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Everything posted by VahidkinG

  1. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Well, they are preparing the hot-fix to roll it in Exp, this is confirmed through twitter, but we don't know when it's gonna happen but it is Soon.
  2. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Update it's not even in experimental yet, mate and this is not something that they can change without an update.
  3. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    The fix will be at Exp, so low chance for it to hit stable tomorrow.
  4. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    one thing that i can say for sure is, New damage system is coming. so maybe, just maybe, new animation system will come too to support some features like a visual to broken arm etc..
  5. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    well, have my beans and aug if you want :P
  6. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    okey, this is great. hope we get a exp update tonight or tomorrow. i don't think we get .59 thought. -- off topic: how you do that with twitter posts? i tried to use twitter BBcode and no luck.
  7. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Eugen confirmed it wont :)
  8. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    i can't agree more. but im suggesting a temporary change till they can make zombies work that way or make some other challenge in the game.
  9. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    yeah i can agree that i just wanted to lower this part of the whole pvp mechanics. because, well, in my opinion this is the part people hate the most. i was in massive gun shots, squads vs squads and i truly liked those even thought i died in some. no one hates a good pvp where you have almost equal chance of survive. if the ammo is rare, it means that people don't run around and kill you for no exact good reason. in my experience 90% of my interactions were someone shooting at me without even a hi, sometime they miss, and sometimes the don't i think both count as a KoS (i mean attempting to KoS is also not that good and the idea has a good chance of lowering this) in any case, i thing no matters what devs do, PvP is almost the biggest challenge out there and this is not a bad thing if we have other challenges. so actually i don't (strongly) advise to lower it to zero or even make a PvE server or anything else... i totally like the idea of PvP and i guess it can not get out completely from a game with some guns, but the thing is, in dayz, it shouldn't be the first approach to everything, it has to be a secondary option or smth that you don't always do but it's there somewhere.
  10. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    i don't think people want PvP to completely be gone. i think they want the game to be less PvP-ish kind of game. which is not possible till the game shows us some challenge. statistics may actually work because some people make a challenge out of them (i think they don't matter that much thought) but there are serous other challenge people can face, i encourage you to watch Frankionpc1080 video that is recorded from a moded version of Exile mod for arma 3 (it is staged, yes, but enjoyable) the part that they saw the hoard with that light thing, it is freaking awesome and it gives a meaning to having guns and thats the threat i want for this game. also there could be wild life challenge, places filled with zombies etc. basically the game needs some End game choices, not just pvp
  11. VahidkinG

    Persistence Help

    this are all my observations, nothing 100% ofc because no devs commented on this things. 1. they don't, not in this patch at least. thought they have a timer after you pick them up and drop them. each item is different than others but generally speaking, mags and guns and ammos have the longest timer of all. (also, again from observation, clean-up of the items seems buggy to me. 2. i didn't say (on the topic Wasnu linked) that they despawn after 4 hours. item's on Heli crash-sites respawn every 4 hours, the crash site itself reposition (despawn, and spawn somewhere else) at an unknown time which my best guess is 12 to 24 hours. 3. Nope. vehicles don't despawn or respawn. they just refuel and repair the tires and flip over tires (if they are on side and can't move) (english issue here, cant find the word) after a restart. nothing else. i don't know what happens if no one interact with them since for now most of persistence items stays there for 45 days without any interaction so no one actually can answer this question but devs. 4. i have a little doubt on this. but my answer is no. i know the fact that items inside players inventory and tents should not count, but someone else in this topic said the do and we got no reference from him and no devs asked ( i tried to ask eugen, but you know, im not a successful streamer or smth)
  12. VahidkinG

    When DayZ going to have good performance?

    well that is actually a pretty good explain to me. so you want to wait till new renderer coming (which no one knows the Date yet but its before Beta) so you will get a really small FPS and maybe (just maybe im not sure) a good FPS at towns (like you have in other places nothing more) because it's been said that its internally fixed with renderer. the thing is, devs either don't wanna hype or there is nothing to get hyped (devs not promising any FPS boost at the release of renderer) anyway, IF everything goes as it's planned, we can see beta starts in 2016 (which i guess we will see a Delay)and that is exactly when they START to optimize the game. so this may not be gifted to you by Santa at Christmas, be patient.
  13. oh man another "English WIP" issue. i didn't know what "reconciling" actually mean so i guessed that i can skip it and still get the sentence. see, i thought you are mentioning another bug being fixed, so basically, they are functioning pretty well to me, other than that they will remove other items and even persistence storage in a radius of 1KM around the crash site upon a despawn (clean-up)
  14. VahidkinG

