quickly.

    for now, i just make a back up of two builds. then restore the one that i wan't to play but i can't stand the time. 


    EDIT: guys, please vote this up. i don't want this at stable.  :(



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  5. your desyncing badly


    best to find a safe spot, run away best you can to the forest and log off, reconnect. Not always your fault.


    i don't know man, it's just doesn't feel like a desync issue because it disappears and appears time to time, not rubberbanding or anything like that and this is the first time i experienced it. anyways i reported it if there is any chance of being a bug. 

    there was a report that people stuck in the way sometimes they wanted a video if it, i believe i just reproduced it so if anyone find the report i'll be more than happy to have the address.

  6. It simulates the radio breaking up over distance. The further away you are from the sender the less of the message you will see....not sure of the range. Are the radios supposed to be global atm?

    idk man, from what i remember they should be global for 0.59 for sure, but i can't hear anything. somethings off.

  7. so since buying and playing Dayz Standalone my Left Shift key has stopped working on everything outside the game. In game Left Shift works fine. But outside the game it works on nothing.. Typing, other game, even when testing my keyboard online to see if the key is working. But as soon as i get back into the Standalone it works fine in game. Have tried a second Keyboard same issue and even deleted Dayz and reinstall same issue! Running Windows 7. Any help would be most appreciated!


    okey this is really weird.

    please test both key boeards on another computer and see if shift key works. also test the key board in another game and see it works there too or not.if the key board works fine in in another computer and doesn't work in another game, so it's dayz for sure and you should report it in dev tracker.

    if the problem is dayz and unistalling it does not solve the issue, i think it's a registery mess. make sure clean dayz with a software that clean up related registery changes or use a registery fix software.

  8. The V3S is missing from the usual spawns too. I'm guessing all vehicles are missing from this particular iteration of .59. Although I could be wrong.


    Nah, your not wrong i think. 

    when people asked eugen about new cars, he said all are not spawning or smth like that. first i thought he is only talking about new cars, but it seems he means all the car existing :D

  9. Is that what's doing it? I thought it had something to do with overall storage capacity or perhaps even the result of an unseen skill progressing. Good catch!


    yepe thats definitely it.


    i saw a cooking pot too, no car tents yet and i don't think glow plugs or batteries are spawning.



    Well,i try to speaking before on 87.8 maybe u hear me.  :)

    I think i playing then on server 2,near berezhino.



    me too, i tried all the frequency, no one answered thought.

    • Like 1

  10. Okey guys i tried played this patch too. miss playing with Dudester100 and other friends here, hope we do gather again.


    anyways, here's my opinion on this patch so far:


    - Zombies are pretty  :blush:

    - i really like new enterable buildings but i can't stand the fact they are not making some of those 100% enterable. 

    - looks like CLE is working great, but it's so early to judge

    - i love wardrobes, i hope we see more persistence storage's like that inside houses so it makes more sense to barricade a house. still i hate the fact that wardrobes are static objects.

    - hopefully in future, there would be items spawning in wardrobes too.

    - i like the tweak to shortcuts too.

    - so many client not response kicks (feels like somehow the game is increasing our packet lost and latency to the server)

    - Desync.

    - after finishing a animation (like skinning a body) it takes some time to give me the human steak.

    - better fps for me somehow.


    anyway, .59 is already looks great,but there is room for improvements and many things to fix. looks like network optimizations needs more optimization too.

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  11. tbh this game is about fireguns. you will not live long enough to get a good melee fighter.


    someone will find this "one" bullet which fits to his gun and your head.


    I give you the beans.


    melee fighting it's just not for this game at current state. it's for a very hardcore one with like 30 guns max at the server. i do think melee fighting needs enhancement, but not a priority.

  12. Im sorry for double post.

    Imagine trying to handle the actual problems one after the other while making sure you tweet every step?

    What if after every time they thought they were over the hurdle they posted something that then turned out not to be true?

    People would scream they were lied to.


    GodZ willing tomorrow will bring exciting news and hope for a patch

    1. I know it would be impossible to do that, but it would be possible to write some words on what they worked on at the end of the day. They can hire someone to do that too.

    If something went wrong and they could not keep those things that they said, they just say we couldnt do that. Im sure we all do understand. I heard an examples days back, it would be great to hear this from devs, "i worked a week on something, its totally trash and i have to rework it another week", i think this way you keep those who care about the game. If you someone wants to scream, he always find something to do that.

    2. I hope we hear some good news today.

  13. In my honest opinion, i dont really care if decelopment of the game take even 2 more years. My only discontent is the way devs communicate.

    I did click on "I understand" button. Still i think if you are developing an EA game, you should communicate much more than normal development method. You should never be silnced like this. If you say you do a status report, do it on time or say we wont have an sr this week or smth (talking about last week), keep your promises, if you came across any issue just let us know, talk about issues with some details, we will understand the same way we clicked on "I understand" Button. Silnce is not acceptable, not in an EA game.

    Just a customer's opinion.

    I didn't get around to reading the redit post about the blockers on the internal build of .59 before I ran my mouth making it a little easier to understand the delay. Only half apologetic though because it's beyond stupid having to find an obscure link to an external site to get information that SHOULD appear on their official message board first.

    This is what i really dont understand.

    Earlier when dean was here, i had to make an accout for twwiter and reddit and be online in the forums. I remember someone said in twitter why i check all this social networks, this is why.

    If you (devs) want to answer questions so badly, there is plenty of those here. This forums is called an official forum for a reason. Its okey to just announce SR and Updates there, but for answering questions and actuall communication, here (forums) is the priority imo.