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    in this discussion, i guess i'm gonna respect @Tonyeh's opinion. i don't think KoS are as bad as people say they are in the current state of the game. Hell, this is the only reason that there are still players in this game.so for now, KoS are a most to keep on the joy part off the game. imagine a server where everyone is friendly, what you gonna do? whats the reason of finding a gun anymore or barricading and building a base? what are you surviving from? Zed's are not even close to a threat ATM and im not talking about just .58 where there is not any. so if there is no threat and #EverythingIsAwesome why are people even storing goods? why not live like a normal person do? (Anyone remember when dean said "Fundamental flaw"? guess im getting the point) So if you agree with me, lets think of a solution for this which is possible to do in short time (nothing like Hoards and crazy ideas like radio active and stuff) without killing the current and only joy method the game has. i think making this KoS harder to do is the best possible way ATM, how? my idea is simple, leave guns in the current spawn rate (or even higher), make Mags and Ammo's like +99% rare and protection helmets a little more common. the idea is you having like 5-10 ammo to spent. So you will use those 5-10 to defend or to Attack? its up to you. but the twist is you actually may miss the head if you are gonna attack (or protection helmet will do the job) so you are now 1 bullet less, the target is running away and you can chase target knowing that you may step into a trap (Basically, no more 1 shot to kill or technically higher TTK) Still, this won't kill the threat, this wont completely destroy that sense of danger and that adrenaline rush. because the target is actually bleeding and bandaging is dangerous. basically a nerf to KoS. anyone one has this kind of suggestions ?
  15. VahidkinG

    Char Skills / Player Skills

    First off, thanks for being nice to me (which today no one is, it seems :D ) and not attacking me right away. i do think it's a great idea, still it won't reach the goal it's intended. simply because, people can still learn this stuff by the books, people just deny others and try to find the books or even kill the book keepers (player who has the book, which is ofc unknown to others, potential for KoS) i think its better to make it different so people start with two random skills and they can teach those skills, but there is no books. and even then, there would be another problem which is completely destroying Lone-Wolf game style. which in both cases, devs won't do it i guess, because they don't want to destroy different playstyles or give players an advantage or direct them to a specific play style. best chance of this being implemented is by mods. Still, i guess that what they plan to do (faster animations and such) is gonna help with this KoS situation and not destroying lone wolfs completely. see, the idea behind this is simple, there are already players in squad that have a specific role in the squad, its almost the way every squad works (as far as i seen) so what about giving those guys a slight advantage, not a game changer, but still helps. anyway, as i said, i really like the idea and surely i like to see it in a feature mod, but im not seeing this makes its way to vanilla dayz.
  16. VahidkinG

    AK handguards

    Can Confirm this :) have the beans
  17. is it? since when exactly? because that occurs to me 4 days ago. no they don't re position every 4 hours, they respawn loot every 4 hours or so.
  18. VahidkinG

    Char Skills / Player Skills

    honestly i don't follow you. Correct me: so you are suggesting a feature which is already planed to be implemented and which you already know that's planned and making the suggestion anyway ? or i am missing something? :huh: please explain more :)
  19. There is a total number of 3 spawning. respawning loot each 4 hours and re-positioning (in my experience in a pub server) just it took a lot of hours to re-position i guess, maybe 12 ro 24 hours
  20. VahidkinG

    Poor peformance + Memory Issues

    it's DayZ frame boost, typo. Link how to use: 1. launch "LPmanager" As admin. 2. find-out which user dayz runs under, you can do that when dayz is running and open task manager. 3. type the user name, exactly how it is with all capitals and spaces etc. in the box in front of Privilege key. 4. press privilege then restart your PC. 5. then run "DayZ Frame Boost On" for turn it on and "DayZ frame boost Off" for turn it off.
  21. VahidkinG

    Trading Post

    Contract is terminated as i found 3 now and 2 aug :D
  22. VahidkinG

    Poor peformance + Memory Issues

    Edge Smoothing- FXAA High Go for Normal or lower either FXAA or SMAA Shadow Quality- Very Low Go For Low instead, for me it means better performance Texture Detail- Very High This is too much, go for normal or high Texture Memory- Auto Set this one manually and equal to your VGA memory Object Quality- Very High this is too much too, go for normal or High Also check out if V-sync is enabled, disable it. if nothing works, try lowering your render resolution. and there is a program called DayZ Frame bood, download it and install it. it will make some changes in register which helps you with FPS, there is 0 chance of getting ban for this and also there is another register file which undo the changes. Download a program CPU parking control and when you wanna play dayz, select high performance then make active. this is pretty much it, if this things don't help you, nothing else will. i suggest run some Hardware test too, like monitoring your Heat.
  23. VahidkinG

    Poor peformance + Memory Issues

    Did you changed the Config files? like scene complexity or max FPS ahead etc ... it helped me alot actually. also note that some options in video take a lot of FPS and give a little beauty and affect your gameplay in almost no way. some settings when put on Low are more CPU defendant and normal or high GPU dependent. changing HDR quality to Very Low gave me literally 10 FPS boost.
  24. VahidkinG

    Poor peformance + Memory Issues

    hey man, nothing new here. we are all in the same boat. please try some optimization videos, those things will help a lot. i got like 20 (outside city, and like 5-10 inside city FPS boost) about the memory leak, that is there for all of us too, you close the game, you get one of this as Christmas present :D
  25. VahidkinG

    rare gem found in military tents west of myshinko

    i found out something really interesting today which is jerry cans spawns anywhere you can think of. i found one in the little cabin just by the bed, and also another one at another house. 2 at a dynamic boat, and another two at sheds. so maybe it just share spawn point with Pipsi i guess :D